BARF Continued from Page i office Is currently requesting clarification about the BARF from the OSBHE office "It was our Intent all along that it would bn charged to both the MS IK and MBA pro grams," Spradling said. "We're waiting for the final answer from the chancellor’s office." Spradling said he can't pre dict what the chancellor's of fice will decide about the BARF, but he hopes to have an answer within a week. The CBA is using the BARF to raise about $118,000 for the Graduate Caroer Services (’.en ter and the Chiles Center Com puter Lab, Terborg said. About 58 MSIR students und 192 MBA sludonts attend the Uni versity. Although the MSIR is an in terdisciplinary program in the WIXMAN Continued from Page 1 rights," he said. Wixman said another mason for making the tapo, which he is doing for free, is to teach the Soviets that not everyone in America is democratic. Ho lik ened members of the OCA to historical American Christian fundamentalists. "In America, Christian fun damentalists as exemplified by the (X:A and other related or ganizations doesn't represent traditional American democrat ic views," he said. "These groups were always opposed to democracy." University's Graduate School and is not a CDA program. Torborg -said the GBA has good reasons for charging MSIK stu dents the BAKF "In some ways you can argue that the MSIK program is not a College of Business program, hut functionally it is.” Terborg said. Torborg said the CBA re views the applications of all MSIK students, and MSIK and MBA students have equal ac cess to classes and the curoer and computer centers. Most students have accepted the now fee, Torborg said. "Most people seem to ap prove or go along with it." Terborg said. "Only a clear mi nority oppose it.” All of the MSIK students con tacted by the Oregon Dully Km era I (I declined to comment about the BARF. Wlxman, a self-labeled "model conservative" on cam pus, said his objection to the (X:A does not stem from "liber al" views, but from very strong conservative, democratic and American traditional views. "The OCA functions and uses the methodology used by Lenin and Hitler, which is to take quotes out of context and mislabeling in the name of mo rality." he said This is Wlxman's fourth broadcast on "Voice of Ameri ca." He also did one broadcast on "Radio Liberty," All shows have to do with national affairs and issues of democracy. MOYERN^THEATRESl^ STUDENT NIGHTS $2 OFF ADULT ADMISSION /MOVIELAND>l AT WEST 11th 808 SENECA ST. . 342-4142 & I It.Ill w \l> I l IM> ^ N VIMI All St ATS | II |»>T ,» » - IA l I N* A I M* NTS (All! M Ml IN) ))N BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL gooo ist matinee ■MNQ THS AD IN EON SHOW ONLY MON - THUH $1.50ADMlSoNFOR ONE <***™°™ II CD CANDYMAN ( 1 05 3 05 5 05 ) 705 9 05 MIGHTY DUCKS ( 1 OO 3 10 5 20) 7 20 0 20 * 91 CD UNDER SIEGE ( 1245 2 45 4 45 ) 7 0 0 9 15 KJ 11 TMX 1492 ( 12 45 3 30) 6 X) 9 15 MR. BASEBALL ( 1 OO 3 10 520) 730 940 DR. GIGGLES ( 1:15 3 15 5 15) 7 IS 9 15 SHOWTIMES IN EFFECT FRIDAY 10 23 THRU THURS 10 29 i ONLY $5 cover 10-12 pm 343-0681 * 6UID0S • 13thAAI4«r ET ALS MKKTtNC.S Asian «nd Facifk Smart* an student t'mon will have * pr«|Mntofy meeting today «( A p m in lh« i rtunsehng < enter fot the upcoming dance lor more information * all »4« 4)42 Fi (. a m m a Mu will have an organisational meeting in th» KMU Cedar Room ( ji 4 pm ( 'day for more | information, c ol! ha t '8M International Fd uc a 11om and ; 1 «t hanh* will have an informative ! meeting about the intensive French language program in ieVtan*. Kronen, at i tfi p m tooay in the KMl.' Fir Room | For mot* information, coll 34tK320? (I in I* k Intern at tonal will hava a mooting at ? pm today in iho KMU Cedar room C. For more information, call 34S71S4 llitM will have Rap with the Kabbt" at 1414 hire aid St from 3pm to fi p m To make an appointment, call 34 I no »n (aiKolk Newman t enter has masses Saturdays at S p m Sundays at tt a m . U«m and 7 10pm. and daily at S H> f» m Th# Catholic Newman (‘enter Is ocated at 1*50 Kmerald Street Chinese Students A»«k latton will have a presentation about Chi and human Ufa from the lluddhtst per«pe< tlve in Room loo Willamette from 7pm lu 4pm today For more information, call 146 4)22 FWm and lha Solar Information Center will sponsor a lecture by Kdward Maine entitled "Sacred by Design“ * more information, < ail 146 WW6 I niversd* of t trr^mA >n*vereity of FI Salvador Seder University Pruptl will sponsor a lecture by Claudia C*onia)ej flaltrenene n 7 pm In the KMC Hen Linder Room today For more information, call 346 1164 Humanities ('enter will sponsor a slide illustrated presentation oy Helen Nestor at 7 30 p m today in the GaHiftggf Lounge fur more information, t all 346 3634 Frf law Society wtl) have a discussion about the legal aspects of Ballot Measure U ft 4 14 pm in Room 164 (begun ilall /leod/in* foe hi -4/s to th* Kmerald from