Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 22, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Bat Boy
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Three-year-dd Chase Cranor of Eugene takes his new Halloween costume lor a test drive on
the fire engine in Amazon Park "Ever since I got him the mask, I haven 't been able to get him
to take it off," said his mother. Tina Cranor
School fee not
OK’d by board
jBARF assessed to MSIR students is
not mentioned in OSBHE book
By Chester Allen
Emerald Reporter
Thu Collude of Humous* Administration Is charging
sludunls enrolled In the Master* of Science in Industrial
Relations program u fee that is not specifically author
ized in the stutu Hoard of Higher lulu cal I on 1992-93 Ac
adomlc Year l-'ee Hook.
The OStUIK fee lx>ok assesses a Business Administra
tion Resource Fee only to students enrolled In the
CBA's Masters of Dullness Administration program
However, the CHA is also charging MSIR students a
The 1992-93 OSBHK fee book reads "A new study re
source fee Is being established to he assessed only to
students admitted to the Masters of Business Adminls
(ration program at the University of Oregon
On July 24, 1992 the OSBHk approved a fee only for
MBA students.
Page 452 of the OSBHK meeting minutes mails 'A
new study resource fee (BARI-) will !*• assigned to stu
dents admitted to the Master's of Business Administra
lion program al the University of Oregon This fee will
lx> SUM) per term for residents and S2S0 for non-resi
University administrators said they included the
MSIR program in the fee proposal to the OSBHK. and
they don't understand why it wasn’t included in the
1992-93 fee lx*»k
James Tertxirg, CHA associate dean and acting dins
tor of the MSIR program, said the C.BA always intended
to charge MSIR students the fee
"There must have lieen some oversight or shorthand
mistake in the chancellor's office when (BARK) was
presented to the board," Terborg said "If It causes
problems, we'll talk to the chancellor's office because it
was not the intent of the proposal to charge only MBA
students the fee."
University Budget Director Trent Sprudling said his
Turn to BARF, Pago 7
Professor to make tape about democracy
□Wixman wants to show for
mer Soviet Union that not all
Americans are democratic
By Colleen Pohitg
Emerald Associate Editor
Citizens of the former Soviet Union are
about to learn a lesson in what democracy Is
not: the Oregon Citizens Alliance, says a
University geography professor.
Konaid Wixman, a Soviet specialist on
communism and totalitarian states, was re
cently askod by ' Voice of America." a U S.
organization that broadcasts daily to the for
mer Soviet Union and eastern Europe on
political issues, to record a tape about Ballot
Measure 8 In relation to democracy.
Wixman plans to record the program from
Eugene at the end of this week.
"We re trying to teach Soviets about de
mocracy und the democratic process,
Wixman suid "I'm doing this because the
OCA is viewed by many in the U S us ex
actly opposite of what we see democracy us
“Therefore, (the (X .A) is going to be used
as an example to the PSU of whut not to
do," ho said.
Wixman said (XiA members are u "far cry
from American democratic conservatism
and a fnr cry from most traditional forms of
The (X:A labels itself as traditional. Chris
tian and conservative, which Wixman said
it is not, and that it has distorted the mean
ings of the wonis.
"The OCA is not tied to traditional Amer
ican conservatism that stems from Jofforso
niun conservative principles." ho said. "It is
extremist and radical and should tie soon as
such The self-labeling as conservative is a
Wixman said thul although he lieliovos
the labeling is wrong, ho bo 11 eves the tactic
is working.
"It's ugly and effective, but it works lie
cause it plays on people's fours and preju
dices," he said.
In the tupo. Wixman is going to explain
how the (X1A does not display democracy
in several ways, ono of which Includes tho
uso of tho term "special rights" In the placo
of equal riglits.
"The OCA Implied whon a group de
mands that legal discrimination be re
moved. that by no means Implies special
Turn to WIXMAN. Page 7
Ronald Wlxman
Todav will bring arras of high
fog will) otherwise mostly
cloudy skies There is also a
slight chance of rain Highs will
be m the 60s. Tonight the
clouds will roll in and the low
will be in the 40s
Friday will be partly sunny in
the afternoon after morning fog
Highs should be between 65-70
NEW ORLEANS (API - Jim damson, (he pistol-packing prosecutor
whose conspiracy theories about President Kennedy's assassination were
scoffed at by many but inspired the director of the movie IFK, died
Wednesday He was 70
damson, who served 12 years as New Orleans district attorney and 12 as
a judge on the state s 4th Circuit Court of Appeal, never stopped believing
that QA hardliners had Kennedy killed to keep the United States in
The cause of death wasn't listed, but heart trouble forced Garrison to
leave the appeals court on Nov 1,1991. three weeks before his 70th birth
day and mandatory retirement age
SEATTLE (APj - Washington football coach Don lames
says X-rays show his cheekbone was broken in three places
when he was hit on the sidelines in the Huskies 24-3 victory
at Oregon last Saturday
"Finally, on Monday night. I was able to eat a sandwich,"
James told the Seattle Times "It was my first solid food since
Saturday night."
James. 59. was run into from the side by Oregon linebacker
David Massey on a Napoleon Kaufman run in the opening
quarter Massey s helmet struck lames in the |aw
lames wrist watch, a Rolex. was broken when Massey ran
into him.