Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 22, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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    Networks’ decision
shows little class
Once again, West Coast voters will know who has
won the presidential election before they vote.
In 1984, the TV networks projected Ronald Reagan
as the winner as early as 5:15 p.m. Pacific Standard
Time. The polls on the West Coast don’t close until 8
This means when people who came home from a
long day of work and turned on the TV, they were in
formed of the winner of the presidential race. Their re
sponse was likely, "my vote doesn't matter."
The networks say there’s nothing wrong with the
practice. If they get the news, they are going to share it
with us.
Normally, that’s fine. The networks have a respon
sibility to deliver the news in as quick a manner as
possible, especially when it’s important. But when it
comes to politics, it’s an entirely different issue.
The networks are effectively discouraging people
from voting. If someone doesn’t think his or her vote
matters, there's nothing to stop that person from stay
ing home. The entire point of voter registration drives
this year were to encourage people to vote. Now the
networks are reversing the trend.
rcupiu iiiiiy ui^uu
{hat projecting the pres
idential winner is no
big deal. They may be
lieve the candidate
would have won any
way. But there are other
races going on within
It's dangerous to
underestimate the
laziness of the
average voter.
individual status that art; a big deal. Oregon has the Au
Coin/Puckwood battle und several significant ballot
measures, including Measure 9. That particular meas
ure should be enough to encourage people to vote be
cause not only the state — but the nation — is watch
The networks also argue that people will bo re
sponsible enough to vote anyway. And they're right.
The average person should realize the importance of
expressing his or her opinion on matters of national
significance. And according to an Oregonian poll, only
3 percent of those not voting in 1984 chose that path
because of network projections.
But it is optimistic to assume that everyone will
fulfill their voting responsibility. It's dangerous to un
derestimate the laziness of the average citizen. People
need more reasons to vote, not less.
The question is why networks insist on projecting
winners when it could potentially affect so many vot
ers? Two reasons: ratings and scoops. News organiza
tions arc always looking to get the big story before their
competitors, and the networks are no different. Certain
ly ABC isn’t going to delay its projection if NBC and
CBS are broadcasting the story. They know their rat
ings will be down and the other two will be up. One of
the networks needs to step up and say. "We're not go
ing to do it.”
Unfortunately, that’s not likely. They want the sto
ry tix) much. West Coast voters deserve better, though.
Oregon Daily
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ptzES'De^T. —
Neet ’s not neat
Loretta Nwl of the Oregon
Citizens Alliance held a press
conference last week, a sneak
preview of what's in store for
Oregon teachers if Ballot Meas
ure 4 passes And what an odi
ous little tale Neat helped
Her front person, a Thurston
Middle School parent, said her
daughter "fell uncomfortable*'
taking a shower in the presence
of a teacher (KUGN. Oct. 15)
She said the teacher "stared at"
her daughter (Register-Guard,
Oct. lb), although she didn't
exactly say the teacher "was a
She then said she hadn't
planned on filing a complaint
until Neel “explained the pro
What else about the process
might Neet have discussed?
Thirty lashes at the public pil
lory? The public "dunking
seat"? (If the teacher didn’t
drown, she's innocent ... if she
did. well ... that proves she's
gay!) Burning at the stake?
Ncet's trial by innuendo is
not one whit removed from the
hysteria enacted by the reli
gious extremists in Salem,
Mass , circa 1700s.
Make no mistake, if Measure
9 passes, more of these witch
hunts will be aimed at Oregon
teachers ... four and suspicion
will bo the order of the day for
Oregon's schools.
But wo can put a stop to
Noel's and the (XIA's ambitions
of being Oregon’s Morality f’o
lico and Witch Hunters. Inc.
Vote no on Measure 9, Nov. 3.
Cast your vote opposing bigotry
and supporting diversity,
oquallty and freedom for all Or
egon citizens.
Carol Barg
Mad as spit
I wont to the memorial for
Brian Mock and Hattie Cohens
a couple of Fridays ago. I never
thought things could got this
bad. Didn't we determine that
consenting adults could sex
each other up all they wunl In
Now. suddenly, when press
ing fundamental economic
questions should be read -
dressed — concerns that affect
the material lives of all people
whether they be gay. straight or
bored — some self-righteous,
self-centered sexual fascists
think they tan barge In and lo
botomi/.o our social conscience.
I am horrified at the murders
of Innocents slain because of
their love. I am mud as spit at
Bullot Measure 9 and its diver
sionary impact on the dobuto
over tbe nature of our political
economy The million-plus dol
lars raised to fight Measure 9
would be better directed
aguinst AIDS.
But it's like we're battling a
house-fire and someone's kick
ing us in the crotch I think it
could all be a very successful
ploy on the part of the right to
distract attention from the fact
that the entire wealth of the
country is quietly being sucked
up by a few cold capitalists,
while their fundamentalist, mo
ronic minions shriek uhoul
queer touchers in the schools as
the ontire educational system
teeters on the brink of farcical
collapse because of the very
policies of thoir bosses.
Tho limits of my patience for
tbe Measure 9 crap have been
reached. Now wo transcend the
passive tense. Trash it. Next!
Chrto Brady
Oregon’s home
1 have been a resident of Ore
gon since 1968. when my father
retired from the military and
moved our family back to his
home state. 1 have many fond
memories of my childhood
spont on a farm a few miles
south of Tillamook.
Now in 1992, I am afraid for
the future of this state I am
proud to call home. When 1
was a teen-ager attending
Tillamook High School, I began
to realize that I was different
from most of my classmates.
Although no teacher or coun
selor spoke of homosexuality at
school, I gradually became
aware that 1 was lesbian in my
1 met my partner Laura in
1982. und last your we pur
chaser! a home in Eugene for
ourselves and our five cats. We
aro fortunate to have support
ive families and good friends,
both gay and straight. We are
not ‘'militant," nor aro we un
healthy or intent on molesting
children. We do not ask for
"special rights" — we simply
want to live our lives peaceful
ly and without fear of verbal or
physical attacks by people who
have been encouraged by the
(X'.A to view us as perverse and
The defeat of Measure 9 will
not grant social rights to any
ono, but it will demonstrate
that Oregonians do not want to
legalize discrimination against
any citizens of this stato. Please
vote no on Measure 9 and keep
Oregon a place we ran all call
Cat bar in* Johnson
Foot of Gorax
I am writing in response to
Norm Kuehl’s letter
(ODE, Oct. 16) about him being
a Satanist in favor of Ballot
Measuro 9. Kunhl expresses
feelings that are not felt by all
Satanists. 1 am a Satanist. as
well, but there is a big differ
ence between Kuehl and my
self; 1 am a gay Satanist. I per
sonally don't know any Satan
ist who favors Measure 9.
I feel that we all need to learn
how to get along, what is done
in the privacy of one's home is
his or her choice. 1 hope that
some day, all Satanista will get
along whether they be straight,
bisexual, into bestiality or
whatever they choose to do.
Unfortunately this day has
not come, so I will conclude
with a personal message to
Kuehl, “I curse you with the
foot of Gorax."
Russsil Loomis