EDITORIAL Clinton rally fiasco doesn’t help cause Let no one accuse the organizers of Hill Clinton's visit to the University yesterday of being too well pre pared. To the contrary, no one was prepared for the mob scene that took place outside McArthur Court, particularly the University Office of Public Safety and the Eugene Police Department. OPS Officer Otis Scarborough's comments illustrat ed the lack of planning that went into the event, when he said only around 5,000 people were expected to at tend. The probable next president of the United States makes one stop in Oregon weeks before the election, and officials only expect 5,000 people to attend? At the time the doors to Mac Court were closed, the line to get in stretched down University Street and turned down 15th Avenue (cleverly renamed Clinton Avenue) to Hayward Field. When those in line re ceived word that the doors were closed. they quickly congregated on University Street, catching authorities off guard. With more than 48 hours notice, crowd control measures could have easily been implemented. Driving police cars down University Street in an effort to clear the crowd was clearly a spur of the moment reaction and not part of an organized, well-thought-out plan. However, OPS and EPD are victims of even worse planning by event coordinators. Rally organizers should have learned their lessons four years ago when Jesse Jackson spoke at Mac Court. At that event, an esti mated 5,000 people were left outside. Why was that lesson not applied this time? Obviously, the best location would have been Aut zen Stadium. Why that was not obvious to event organ izers can only be guessed at, but any excuse will Ik; un satisfactory. Security was certainly not a deciding fac tor. Those fortunate enough to get inside were not searched for weapons of any kind. One of the loudest complaints being voiced by peo ple outside had to do with the enormous number of area school children who had been bussed in from around town. The purpose of a political rally is to gain the support of registered voters, not to provide a civics lesson for children. Many in the mob outside would have been happy just to have caught a glimpse* of Clinton, but in this ease, "Slick Willie" lived up to the name us he slipped in and out of Mac Court without so much as wave to the crowd outside. Organizers would have scored points simply by setting up speakers outside, allowing the crowd to at least listen to Clinton. Instead, nearly 10.(KX) voters were given the im pression that they didn’t count and left the scene fuel ing dejected. Many Clinton supporters were overheard Juestioning their allegiance to the Democratic candi ate. Now all we can do is hope the organizers of this rally in no way represent the ability of the Clinton ad ministration to organize the country. Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon OMy Emerrtd a poNwhed deny Monday through Friday dunng the ichoa row and Tueaday an) TTwradw during me eummer by the Oregon Derfy Emerald PutMenng Co Inc.aitialMvonayolOragon. Eugana. Oregon The Emerald operawa mdapenderrty 0I me Urmarmay van ollioaa m Suaa 300 of the E« Memorial Union and a a member ol ma Aaeocuaed Preee The Emerald a private properly The untoelul removal or uaa ot paper* a proeacutaOw by Ma tdSar: Pal Halim NeaaEMai Jake Barg Eraalanoa Edaat Hope Mean or IdWartal t«m Mann Fa oar Edbortal Edbor fbvara Janeaan GrapMee Erttot JedPeeiey Sparta Ednor Oava CharDonnaeu EntortrtmneM Editor FieyaHorn Supptamaraa Edaot CaAay Anderaon NtgM Editor: Pal Maiarti Aeeactole Eddora Tammy Belay Snxfn Gnannai AcJrvdaa. Rene DeCav. I’taoci Codaan Ponag. raphar f dUatoorvArmwirtbrtion Naam Stoll: Charta> Man. Mandy Baucum. Mai Bandar. Jurtm Brown. Sarah Clark. Amen da Forme. Anew Farran. Lae Haggany. Thareaa Munamger. Mary Klein. liee KneeM Daman Mctaan. Slava Mima. MaoMorn. Titftn. Moaner. Km Nguyen. Trwia Noel. Elan Shaw. Me ha* Sturdier. t nek Sludarvcke. Marion So* or kbehr a Thompaon Agoer. Amy Van Toy!. Todd wnwma. Jaoqueane Wage. Hertner Mioar General Manager Judy Fkedi AdverUelng Director Bryan R Coppadga Production Manager Mchaia I toe* Advert Wing Shawn Barren. Scon Oena. Jenrvler nurture, Jana Iroia, Chna Kanofl. Tom Leech, Jeremy Maaon. Oman On. Ourth Sladrt. Sharon Var, Angw W.non*m ClaaaWad: Peggy McGatn. Manager Barry Logan. Sharon Saove. Soaan Upoag'a" DlelribuHon FlaOocca Brooke Anthony Wynn Buekteaa Kathy Carbone. Sopervaor Judy CormoOy Production Ingnd Wvre Production Coantruoor Knrtme Grang*. Dae McCooo Stacy M*Che* Jemtar Roland. Jannrlar Smrm. Anna Siapharoon. Darelyn 1 rappa newer*nm_J4*-SJ1I Diaplty Adveniwng-J**-JM2 ffinlTTfi -_S4d*3912 cteeeaied Adveruemg .S4d-*S«1 , F Vv ffouD Of vfbc, MV SOM Now 1Ry TK • v . Tax Kfco^iiS c,(i ,iknn> ti»>i t*nrr- f Best wishes So. being a good student of political science, 1 naturally went to McArthur Court to see Bill Clinton speak Being a good citizen, I took my proper plaixi at the end of the lino that stretched all the way around the corner, past Hayward Field and nearly to Agate Street 1, along with many other people, waited for 20 or 30 minutes for the line to start moving It eventually did, much to our collective cheer. Imagine our surprise when we reached