GENTLEMAN'S ENCORE Quality Rata* Clothing tot Mar and Woman ot 0acuminating Tati* 1111 WLLAMETTE • J4J417I ROSES *9.99*., tolO HmM l '(kk> »U sJMrvtefaus HjOWKRS and gifts I7N n.rtm e>tw. Or. nmi • «»M Ml m & mil lya., otmi-wiw 0VAFFLEI CONE I I ^ ■ Cagipus XT* ' f/ SUBSHOP 1225 ^Ider 345-2434 Nut vain! on (Wivity t*c with any other discounts vi nxijvijte One * -mpon ivt * 136E. 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Wednesday oct 2iu $3 International Anthem Early Times The Treatment Thursday o« 22^ $3 Old fashioned punk rock and grunge with: Sandy Duncan's Eye The Detonators D.C. Beggars Friday c*t 23rd $5 The Daddies Music Starts at 10pm Open 4pm-2:30am Mon-Sat L I »|*m% IJ/20/*} J Parking costs total more than $750,000 By Matt Bender EmerakJ Reporter The Office of Public Safety collected more than three-quarter* of a million dol lars from parking motors, permits and tick ets for parking and traffic; violations bo twoon July 1. 1991, and Juno 30. 1992, ac - cording to OPS records The money raises! by OPS is put in a parking Improvement fund that supports the University's parking program, said Knnd Stamm of OPS. OPS raised the greatest amount of money through the sale of parking permits. Faculty paid S204.719 for purking per mits lust year and students paid SHU.ltit). OPS reported An additional S12.141 was collected from the sale of miscellaneous purking permits, according to OI’S records Tickets written by OI’S officers also raise money for the parking program. Stamm said Last year OPS collected $201,251 In parking and traffic tickets "OPS does not keep records on how much was collected for any certain of fense," Stamm said "Money collected for parking and truffle: tickets un> put into the same category.” However. Stamm said most of the traffic violations have to do with bicycles Campus parking meters make up the re mainder of the parking fund collected by tll'S According to OI’S records, the Univer sity's parking meters collected $139,085 last year Stamm said till of the money collected by OI’S in tickets, permits and meters is used to improve and maintain the University's parking program "The parking program is .self-supporling.'' he said "The money collected pays for wages, maintenance and repair of facilities and for the building of new facilities." The Bean parking lot is an example of the improvements the parking fund allows the University to make. Stamm said. When the improvements to the Dean parking lot are completed, it will cost about SI million, according lo University Plan ning's records University Planning is working on many more projects on campus designed to im prove parking, said Carla Lovinski, a Uni versity Planning associate. Many of those projects are funded try the parking fund. Stamm also said the parking fund helps to pay for hike shelters and rack on campus. ET ALS MEKTlNCiS Alpha Phi OoMqpi will haw* « mooting today «t ft p m tn lit-a dining room »*u*r ih« KMU tBilii Koomi l of mot* information.» alt flu? OS’# Sltidcnl Otgiinil«ilii«< will haw 4 fncuii»| in EMU (iitki Room ( today al 4 VJ 11 tn Hawaii ( tub will hav* 4 gcmxat mooting in tint KMM Ifcn Linder Haem today m I fim for room information. . All M141S3 MX hA (U)lunu/L«Unn Student Union) will moot in the NASU Longhorn** today «* ft p m for mot* information, tail m> 1MM C.ultega Kf|iublu am will h»vo a gonoial mooting in *f Kount t of that EMU today a« t» »u |» m for mom information, tall 46V1HS Unwanted Seauul Urlu»iur 1 *»h f unv wilt have a mewling m ( oUar Koumi Al (I today from 12 30 to 2 pm for rnuro information, (all »4t» 2210 iuNi an Sludml Aww« wilt Iwvo art introductory mooting in Uio (aiwn Odd Room today from B lo 7 pm lor more information ! .ill M3 S71S Mist 1 11 AM nt -N Itai) l)a%lH i1i and at Utig dir** lor of tlw t itoilv* Writing |W»gram. will bw nudin| hi* work today in tho (.or linger Lounge at 7 mj p m for more information, (*Ji 34h MM4 Studcnl Smatr (.rrvann' Table to hrwr ttudent tontfiidinu, enle# ** odomn problem*. and (ifid Mwdnnt t.omern* will tdiv |*lacn today lii>ro It 30 a m to V jo \. tti In (h« » MU auuide the hitlvbowl fur more information, call J40 3724 Suntitui Imphamnit e*<.*#fc*hop Mill take pi** lodav from 4 to S pin in Room 12 Henant k* JUH For more In kit maU on.« at I 34f» 3/14 BU