115 TYPING SERVICES At 144 07**. ROMM * OR AO SCHOOL APPROVID ?0 y«* th****41** bKh ground taw papiKvl o« tmutmo w vsea f d4>ng 1 *m* pr OR CAIAPUS' HYING F MGERS typing aarvic# Fdl accurst a. profaaaionai 11 oOpaga. up 4I4-B0U JO THE TVPINO PRO WckI PnXMtiYgf (Wng T ypmg ThaaaaDtaaaruhona on l aaar Car* 4*3 WM4 ^wr,« Paggy a Typing Sarvtta I ip»/*tvxjMrl fyp*J o**ffnQ »wvtm pcfcufMOO'/vary Honda, 936 * 8S*? Professional won] proc<«*tm.i (Kp)mg graprvca dafcar’at'On* tha*a* ra&urn** tranapasanoa* 4 mora* CINDY_4*4 *4*4 TYPING UNLIMITED 1 and •“ 4*4 314) Sarvmg UO arwi *»nca HUM *******1****** Good things will come to those who use this number! ()[)i: Classifieds 3464343 Typing 4 wotd pfoc»*»>ng f*. CtK)fV{kX»b4*» iP-KW) ?4 hr iu»n »ou»x3 I f«w campisft p«u 344-4510 QUAI 11% WOMIt mMKVMW, i.MALK<*l» S4 IRK*. AmOVFD 1V1W 605 E. 13lh 130 FOft SALE MISC. 12S INSTRUCTION WANTED ft mm ty Po^uguoiMi ««WKt^ ?n ()»*4m WA k A* Qf>f lUmltnA* SI l/l 0 CARS. truc*t boot* 4*»ioo on* mo^tytxynos try TBf. IRS. f>f A Ay* xtm your or** oow Gut 1 (too tw »\au *»i c i?to M VOi AS Jf ! T A i«wr\ ' -.Vw o*o fnocfWf*a*»y ux**3 txtnroof h pu* Ml aOC3 Commodore 1?6 moon or 7 dfvw. mcKjom pnmof utftwm* 53 50 4#*i 6ft6 ?Oi7 Martin NIC UHrallte notebook *?40C mo OWn 3 V,* W'p>irMapr pitix rniKfim *0*1 |450 485 ??10 or 346 V10 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH?'? Wo Duy &«* and Mime* VMS VCR ft and M«ra»fH Thompson 1 wartime*. 112? On* 343 0873 185 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two Corwomont l orations fMf 1 Hh STS WtHamafia (Cltmpu*) {downtown) 345 1631 343-471 7 BUYING HOURS 6VMF ti.25.MF 62. Sal Smilh Family BooMtpie FOR SALE IISC. “In my wild youth I read Weasels World... but I didn’t inhale!” $5.95 at the 1UO Bookstore or call 686-9905 210 HELP WANTED DIALOGUE with Alumni Contact successful Ai supportive Alumni Help maintain improve U of l) academic programs hnliance your resume Sharpen your communications skills L'arn $6/hour and up for mart information. contact the U of O Annual Giving Fund s Telephone Outreach Program 346-3433 KOK 190 SKI EQUIPMENT vo*< its Im. v«f bmflgt » 09ft. 1350 Nowtea *«*»' #n*fy txxtf* ory» S225 SeyOt* tm *10C c*8 Seem m >43 300/ i»4 TRAVEL V»«it K»*®y*w« J*p»n* £jwmt 17 Jftr V tm? *#■* Jftjwi*^ru» **4 Kyoto. c*»ob'«<*> Mb** Voarv C*'S P*ry o* *•»*> m wm ?/-ua 20S OPPORTUNITIES GRANT S SC HOI A R SMI PS I'tKvona ;«,* comp^®* MMPCft I '«w vnto wt«® Me*** f O* GottOOi 7BW tin I jjjtro OH 97405 Oc«fl 343 6105 £•• SECTIOH 115 for •11 your typing nooda NON THAOR ONAl STUOC NTS Am you a >o*r fnaarm iluOant o' fcfU po'W®^ (yOur p»*on*t 0*5 rw* gradual® iw a lout y«*r cor*g®)7 An* yr>i o*0®- * 4 ttwaga or Cnor^j TO ftf* iiOtlBMf•protons«0 9'Oup fi* ’h« Urwmuyt II %o you m«y be k* ®*1»a 4uppO0 (UJO'Xvg COuonefcftQ ftOyrtkog. ®dvor®ry cfc®**** «o mash cflfeo® tn?n»i mg) tfvough tfr® educational Oppoo >njt4W FVCKgfft'’ f o* **»« *<«*. %omo fvpArort «v«-:*&*> Stop r UWWMty ps*f«n?