13th & Kincaid 346-4331 Mon-Sat Need a Job This Fall? We give students pre ference in job openings here and have for 72 years! Last year, about 150 students worked in our store. Many of our managers are U of O Graduates, too. We’re happy to accept your application! Upstairs in our Administrative Office OFF LINE by Rick Ball 11 wAUsMtfWE mm • BUT rr GOT NED Our OF THE. UPCOMING [writing ASSIGNMENT t>K^ ^ <■ THK FAR SIM By GARY l ARSON C «• t***-*»*»l In W*MI ►***» V*» *■ • Man, Bern.* you're j ness.'. You a n r ■ t(h,n anywhere Jtr >.v ? < fiUn J had a cast oh i(y you, ■rffO and boy d.d it itch!, l^orr < no Craey' Y’Arrow *>hgf 2 <*> uty.t, Cause you caret scratch .{ y too* Don-r th.nh dhout itchny anywhoe < fs’rrn.r, ‘(o" not /* balloo*ji 1 ! W0N T Off fRC**! A \iirn-g pwprick y TH'S SCHSfTfVITV THINC HAS60MN 70 rut Wwl wH(Rf MO ONE IS RtSPONS'BLt fort TWf MSfLVf S' W£U i Don T N££D you to COPPif ME UK£ A ffAfjr VF r*cfK«XP, i'Ll T£i l you aeamwwu TA^K TO/mE i./Kf A , Homan beiho''/^ ~3 ui T * MiNOTf Lf*'"C CH£C K M/y *\ RuefgOOK Ha»jO On* THifiU 5 (JD V A Bi SCM&lHihUi 0* 'PfAuNC I^THTho:>£ Of ft biocp By s* aj>jtvry (oh, Ht-VIRMINC by Bill Watterson Calvin and Hobbes r u>e RECESS ! I 5 ! # i I i TWO MINUTES ASO, I WAS EATiNG DtVIUiP MAW, CHOCOLATE MUX. GRAPES. AND ICE CREAM &ND NOW I'M RUNNING GROUND ON Ik PLMOfcuHD FUU. OF N/WSEX-WIWCIHS. tXSOR'FNTlNG MOTION -—, Depots ___y r ITS. THE. QNt "ME WT SCWCOL I GE.T 9SMt __ 33UTVCC _ o cn (O O) (. Q. o 3 o Chocolate o CO JZ u D O U n Italian Sodas At The Espresso Cart n*xt to Hamilton Dining C*nt»r Mon-Fri 6 JO*m-1 Opm S«(-Sun 9 30«m-10pm AD SPACE AVAILABLE HERE! CALL 346-4343 FOR DETAILS! Doonesbury by garry trudeau m&Otttt. tj* ■Nfe' 9 WCtTlHy XXX r ThJtr&fr:~BXX* a's*A£, kwxov YSfy.HL'C# "■* TM3lC&rHTbl Ms <&,rM SC*‘4*>i’ j i ! Vrm&mson reuse r CAfVrASKtPKKS * SWA v tW m.w« hj*»v ic #.'>•* | mv ths r>uw*Ai TK*a rcmx K(/*AtwtMe i\ max** *v r AX> >U ro-'v way & ° CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer across I M itui rtt«ir 4 l.muLila Tom G.la vena 9 SuitafcAa 12 Rhod« i 13 Fr#d « familial partner 14 Wetness 15 Ador »>ed taith gamft 17 'Spring Sprung' IS Hamta'i aunt 19 Shocked 21 Had Bordeaui 24 Squad 25 Actor Chaney 26 r arty con dentation 28 Moe ft brothtr 31 Advantage 33 'Gun smoke' made 35 /o - Ooo Dah* 36 Catcalfs? 38 Galena. for ona 40 41 Oo/a 43 M.iruty 45 HiH of Iu/o bstmg 47 Rock Ian's tuba teiacttoo 40 Whom Unc la Sam *anls 49 ?imbafcst of ftoffl StWMMft* 54 Mu*«c ap pfkK.iation 55 A* Kjanarafty) 56 lunch 4fXJlOQ^ 57 * Na Nj‘ 56 I laclfioan. al timas S9 York... of fV DOWN 1 1 M.tnguUf S4& 2 Pindaic ()M» *1 3 M4h4i 4 Sold tempo tardy 5 Thoughl 6 Aviv toed m 7 Spite of S Speak* ooncom rmtlalfy 0 Mortified by 10 Pod dom/en* 11 Colei Kin Solution ltm« 27 min Yesterday's answer 10 24 16 I to# .IIN.100 Of mountain 20 Jok» rOdClon 21 Station t Mr Kodiddlo hoppor 22 H % ail m 23 Biflor bark 27 Court 29 Com polar option* !»*t 30 Banana •atftr s garbage 32 Batin accanory 34 Ball up 37 Play ground twiiluru 39 William* or Holla 42 labduh •ponym 44 7*a *» tit 45 Paacodt U»l d«%gn* 46 Ark i1«m.1’ 50 Wh«r# to find Go# 51 Neighbor of S Data 52 Ch.l 53 14*1 pi tea