Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 23, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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    Oregon Daly tmeralds Weekly Muuc, Theater, Donee, Matte, Video, and Nighdt/e Ctnule
October 23, 1992
Friday, October 23
Th# Dashboard Savior* at the ( Ml i Beer Garden
Lucky Dawgs (blue*) at Good Trries 9 30pm
Simpson * RmI (alt rock) at Taylors 9pm
Tb* Daddl** (rock) at John Itenry's 10pm
On* Ey*d Jack/LIzard/f unk 'N‘ Judy (alt rock) at
New Mans 10pm
Saturday, October 24
Dub Squad (rock) at Good Time* 9 30pm
Funk 'N- Judy (Tunk) at Taylors 9pm
Sowbally/Rhytrun CoMalon/BUI (alt rock) at John
Henry's 10pm
Purple Boeco/Flllar (alt rock) at New Max's 10pm
Sunday, October 25
Zaro at the WOW Halt 9pm
Monday, October 26
The American Horn Quartal ki UO Beak Concert
Hal 8pm
Rooster* BHiea Jam m Good Tima* 0 30pm
Th* Dashboard SavtorWRafcMh Paddy (rock) at
John Henry's 10pm
Roger Harming with Donna Eagl* at New Mas1*
Tuesday, October 27
Jan Arrange* Concert (Ira*) at UO Beal Concert
Hal 8pm
Evan Belli* A Earth Force*
(world b*al) M John Henry*. 10pm
International Anthem (rock) a Good Tkn*e
Donna Eagl* (acoustic)« Club WOW 7 :30pm
Nervous Rei (acoustic) al New Max* 10pm
Local Hero (acoustic) at Taylor* 0pm
Wednesday, October 28
DaSa Grant (rage**) a the WOW Hal 8 30pm
Paul PrlnceTGreenhoua* (acoustic) al Good
Time* 0 30pm
MuMIpl* Sarcasm (rock) M John Henry* 10pm
Mad Farmer* a New Max's iCpm
Mark Alan (acoustic) at Taylors 9pm
Thursday, October 29
-Jual Duals, “vocal duals by two UO gradual* Mu
darts. In UO Baal Concart Hal 8pm
Oougla MacLaarVSky* a tha EMU Ba*oom «pm
Lydia Pana* ACoM Blood (Muss) a Good Tima*
Now WMAamlBlacfc HappyMolorgort (ak rock) M
John Henry* 10pm
"TQQ" Jam M Taylor* 0 30pm
Irtemrttonal Antham/Roberl Peterson at New
Max* 10pm
Visual Arts
The Uuwum of Natural Htetory nlMs ‘Oaath
and Fiesta Day ol the Dead m Oaxaca. Maxta>-(lhru
Dec 23) Noon ■ 5 pm, Wad Sun 1680 E ISth
La Varna Krauaa Gallery has Is second annual
-Masks axNMton Opens Oct 26 wlh a costume
party recaption 7-9pm Thru Ocl X Faaluras
more man 100 masks ('anglng Irom cerarrec molds
to trash) creeled by students ot various decimal
throughout the UO Dapl ol Fma and Applied Arts
1190 Frantdn Bird
The La Varna Krauaa Retrospective shows Oct
26-Jan 3 at the UO Museum ot Art. 1430 Johnson
A Fundraiser tor No On • Country al the WOW
HU Ocl 29 at 7 30 pm Stars Maiga Gome*, one ol
San Francisco s turmievt woman Her Waal place la
an lander's look at homophobia, heterophobia and
Mwfppbobla Also featuring comedy horn Maureen
Brownaey and Wymprov
Martin Luther King. Jr., Theater prwsenu the com
edy -Real Woman Hava Curves* al the WOW HU
Oct 23. 24 and 26
Deeign tor Interiors Today Symposium at Maude
Kama Art Center wil dtocusa Irsartor Arddectura
and related topics Oct 23. 7-9pm m conjunction
w*h lha 4th Biennial "Oragon Made lor Manors
Court**y PKnlo
Zoro mombora (from loft) Liam Hanrahan, Judgo Murphy, Poto Soora, Stovo Kimock, Grog Anton and Martin Florro at tholr ranch.
Story by
Ming Rodrigues
What would happen if you rented a
huge gym. padded it with egg cartons,
then locked Chuck Mangione. the
Grateful Dead. Herb Alport. Quicksilver
Messenger Service. Jeff Beck and the
Allman Brothers inside? You'd get a
sound similar to Zero, but not quite.
