Oregon Daily Emerald Sports Brandon hopes to put on show against Blazers By Steve Mims Emerald Sports Reporter If Terrell Brandon over wor ried that his fans would resent him for loaving Oregon after his junior season, ho doesn't any more. A crowd of ahout 200 people, most of them autograph-seeking youngsters, showed up at an appearance by Brandon at The NIKE Store on Thursday to welcome the former Duck back to Eugene. Brandon Is back In town with his Cleveland Cava llor teammates to fare the Port land Trail Blazers In an exhibi tion game tonight at McArthur Court. "1 have been looking forward to coming back," Brandon said. "The Eugene fans have always supported me, and I appreciate what Eugene gave me " Brandon was named Pacific 10 Conference Player of the Year after his Junior season when he averaged 2t>fi points and flvo assists per game. Loss than ono month after the season ended. Brandon announced he would give up his final year of eligibility to turn pro. a deci sion he says he does not regret. "It was a tough situation," the 5-11 point guard said "I had to leave my friends, but It was all about looking out for myself; 1 think I gave my all to Oregon I was u fair student and I did not flunk out like some people have speculated.” Brandon was selected 11th in the ltttll NBA Draft by Cleve land. but Is not sure if that will bo his home for long Brandon signed a seven-year contract lust year, but has the option to become a free agent after his third yirur Despite being away from Eu gene, Brandon says he still fol lows the Duck basketball squad and thinks the off-season coaching change will help the program ”1 think hiring Jerry Green was good for the school." Bran don said. "Everyone knew ihe change was coming. I appreci ate what coach Monson did for me. he worked me hard and really pushed mo." Brandon said he plans to get his college degree soon, and ho* been taking classes during the season “l definitely want to gradu ate.” Brandon said "Last year I look some classes during the season and I am close to my de gree. 1 want to come hack to Or egon one summer to finish school ” Brandon says he was a Trail Blazer fan as a kid. hut expect* the Cavaliers to give Portland a strung test tonight. "Portland is a talented and athletic club." Brandon said. "If we rebound and play aggres sive, all the rt-sl will tukn care of itself" • 1» Photo by Mchaoi Shmdbr Cameron Fous ol Eugene (right) ahowa oft the Terratl Brandon auto graphed poster he won during a praaa conference for the former Duck who ia in loam with hia NBA team, the Cleveland Cavaliers. The Cavaliera lace the Blaiera tonight at McArthur Court. —i Attention Urban Athletes!! roll Service In-line Skate Store * RENTALS * REPAIRS * LESSORS * SALES 720 E. 13th Eugme, OK ttlUCWffllli im> via k ACCBSWIK 683-3516 Finally, great espresso drinks in Eugenel Stop in tor the real thing Espresso drinks mode in the European tiaditioni 720 E. 13th • Jim" fruin SjcrcU Heart in (he new Umv C'cntci UlJg PICK UP THE POWER OF PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUTE - HAVE AN INTERNSHIP PART-TIME JOB - FACULTY MEMBER JUST NEED TO STAY IN TOUCH THEN YOU NEED A PAGER. COME SEE THE PO WERPAGE DISPLAY AT THE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE AND FIND OUT HOW TO GET THE POWER! TODAY MH*S* * (MO) U7**M TBJEMfiE NORTHWEST STUDENT SPECIAL 3 MONTHS FORTHK PRICE OF 2 FREE OIFT WITH PORCH AS E ( WHILE SFPPMKS LAS'I ) UNIVERSITY OF OREGON