CRIMES Continued from Page 1A munition with nil now re cruits and identifies sotno of Iho problems thoy might faro," Clark said The conference also fea tured a visit hv a mpmsonla tivo of Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice ()/./ Kaos, with shaved head and tattoos covering his arms, explained to a group of about 70 people the difference between racist skinheads and those who fight against racism The conference i loscd Saturday evening with a speech from prominent civil rights lawyer Morris Does An Alabama citizen. Does became famous in the North west Hfter winning a 1090 case in Portland against the We have to reach out and train and educate our young people to care about themselves and love each other.' Morns Dees, Civil rights lawyer C'-alifornhi-bitMid Arynn Re sistanr:c Decs stressed Ihi' value: o( odut iition in romhntiing rac is! harassment "Wo have In math nul nnd train and ndutntct uur young people In rare aboul ihoni solves and love ruth other,” hi- said "Thai is the? Justice we must si'ek 1/2 OFF Cover Charge Coupon LOLLIPOPS (Jiggles Junior) Totally Nude Dancers 2175 West 11th Next door to Jiggles Open at 5:00 p m daily 1 per person IB years and older to get in Expires 12-1>. 92 SKINHEADS Continued from Page 1A wour rod "locos and braces," meaning bool lares and sus ponders. "Gnwn laces moan someone who has recently boat up a gay or a lesbian, but, fashions change.'' said panelist Kric Ward. Communities Against Hate Project coordinator Kaos said 'that's all changed," and that skins just wear braces to hold up their pants ~ Asked about the appeal of be ing a skinhead. Kaos said it is u style he has always boon com fortable with "Sometimes it's neat to have everybody flip you s---.” he said At the some time, Kuos helped form Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice because he was tired of being considered racist SHARP works against Nazis either by brawling, hung by Stano*** Oor Kaos (lift), who helped form Skinheads Against Racial Prelu dtce. and Eric Ward debate during the Skinheads the Myth ' panel discussion. ing around Nazi residences pressuring the occupants to leave or be evicted and dis suading kids from joining racist skins Asked how central violence was to anti-Nazi skinhead phi losophy, Kaos said anti-Nazi skins do not actively espouse violence. "1 probably wouldn't bo horn today tf wo did,” ho said. Al though ho said ho boliovod "whon it's nocnssary, it's nooes sary.” Ward said members of (am munititffi Against Halo believn in non-violonco and that Nazis have tho right to free speech. Peter Him me I man with guests Saturday November 7 NOW Hall •rti 6 Lmcoin Doofs • I PH tickets On Sale low at the NSW Hail. CO World. face Die Music. Record Barden. House of Records. EMU Ham SesH DLL REES WELCOME. ROULT HEfHESHMEIIS WITH LEGAL I D. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE PRESEITED BY 95.3 THE KAVE. Produced tig MCR Concerts Cash For Textbooks Mon.-Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 BAT BEAT Halloween Greetings Appear OCTOBER 30 in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds 50(2 pGF line! (5 words/line) QliUfk Art $2.00! t. si. I.J.„l 2. K.lJ- k 3. WiiiWuiUdr 4. Sjmi ttduilk 5t 6. Siotk Juik \ V'll »*tl< »N» VV M.t DEADLINE: Wed, Oct 28,1 PM WE RE WAITING FOR YOU... RM 300 EMU OR UO BOOKSTORE