RIGHT ®N TARGET Cali our Advertising Department 344-3712 136 E 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be ? 1 or Over Friday <*. 2»u $5 The Daddies Saturday w*:r to it." Catch Zero this Sunday, Oct 25. at the WOW Hall on the cor ner of Eighth Avenue and Lincoln Street. Doors open at 9 p.m and the show starts at 9:30 pm Colonial Jnn Ste&tauxant OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AH You Con Eat Champogn# Brunch $4.95 [vaty Sunday 9 am. -2 p m 1626 Willamette St fry*)itmi UKthm Am*jN» 345- 7645 | MARVIN STERN Regional Director of the ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE will be speaking on ANTISEMITISM ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, OCT 23rd • 1:30-3:30 Century Room D (skylight area EMU) Sponsored hy the lewnh Student Union Records Continued from Pago t this release with that in mind, you shouldn't be disappointed. The promo letter that arrived with this CD highlights the fact SUPREME LOVE GODS S»pr«n Um M M Amiku lau»du|i that the manager of New Order was instrumental in getting a record contract for these four guys. It shows. Picture a hipper Morrissey (if that's not a possibility ■ skip the review and buy the record) joiner! at the left hip with EMF, the right hip with Love And Rockets, and right in between with lots of other folks. Not to be mistaken, these young Californians use guitars and all that, the music just sounds a lit tle too formula If you like this music, chances are good that you don't need this CD because you probably already have plen ty of records that sound enough like this to legitimize spending the twelve bucks on a quality WOMEN,WEIGHT and FOOD ISSUES A non-credit group discussion workshop which will cover various topics about women and their bodies, fitness, nutrition, weight management, and topics chosen according to the group’s interests. STARTS: October 27th ENDS: November 24th Meetings held every Tuesday from 3:30 to 4:30pm downstairs in the Student Health Center Medical Library'. Space is limited, so please call to preregister at 346-4456. Sfxnumcd by ihr Slwicnl Health Ccntct Dcpmmcnl at Health Kducalioa Dougle MacLean's Indigenous Tour *92 Singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer and magical performer. Dougie MacLean is one of Scotland’s most talented and popular musical ambassadors, and he is coming to the University's EMU Ballroom on his Indigenous Tour '92. Prom his base in Butterstone, Perthshire, he has toured the world and converted audiences with his gentle voice, poetic lyrics and musical virtuosity. His instruments include Scottish fiddle, guitar, houzouki and Australian didgeridoo. MacLean has been at the forefront of the Scottish Folk revival since the early 70s He was a member of such respected bands as The Tannahili Weavers and Silly Lizard, but since 1983 he has performed mainly as a solo artist He has also established his own label, "Dunkeld Records," and through radio and television he has built a reputation as a superb contemporary songwriter and sensitive interpreter of traditional Scottish music. MacLean has a dedicated following in countries such as the U S . Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Denmark. Italy, Austria, Germany and Holland. He will be joined by Davie Duncan on vocals, percussion and harmonica. Jimmie Anderson on electric guitar and bass, and Chris Smith on vocals, drums and percussion. Together they weave around MacLean s songs a real magic that goes from strong and fiery to shimmering and eloquent Local Celtic hand Skye will join Dougie MacLean on Oct. 29 in the University's EMU Ballroom at 8 p.m Doors open at 7:30 Tickets are available at the EMU Main Desk, Balladeer Music and House of Records and are S8 for University students and S10 for the general public. Real Women Continued from Page 9 Since then, Lopez has worked with leading Latino directors and playwrights and has written "Pood for the Dead," a comedy with a politi cal message about the "machisimo” intolerance of homosexuality, and "Real Women." Her original play also enabled her to go on to college. The Martin Luther King Theater's presentation of the bilingual "Real Women” stars actresses Pam Miller. Angie Sifuentez, Alexandria Scholes. Eileen Fonseca and Maria Casas. Their characters will convey the human ability to survive an atmosphere of fear and hiding with a keen sense of humor and a strong sense of community. The women joke good-naturedly about serious issues affecting their lives: fem inine beauty, food, abusive or elusive males and the constant threat of "La Migra.” Tickets are S7 in advance and St) at the door and are available at the WOW Hall. For reservations, call 344-4085 or 689-4382. dinner instead. Or better yet. save up for awhile and get yourself one of those Vocal Eliminators that you see advertised in the hack of magazines, then proceed to methodically strip the vocals off of ten or eleven Euro-style neodisco hits of your choosing Make up some new words or maybe even raid your favorite emotionally charged passages from one of those old junior high notebooks you still have hanging around somewhere Once this is accomplished, record yourself and/or a friend singing over the music and you'll have yourself a hit! This self-titled release from the Supreme Love Gods was made commercially available Blue Window Continued from Page 8 Others involved in the pro duction are stage manager )ohn Sturgill, scenic designer Shawn Gerwig, costume designer Elise Hennessy. lighting designer Paul B. Verano. assistant direc tor )ohn Rustan and properties master Margaret Davies. The 80-minute play begins at 8 p m and runs Oct 28-11 and Nov. 5-7 in the University's Arena Theatre in Villard Hall. Tickets and additional informa tion are available by calling the box office at 340-4191. on October 13th. plus they'll be on tour "everywhere." CUSTOM PRINTED T-SHIRTS Lowest Ratesi rrr CHECK CASHING at the UO Bookstore