Cox says he earned boot from game two TORONTO (A!*) — Bobby Cox wiis ejoctod und dojoctod In the ninth inning of the Atlanta Bravos' 3-2 loss to Toronto Tuesday night. Cox became the sixth manager tossed in a World Series game "I probably deserved it." Cox said after Joe West ejected him "He should have I threw the helmet and it went on the Bold So I guess I should have freon thrown out." With the score tied at 2. Sid Bream led off the ninth with u single and Brian Hunter run for him With the count 2-2. Jell Blausor took a pile h from reliever Duane Ward and Hunter was thrown out at second After the play at second, the Blue Jays appealed to first umpire Dan Morrison, who ruled Blausor laid swung (or a double play Cox tossed a helmet onto the field in disgust and began ar guing with West from the dugotll West then ejected Cox wtio came onto the field to argue Study Abroad LONDON ENGLAND (WINTER A SPRING 1993) • Live wilh a local family • U.S. and host country faculty • Classes in History, Theatre, Art History, A Political Science • Excursions and field trip • Earn UO resident credit • Use your financial aid Information Meeting THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. KMU CENTURY ROOM F (SKYLIGHT FL(K)R) .346.3207 I Candy a big hit for Blue Jays TORONTO (A!*) - Candy Maldonado and thu Toronto Blue Jays turned Atlanta upside down and moved on top after throe games of the first World Series played In Canada Maldonado singled over the drawn-in outfield with one out in the ninth inning, giving the Blue Jays a 3-2 victory Tuesday night for a 2-1 lead The hit came with the bases loaded on an 0-2 pitch from Jefl Reardon, who also served up pinch-hitter lid Sprague's win ning two-run homer in the ninth inning Sunday night in Atlanta "Ho made me look had with two great sliders, so I figured he'd try again and I was wail ing.'' Maldonado said. Maldonado was 2 for 13 life time against Reardon when they faced each other in the pust, and Braves munnger Bob by Cox liked tin* matchup "We're needing strikes in that situation," he said "Jeff threw two great sliders, and then lui hung one " Reardon again offered no ex cuses "I haven't done the job I would have hoped to." he said Though Ihe result was the same us Sunday, the atmos phere was much different At Atlanta, Ihe game was marked by an incident in whirh the Canadian (lag was curried up side-down in pre-game ceremo nies This time, thousands of red muple leafs were sent swirling, all of them righl-sido up by Maldonado's single "The past is the past,'' said Maldonado, who begun this postseason with one of the worst butting averages in histo ry "I'm grateful 1 hud the chance tonight to turn it orou nd " A tight game featuring home runs by Joe Carter and slump ing Kelly Cruber. a near triple pl,iy and a rare election came down to tlie bottom ol the ninth Rofrerlo Alnmur began the in ning with n single off Sieve Avery, (ltd stole sec ond while rollover Murk Wohlers was pitching to Garter After un intentional walk to Curler .ind Dave Winfiolil's sec - ond sacrifice hunt of the sea son. lofty Mike Stanton was summoned to face John Olorud Sprague pinch hit and was intentionally walked, and Mal donado met Reardon with a drive over Otis Nixon's head in center field "I can manage, I can set it up for them, hut they are the ones who have to do it." Blue Jays manager Clio Gaston said “Candy was the: man tonight." Duane Ward pitched one in ning for the victory, and ex tended the Blue Jays' bullpen streak to 7 2-'S scoreless Innings In the series He relieved Juan Guzman, who allowed one earned run in clghl innings. Avery was the loser Thu victory mude homu teams in domes 9-0 in World Series play. Minnesota had the other eight victories. It also was the eighth one-run decision in the last nine Series games. The Blue Jays, playing In their first World Series, will try to make it three In a row Wednesday night when Jimmy Key starts against Game ) win ner Tom Glavine "The fans, they really wanl to win the World Series." Mal donado said "I’ve never heard them that loud Umpire Boh Davidson, how ever, said Sanders was safe. The Blue Jays and their funs screamed after being robbed, they thought, for the second time in two games On Sunday night. Rohorlo Alomar ap peared to dive in safely to the plate, but he was called out. “To win games, you have to play good defense." Alontar said. "That's why he won the Gold Glove: because he's the best in center field “ There had been just one tri ple play in the World Series, un unassisted one by Cleveland's Hill Wambsganss in 1920 Carter caused the crowd to yell again, this time in a posi tive fashion, when lie homerod to left field with one out in the fourth. Carter was one of the few To ronto hitters to have (ire iously fared Avery - ho wont 1 for 0 against him in 1990 while in Son Diego Carter's second homer of the series was a 405 fooi shot into the lower deck in loft. Carter's connection also gave the Blue Jays home runs in nine straight postseason games this year, un all-time record Balti more (1970) and Milwaukee (1982) did it in eight games. Sunders, again in left held in place of the benched Ron Cant, double I with one out in the sixth for his third hit He raced to third on Pendleton's infield hit and scored on Justice's sin gle. While Sanders had the dis tinction of getting the first hit in a World Series game outside of the United States, Winfield was the first to do it for a non American team. He gut a huge cheer for his infield single in the second inning, quite the op posite reaction he got from Canadians several years ago when hi- was arrested lor kill ing u sea gull with a warmup throw in the outfield at Exhibi tion Stadium while playing lor the Yankees The game begun with the public address announcer ut the Sky Dome urging Canadian fans to pay respect to the their neighbors to the south Outside the ballpark, T-shirts depicting upside-down American flags wore sold, but it was all good spirited A U S. Marine color guard carried in the Canadian flug und Royal Canadian Maun tics presented the slurs und stripes. gj challenges For Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week Oct 18-24 1) Co to a party and don't drink alcoholic beverages 2) Be the designated driver 3) Brag about a good time you had sober 4) Organize a non-alcoholic outing on the weekend 5) Attend an alcohol awareness event and learn more about alcohol abuse If you are reluctant to accept one of the five challenges above, ask yourself, “Could l have a problem with alcohol?" Sponsored by the Health Education Program at the Student Health Center Invest In A Precious Commodity .Your Time Lowest Cellular Prices Ever! Motorola 950X Motorola CP2600X Airtime rate: $ 19.95/month .36 peak - .19 off-peak Advanced Communication ! Systems I 240 Country Club Rd j Suite 480 « 343-3388 I $30 Special Coupon $301 I Present this coupon and receive $30.00 | credit on your cellular bill! 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