Melding elements of rock. jazz, funk,
blues, and anything else that sparks their
imaginations. Zero's improvisational
rock seeks the outer limits. As drummer
anil founding member Greg Anton put it,
"It's a high risk venture, this band.”
"It kind of occurs.” explained guitarist
Steve Kimock (of Kingfish. Goodman
Brothers Band and the Grateful Dead's
Keith and Donna Band). “The tendency
is you play instrumental music and it’s
got to be really good and it’s got to be
together and you gotta have big charts
and all that.
"The disorganization of the Zero thing
is kind of what makes it happen, it's so
untogether that everybody's forced to
react to try and save it. The good music
is when people are listening to each
other." Kimock said.
This Bay Area band grew out of the
Ghosts, which featured Anton. Kimock.
and Keith and Donna Godchaux of the
Grateful Dead Following Keith's death
in an auto accident, "Steve (Kimock) and
I had some ideas for instrumental songs
and we went into a studio,” Anton said
"We did some recording, just him and
me, and I played drums and piano and
he played guitar and bass and that was it
It was the first recording we made and
we've been trying to get back to that ever
The core trio of Anton, Kimock and
saxophonist Martin Fierro (Mother Earth)
over the years has been joined by some
of San Francisco's finest musicians
including John Cipollina (Quicksilver
Messenger Service). John Farey (Sons of
Champlin). John Kahn (Jerry Garcia),
Banana (Youngbloods). Nicky Hopkins
(Rolling Stones, Quicksilver), and Bobby
Vega (Sly and the Family Stone. Etta
Now Zero has entered the next phase,
collaborating with Robert Hunter, lyricist
for the Grateful Dead, with new songs
that highlight Hunter's distinctive
imagery and Zero's musical experimenta
tion. Rather than switching over to the
standard vocal "song” format, however,
Zero weaves the new vocal work into
thmr overall largely instrumental formal
Working with Hunter has luten inspir
ing. the band said. "It’s unbelievable."
said Anion. "I’m just so impressed all
Ihe time by him. how good be is al the
one skill of pulling words to music And
to me that marriage of words and music,
that's Ihe ultimate."
The songs, however, needed a singer
and finding Ihe right one was no easy
task "It’s like, singer wanted for instru
mental hand' " Anton laughed. "We tried
a couple of singers and I saitl ‘How about
this?' Hunter saitl. ‘Let's just keep work
ing on the songs and wait until the right
singer comes along and not rush it.' And
1 said. No. we gotta get a singer tomor
row ' We tried that for about a year."
Then fudge Murphy appeared and Zero
knew their search was over.
The other change is the addition of
keyboardist Pete Sears (Jefferson
Starship. Kod Stewart Band) in place of
long-time hand member Banana. For
Zero, change is part of the process and
they remain committed to improvisation
al rock, or that transcendent moment
when musicians and audience break the
barriers and become one.
Turn to 7»ro, Page 10
Tracking the Latest -
StunU. HlunU.
k Hip Hop
This Cd starts off with a low voice
inviting the listener to ".. be a witness to
the unexpected...a new beginning."
Diamond and the Psychotic Neurotics
then proceed to melt through a little over
an hour of machismo-laden tales of life
in the rap lane that is anything but unex
Diamond has been around the rap
scene for quite a while, starting back in
•79 as a D) for hip-hopster lazzy lay
With this release - Stunts, Blunts, & Hip
Hop - Diamond takes the listener with
him on a ride through his own musical
‘hood, pointing out the sights of impor
tant happenings in a comfortably off-the
cuff style. Most of these songs serve to
enhance his status as a testosterone
enhanced rap star.
Some examples
include him pointing
out the corner where
among the vocal tracks
on this CD. Nearly
every one of the 19
songs (plus four spo
he got stabbed in the
back by a pimp, the
Reviews by Pat Yonally
ken pieces) is pretty
thick Diamond’s voice
alley where he hid alter
shouting sumo guy. and
the bank where ho
deposits his checks
from his well deserved
record contract.
Musically speaking,
these songs are all pretty sturdy - strong
beats complimented by the obligatory
bass stuff. Aside from that, the overall
production is nicely done The vocals
receive the best treatment of all. There is
a consistent quality of composition
is up-front and a cho
rus of provocative
commentary pops up
from time to time,
flowing along with the
rest of the music.
Despite all this, the
overall impression of this CD borders on
repetition. The themes explored in these
songs aren't very pretty, but they're not
supposed to be. As long as you approach
Turn to Records. Page 10