* %***4i«Q ctMO car® Sot you" Own *>aur* «n0 *ww> ’«»«» pfOkm*yv»* tm^oQ and 4uppoo C«fi Cftrtfttma SA^w«« IX) I ®m**y Cb*W C*n» Coofdmuo* 34ft >96? $ Financial Aid S Available Attention All Students! ■ & (>*’,* Wo'W| "■ av*ULa© ;-y < .A>ee,*s rwettu' «**-$«» (.Kr |4 Bin»on * Mi I 4 K'?*OU«rs^<» *• 'XX» <»« .*/-4t*o iiom janvada Mfc'icv 4 goveKnnw* lOuftai Ail •ludvnt* are ehfltne' . u* U* *M**! fOk.' *Ot 4C« t*M* "XViUFf ffvJU fOV A'» to '««.* Ai%»fcc*tn f rt. 1 JE'M in* tor IN* Sludon: Bo* Otf<© My- K..b’4i Abbott. or !*^© Av*.ni My' M.vW»y T to b«actYT\© part o! I'm* Un-vws^y Ihoaint lA>w Start_ 2io HELP WANTED Cam 11*X> Wflkiv ou* Cffcuiai'*1 Boc^n NOW' I Ml I pacfcw SI YS Dop? .*49 Bo* 400C CortKmt IN 31*01« 4000 SfM»d«l Education Educational As tiaiant 3 *> *xx>^ p** day >’08 pt^ nouf ifcgn vcnoo< d>p*cy^a cx aqu«va !•*** Sorvw as tin I ducai onai Asv^tari ufXto* Ut» d'tnW Ot thO CiaSA'OOm toat n®/ fVr*t« wo^ng ta«tn mooo'tiso'y and tuytt-niy handscappad ponux*v pr©So*'ud Starting dal© Nov 4 MW? C*>&~ng da!© Nov 16 199? Ap p*y to Dr Marv.»’ w ^ortKyv D<'«aor Spaoa* Education Dtvtfron. Lana Edu cat on Serve* D**inci 1200 Ifwy 99 Norm. PO Bo* 26B0. Eugene OR 9740? An ortcutf l an© E SO appx* t«on lo*m muts bo iuorrutted m onto* to bO COrt^tOorod to* m* PQ4«4X1 Special Education Educational Aa ataiant 6 hour* pe* day $7 0B p©/ hour f9gh school dtpKY’ia o* equ»va iont Sorv© as an f ducalonai Aumuart undo* tha di*acton ol th© ctaMfoom taocbo* PtilOt oipor^nco ©rorAng with rt>ode*aioty and severely handicapped porwyn p*o*o*f«d Starting dale Nov 4 199? Dosing da.'© Nov ' 6 ’ 99? Ap p*y to D* Marvin W-'iuirtLOrt. D'*oc!or. Spooa Education Oivtaon l ano Edu cal on Sonnes DtfJncJ. 1?00 tfoy 99 North. PO Bo* ?6tJC Eivoone OR 9740? An ort»oai l an« l SO appfca tion forth muti bo aubmmad >n onlor to bo consjdofod tor tb.s po&tior 22S APTS DUPLEXES 210 HELP WANTED Graduating? a y«v o*'5' S Garwwciieof ouivancfcng V* >r Nn-";rjy b#g-,’> O'A * 'l W) or** y *mo**r &Y*>Q ***** local Ap&tojmon 5hirt*y <84 /if»8 Oth** pa*4 BMJ ovr RSf AS JOBS $900 2000*no Summer. yim* round. *•« (xjuntrm *» f«tt* I ram mlo W'ta UC. PO Bo« 52 0,'0^_^n many lamp $ porm. pov no otp n«c WiW tram flat hour* War* m local *r*a. appfy Saftm hood Ouart®n» Coftego Studtntft worn part l*m« school yfltr and Ms t*m« dunng vacaton. Mlm« tchotarVup* ami *n UTOaJMp* avail Caii 363 07 76 WAUOWFFN C&OSSWORD DAY 8 CLUES 10 DOWN Many of those are needed to make this successful 14 ACROSS Star seer STUD! NTS IntematonA’ company took-ng tor student* who 'wed Ms and pan urn# -ncom» wh**e masniairv.ng si Jd»es f mi fete houf* Gum' income potential Can 343-0S67 Student Government Positions Available Pudge* AnetyW Kacofd hoope* to* Incident*, f cm Committee W penance Pica op application m ASOO 0*on deadline NOV 2nd Spm AAiOf Student • ought pi.a& appremce wd sor atiendant tor WK^wy d*ap% lo UoO covarad par* drm 1305. (starting Nov 1) Low UnUttas-On Bus I ms I quippad Waight Room, Spa Wood Part 4 Playground Laundry FacHHiaa Also Fumishsd tultss Studio. 