WOODS Continued from Page 8 court this season, track is prob ably hor strongest sport. As a freshman last spring, she placed third in both the 100 and 200-metor sprints at the Pac-10 meet. With Woods' leaping ability, apparent each time she at tempts a kill, she seems a natu ral long or high jumper, but Woods has no plans to expand hor track duties. "It would take too much time to learn those events because they're really technique-ori ented," she said. "People think that sprinters just walk up to the starting lino and take ofT, but we spend a lot of time on technique, too.” Although she is already pressed for time playing two sports. Woods doesn't entirely rule out the possibility of be coming the first Oregon female athlete in 15 years to play three sports in one year. "During my senior season of high school. I was probably a better basketball player than volleyball player," Woods said. "I haven't been able to keep my basketball skills as sharp as they were bocauso I haven't had time to practice, but if the team looked like it was going to contend and the coaches want ed mo, I might consider play ing." LaREINA WOODS Height: 5-7 Weight: 138 Hometown: Corvallis,Ore Corvallis High School Major: Undecided Personal: Born on May 18. 1972 in San Antonio, Texas Miscellany: • Placed third m the 100 and 200-meter dashes at' the Pacific-10 Conference Championships • Received the Johnny Carpenter Prep Athlete of the Year Award in 1989 at The Oregonian Banquet of Champions. Graphic by Heaths* Ziihaue* DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS 1 exp 0 exp *0 set ■ * ( coupon must accompany order I I CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO ■ 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 "lljcrc are few people m Oregon politics I admire more than Tome Nathan She has the courage to address issues that others would like to sweep under the rug ” Jack Huberts, chairman. I ane County Commissioners KNOlKiH IS I NOl (.H! Elect Tonie Nathan State Senator Aitwvd *»*1 f»«d It* I fvrosli ol t<*»* N*th*n 1*0 A * 10152 • VU0 • %M 1 Study Abroad LONDON ENGLAND (WINTER & SPRING 1993) • Live with a I oz soft drink COMPANY Fresh, Fit, Fast Mexican Food Located at 26th k WilLinuftU* No* wifi' f II / 1/^3 346-3712 Come Meet the Next PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNOR BILL CLINTON TODAY &SS&, October 22^ beginning*1 at 1 p.m. - Mac Court -U of O Campus - For information call 345-4205 or 345-5957 DON'T MISS THIS HISTORIC EVENT!! Paid for by the College Democrats, Suite 1, EMU, Eugene, OR 97403