University Street and rnot up with u stream of people blithely wuiking right up to the line and cutting in Judging from how close I got to the entrance of the building, I. along with the other people who wore naive enough to assume respect on the part of our follow Americans, would have gotton in If not for those lino-cutters. So, to all of you who wore apparently raised in a barn: Screw you! May you and yours contract an extremely painful, debilitating and socially embar rassing disease. Andrew Haldane Political Science Mad as hell I would like to voice my ad miration for those brave souls who point out the Inherent po litical powor In not voting. Hats off to those of you whose non votes will shine so much brighter than the non-votes of the merely apathetic. If Meas ure 9 makes it impossible for mo to loach Alice Walker, l will think back on you and your brave struggle. Lot's not forgot those ever vtgilant bike riders who bravely oppose the "bike Nazis." The path of least resistance would bo to stop riding your bikes on pedestrian walkways, but you continue to fight the good fight. If Measure 9 passes I will re joice. knowing that you wero all busy protecting my right to cycle on the sidowalk so thut 1 can get to class on time and teach my students that homo sexuality is perverse. Finally, thunks to the free dom fighters who helped the bookstore keep Penthouse and Playboy on its shelves. You fought because having to walk down to 7-eleven to indulge in you perversion of choice would be an extreme abridgement of your rights. Your road may bo the most difficult, as Measure 9 would eliminate) any magazine containing those delicious les bian seduction pictorials. Still, your I’onthousos will be in good company, sharing a locked storage room with Moby Utck. You ail must be proud to have taken on an underdog cause. And don’t worry. When the OCA targets anarchists, scofflaws and masturbators, the opponents of Measure 9 will be right there fighting with you. Stav* Ck»M English Clinton’s cattle 1 have just returned home from the Bill (Minton rally at McArthur Court Before now, I was a staunch Clinton support er, now I have my doubts. Any political rally these days is bound to be a slick media freo-for-fall. 1 think we can take this for grunted. But “for the people" Clinton seems to be for one group of people only — those directly surrounding him self and Al Coro. Those of us, the people (pri ons), who did not work directly on the Clinton/Core campaign were herded upstairs, more like cattle ihun human beings. Some of us waitod fur two or throe hours to get in the door. "Spo cial guests" were the only peo ple allowed to come romotoly close to Cov. Clinton; even af tor the rally, the remaining peo ple (rabble) were herded back out the front doors, blockaded from Mac Court's floor and from Clinton. I have to wonder: Is Bill Clin ton for anything other than a quick photo-op and picking up a few more votes? If today’s ral ly is any example, it doesn't ap pear that he's for (ho people. It looks like tho only person ho's really for is himself. Kate Thompson Theater Owning Bob Bob Packwood is running for ro-election again Ho has boon in the U.S. Senate for 24 years. After all these yours, ho is now advocating term limits while campaigning for a fifth term Lot's limit the professional po litical career of this most cun ning of politicians. Ho has lost his innocence, has become elitist, and has feathered his bunk account and real estate holdings. He is u ser vant to special interest groups from the timber lobby to the Is raeli lobby. They own Pack wood’s mind, body and soul His conscience, along with his voice, slept through scandal al ter scandal — savings and loans, housing, insider trading, Neil Bush and Silverado, the Environmental Protection Agency, and last but not least, the shameful and monumental growth of the federal deficit during his tenure. In 24 years, Packwood has packed his assets and campaign treasures with stained money. Now it is the people's turn to send him packing and to re store the integrity and indepen dence to a Senate seat that he has turned into a throne. Oregon does not need a shah, but rathor a docent, PAC-free servant for Oregonians. If. Raza Bahnam Eugana Ban triples Your editorial on triple-trail er* in Oregon (ODE. Oct. 21) was narrow-miruled and not up to Emnrald standards. Why bash the AAA as if it wore made up solely of rich, dodder ing old drivers who should not be on the highway. Leave that up to the DMV and quit being so condescending and elitist Have you too been paid off by the powerful truck lobby? Maybe you don't drive in the rain and have your vision oblit erated by three trailers (I know: they are supposed to Ire off the road in bad weather, but driv ers won’t bo "chicken" in their macho world, and greed rules the owners.) Or maybe you don't drive on Oregon's two lane highways with a monster trying to pass you. Yes. they do pass others and. yes, the rear does swing out. The driving is not only on straight-of-ways, but they also have to negotiate on-ramps and curves. "Truck trains" are OK in the Australian outback, but not Oregon roads. Hilda K. Cherry Eugene LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is submitted.