1 4 2 B-R 1600 to 4475 Individually Oacorstad Compiataty Furmahad E v aryl hi ng From Csbls TV to Unans For Bad, Bath 4 Kttchan On Sits Managamant Taam 4103 W. 18th 484 5775 Jennings *■ Co FIRTREE APTS 1140 Farry Sum) ! 2 tx*rn urm *n oodod entry bu>*d»rvg ctoaa 10 cam put Balcony, laundry Utauiy Covered parting avaiaftto U70 Cal! lor thomnQ. 683 42^9 Jtnninga ♦ Co. MJ-421S *45 E 19th 1 t>mOroorr\ l au/xjry Partung $350 1107 W 8th t twdroom Parking 1780 SPfUNGFII 10 120 F Straat 1 bart'oom l aundry Parking 0320 152 South 53rd Qua* wr»al! PutW.ng ? bdrm* $390 319 C Straat 1 twdroom laundry 0300 No pat* Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10th 000-1130 230 TOWNHOUSES CONDOS Ntca Oumm ? bd?m iowr.nou*a ? m«n uiu wat* lo cminput. 059S.mo 343 9957 2JS SUBLETS 13th and Alder turn, ut-J snciiidad IWiTiO no k»e Indry. pr*g ava* M&0 6&3 0310. |> 345 215’ tale mghi 240 QUADS $l*S*no Am uM and pnono Included Room >r> NxrM 5ha/«d Kflchon and bath 3 btki to campus Wigotaitf 345 4iS5 320 SERVCES 250 DORM CONTRACTS Dorm contract tor aala Spdha Hall rutr fior> oomph** Won roo^' Con#c5 Re* at 348 8390 255 ROOMMATES WANTED 2 todrm apt, cto»4» ?0 campus I’SOmorm. |'5C dap Non tmohar v, otMitaw Cal' 484-0135 hr msg 270 CHUO CARE NANNY NEEDEO n G'aananch Co nacPcui. pay* WSOAnrH. ' cft'id. mual hava own CM? t>M -elafonous Caii How at OREGON NANNIf S 1433755 280 rJKETINGS ASUO 9 Woman * Cam*! ganaf» n laraai Maaiing. 7pm Oct 27. Oak Rm EMU GET INVOLVED' Pmiuel* Woman * parlonnanco aoftoahoosa. In tamahonal Woman * Day. NowMaiior. SaYwOu Taka Pack mo n p«—— > Wa.'ttf W. 1Qt30|««P WT^ pick up oun Nflrw mlm casino am IrrtrPl (m WIP h»«w*»«* •nrf ♦fWT> H«MM VOICES FRONT »AU «MOWft roc »lS *OHS*y HO discount* oh pass* s BLADE RUNNER XSilii 7 1ft SSTcSSA- FEED Hyr^* H^KVy * ENTR IJOU LAT h $*Vf lUJlUttl DEATH BECOMES TOR H^9f n KfUUl L /KNTROFA BUNGEE Bridge Jump Croup Rate* ft GUI Certificates Cat! (SO3) 520-0303, M-Ft I 00-& 30 Desperately seeking 2 tickets io BLACK CROWES concert in Port land. Oct 30 Call 48S-4314 KARAOKE Don Hanson • ' K lassie Karaoks " al I ha Saalood Grollo. 710 Willamatls. Wad -Sal.. 9 00PM Contasl on Thursdays' 343-2006 320 SERVICES NANNIES A AU PAWS Nana*i». airfare pad 61? 60 098__ __ Unplanned pregnancy? BIRTH RIGHT a piece lo mm* inmga mar Early dated ion Someone lo taHi lo Perional. confidential M7-MS1 320 SERVICES "Women meeting the unique health care needs of women " Free Pregnancy Tests • Birth Control Gynecological Care • Cervical Caps Abortion Services 342-5940 6>33 fatt 1 Hh Avfiiur Mrdicaid/lnvuram r