Perot to work against wasted-vote concept DALLAS (AI*) — Koss Perot's campaign. encouraged by his feisty performance in the final presidential debate. Is gearing for a strotr.h run designed to convince supporters their votes won't Ini wasted on Election Day. Still. Perot had no appearances scheduled except for three 30-minute television commercials Inter In the week, and sev eral loyalists called for him to return to live campaigning if ho expects to gain ground from his third-place showing in the polls. Perot himself expressed concern, at the end of Monday's debate, that voters might turn away from him simply because they view the odds as unsurmountahle. "You’ve got to stop letting these folks in the press tell you you're throwing your vote away," Perot said "You've got to start using your own head." In his stiffesl attacks to date on his opponents, he chided Bush for contributing to the savings and loan crisis and help ing build the regimes of Panama's Manuel Noriega and Iraq's Saddam Hussein before tearing them down And he equated Clinton's 12 years as governor of Arkansas to the job of run ning a corner drug store, saying it was "irrelevant" to the qualifications needed from a presidential candidate Perot said neither of his opponents' economic plans added up und blamed both for having foreign lobbyists in their cam paigns. "I guess my principal memory of tonight's debate is the things they ducked and the fact that they sure don't want to discuss the lobbyist situation because that's where they get all their money." he said afterward Supporters reported a surge of callers to phone banks at his Dallas headquarters and state offices across the nation. The headquarters phone hank was increased from 4H to 72 lines late Tuesday. Bush says pollsters are ‘nutty’ NORCROSS. Cu (AIM Prnsldunt Bush whlstlo-stnpoed through thu Southeast Tuesday, identifying himself with Atlan ta's comeback Braves and tell ing supporters to "forget about all these polls" that show him trailing Ixidly with two weeks until the election “Forgot people tolling you how you think," Bush told the crowd in Norcross. "On Flee lion Day we're going to show America that it ain't over until Cabrera swings" a reference to the game-winning hit by Francisco Cabrera last week that put the Atlanta Braves in the World Series against Toron to. The baseball symliollsm con tinued at Gainesville. Cu . where rally organizer Dow Wil liams introduced him this way "Ladies and gentlemen. Iiottom of the ninth, two outs, the pres ident of the United States " At his final Georgia stop, in Cornelia, Bush said, "I am ab solutoly confident in my heart of hearts Don't believe these crazy polls Don’t Uilievo these nutty pollsters " Taking a combative stance the day after the final presiden tial debate, Bush accused rival Bill Clinton of deliberately tie aiiving voters and ridiculed tin* Democratic governor's steward ship of Arkansas "You cannot lead hv mis leading." Hush shouted to see eral thousand supporters here during the first of four sched uled stops People waving American flags and Bush Quay In campaign posters crowded around the wood frame rail depot where Bush, accompanied by his wife Bar bara. stopped briefly lie was stopping later at towns in South Carolina and Nortii Carolina, stales that in recently presidential elections have been strongly Kepublicun hut now are up for grabs Aides said he would cam paign non-stop until election Day. hitting at least three cities each day. Before stepping onto his shiny blue "Spirit of America'' lor emotive at the rear of the Ill car train. Bush told a television audience in Atlanta that lie fell it necessary to apologize for a Marine Corps color guard hav lug paraded the Canadian flag upside down during ceremo nies before Sunday's World Se ries game in Atlanta. "! wanted to apologize to the people of Canada and suggest we try to keep this, from now on. out of the marvelous base ball rivalry." Bush said in the TV appearance Hush slammed Clinton on his Arkansas record as well us his economic plan, end lie mix k ingly called Clinton's running male. Sen Al (lore. "Mr Ozone" in reference to his en vironmental starues. He referred to Independent rival Koss Perot .is "the feisty little guy from Dallas " Attempting to stir up doubts aljoul Clinton's character, the president ur ( used the Demo cratic challenger of "waffling" on important Issues sur h .y> tire Persian Culf War and of having a "sorry draft record." "It is his pattern ol trying to lie ail things In all people," Hush said "You simply cannot have a pattern ol deception You cannot separate the charac ter of the presidency from the character of the president As he has done through much of the r ampaign. Hush at tempted lu spell out differences between bis and (Hinton's plans for reviving the economy. Clinton compares Bush tactics to ‘Peanuts’ character Lucy MILWAUKEE CAP) — Dill Clinton de fended himself from President Bush's lax-and-spond charges on Tuesday hy counterattacking Bush on tho issue of trust In u speech to Democratic parly faith ful gathered ut a sports arena. Clinton compared Bush to a Peanuts comir strip he remembered in which Lucy said, "if you can't be right, be wrong as loud us you can ” The Arkansas governor asserted that Bush's claim that he would raise taxes on the middle class was wrong Just us wrong us the president's contention in Monday night's debate that the Arkansas economy was trailing the nation in growth, Clinton suid. He then recited a list of Bush reversals over tho past several years — hitting back with a charge Bush often hurls at Clinton. Clinton lislisi Bush's well-known re versa I of his "rend-my-lips" pledge not to raise tax os and several others, includ ing election-year support of arms sales and farm subsidies that Hush had op posed earlier “And ho wants you to trust him." Clinton said after each item Campaign aides said Clinton intended to remain aggressive through the last two weeks of the campaign and refused to sit on the lead notional polls say he holds Part of his speech also echoed a new campaign commercial of his. which asks voters whether they're doing better now than four years ago "How yo doin ''' Clinton asked As for his own lax record, Clinton said the president's charges that he would tox the middle (lass were exactly opposite what he had said “What I've said is 'here are my pro grams and here's how I'm going to pay for them, and if I can't raise the money through tins revenues (front higher taxes) on the wealthy anti foreign corporations, then we will either slow walk the pro grams or cut more spending elsewhere,"' he told reporters "No one should make a 'reed-my lips' promise." he said I have no intention of doing that, and I have a record of keeping luxes low and spending dow n in my state " (.'Union was animated pointing Ins finger and using a slum tone as lie worked to make sure that Hush’s strident tax attack in the final dehate on Monday night didn't take hold Clinton said he was confident ol Ins performance in the limil television matchup "I felt good about the dehate last night, and the popular results alter ward — the Instantaneous polls." lie said Asked whether now the de bates were over, if he were a sure thing, he said "No. two weeks from now is two weeks Irom now Doth he and running mule At f4 several city blocks in downtown Chicago, not to bo c ompla cent. 'Tight on for two morn wanks, bight on to and tricklo down economies," Clinton said "Fight for a future) worthy of our past." "Thorn arn two wanks remaining und we c an't lot down." said Corn "Wu havu got to knap our oyns on Ihn iiull, and wu havu got to keep our energies focused on die M days that arn left in the cam puign " Pop star Michael Holton serenaded the rally with tile song "Hack On My Foul Again," and Clinton was hailed by local officials, Senate candidate Carol Moseley Braun and comedian Jim Dnlushl. Take Off! Hook Now I in t In i'tm.i' Sp.ii t i' V lliii” I .i't San Francisco.S95.00 Los Angeles.S100.00 Chicago.SI 59.00 New York.$179.00 London.S255.00 Paris.S311.00 Tokyo.$333.00 Mazatlan.SI 95.00 An (arc* arc cadi way (rum Pi >rtland haaed on ruundinp purduoc I cal departure and/or if.lcfnali.-nai urea arc additional Other atie* available_ Du li ( )n ( .mijnis \11 W.iss I i.iwl 34(>-1p 1 Onmoiiy and Sindror Trewl Ncflrufc "What A Great Experience!" 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