Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 23, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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    1225 Alder • 345-2434
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Panel: Measure 9 already at work
By Demian McLean
Emaraid Reporter
Although Oregon voters have
vet to decide the fate of Meas
ure 'i. it may be causing some
faculty to sol f-censor course
.materials in case tt passes, said
a University professor Thurs
"This measure is already
having a chilling effect in the
classroom." said English Pro
fessor Mary Wood at a panel
discussion titled "Measure 9
and the Classroom: flefore and
After Nov. 3."
Alrout 150 students gathered
in Gilbert to hear faculty unani
mously condemn the (K!A's
proposal Measure 9 would re
quire the state to recognize ho
mosexuality as abnormal and
perverse It would also prohibit
government from "facilitating"
University President Myles
Brand also condemned the
chilling effect the measure
would have on academic free
dom Brand said if the measure
[mssos. its true effects at the
University would likely not be
PN#© !»y Dylan CouRar
Panel members Dominick Vetri (left to right), Linda Kintz, Mary Wood
and Eric Ward discussed Thursday the effects Measure 9 would
have on curriculum if passed by voters.
known until someone filed a
lawsuit against the University
Marsha Ritzdorf. acting direc
tor of Women's Studies Pro
gram, pledged to keep the de
partment's curriculum un
changed in the face of Measure
9’s passage.
"I'll tell you what changes
we'll make," Ritzdorf said.
She paused, and look a
"Nothing.” she shouted.
“Nothing will be different."
The audience greeted her
with applause.
"I will not hide behind the
umbrella of academic free
dom.” Kit/.dorf said. “1 won't
violate my intellectual integrity
or my personal freedom to
comply with this measure."
Human rights activists to convene
By Jacqueline Woge
Emerald Report*
A Jewish man’* restaurant was wrapped with
swastikas. The lives of two half-white, half-black
children were threatened hy a member of the
white supremacist organi/.ation Aryan Nations.
An outspoken Jewish talk show host was mur
dered by The Order, another racist organization
“Nobody has a right to harass little kids, espe
cially for something they have no control over,"
said Coeur d'Alene. Ida. realtor Marhsall Mend.
"We’re all supposes! to be created equal with
the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happi
ness." ho said.
Diversity and hate crimes such as these, which
took place in the early 1980s, as well as others
since then promptod Mond to participate in con
ferences such as the 6th annual Northwest Coali
tion Against Malicious Harassment Conference.
He and other Northwest human rights activists
are gathering throughout the weekend in the EMU
to attend speeches by four nationally renowned
human rights leaders.
The four keynote speakers include civil rights
attorney Morris Dees, human relations authority
Dr. C.T. Vivian, National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People President Rupert
Kichurdson and International and Ethnic Studies
Associate Professor Robert Proud foot.
"Decs has turned civil rights litigation into an
urt form," said ('ity of Eugono Human Rights Anu
lyst drug Rikhoff. Dees won a S12.5 million suit
in loot) against the White Aryan Resistance for its
role in the murder of Mulugata Seraw, a black
Ethiopian man in Portland.
This conference is different from the Coalition's
past conferences because of its size, and because
it was organized literally by the community, in
volving more than a 100 volunteers, the cities of
Eugene and Springfield. Lane County, tho Univer
sity, Lane Community College and the three met
ropolitan school districts.
County Commissioner Jack Roberts said the
conference taking placo in Lane County will bring
attention to the fact that diversity and hate crimes
is not just burning a cross on someone's lawn.
“My concern is that for the most part, Lane
County has been in denial,” ho said.
Coalition Director Bill YVassinuth said halo and
diversity crimes are partially the result of slug
gish economics, although those crimes wore in
creasing even during more prosperous yoars. He
said other factors include increasing diversity and
lack of leadership on the issue.
"Our elector! leadership has been apathetic, if
not counterproductive on this issue," he said, re
ferring to a 1088 political campaign ad that could
bo viewed as racist. "Tho point is that if people
don't put positive energy into combatting mali
cious harassment, human rights will go
(.amptta la formal ton Fickaag* will
havn a mnetihg on Saturday at noon in
EMU (nntury Room C
Marvin Stum regional director of lha
AntiDefamation league. will apeak today
on "Battiaftalda of Unmat" at 1 30 pm tn
KMIJ Century Room l) For mora
Information, contact lha jawteh Student
Union at 14^4 MIC
African St a dan U Aaaocialfon anil hava
a ganarai meeting today at 6 p m in EMU
Century Room K For mora information,
cal! 144-1791
wit) have a Shabbat Dinner.
*>ng* end “Ruach** tonight at 7 pm at
S27 Mary t-n For more information, call
3434HKO or 464 5004
The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Support Cramp will have a meeting on
Sunday at ) pm in the Kmeratd People *
Utility District Building, JJ7J1 Saavey
Loop Rd Patient*, (amity, friend* and
health professional* are all welcome For
more information, cat) 814-0310
The Department of Military Science
will have a Repelling Oink today from t
10 J pm at Skinner Hu tun For more
information. call 34A-ROTC
iNtortbm (kmpM Miaiiatry will have
• diM union tilled "Perapectivet on
Evolution and Creation’* at 12 30 pm
today In EMU Century Room D For more
information, call 343 4015 or 345 2062
Catholic Newman Canler la having
aign upa today until Sunday for any
college atudenis who are iniereatad In
going on a retreat to Sl Benidicka Lodge
on the McKeniie River For more
Information, call 343-7321
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Oregon Daily ElHd*<lltl