GRANT Continued from Page 1 cronusiu and the Republic of the Marshall Islands This region is tho largest of six funded centers in the Unit ed Stutos, said Richard Zeller. WRRC director and professor of education. Projects the WRRC has worked on include developing a model education services pro gram in Samou for students not succeeding in regular programs "It's their version of a special education program," Zeller said, "but it's fitted to the con ditions of the Pacific, where you don't have specialists and you don't have additional staff" The WRRC designed the pro gram and the assessment used to evaluate Samoan students The center has also worked with the Oregon Department of Education to improve the tran sition of students with disabili ties from high school to adult life Now the WRRC is helping Western states provide students with technology such ns the computer "voice" theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking uses The WRRC helps solve funding problems and develops policies for deciding which stu dents should get such technol ogy, Zeller said. The latest grant brings the center's federal support total to more than $22 million sinr e its founding 2:1 years ago DEBATES Continued from Page 1 also likes Perot's emphasis on the national debt Kenner Johnston, a graduate student in architecture, said he de cided to vote for ('Union prior to the debates, but supporting Perot was a "vague consideration." Johnston said he reached a definite decision after watching the vice presidential debate He sail! he disliked the single-mix I era tor format of the vice presi dential debate because "it's much better to have reporters asking questions.” Johnston said he did like the "town hall" format of the Richmond, Va. presidential debate enough to suggest it should be come a monthly forum for citizens Tim Duffy, u graduate student in architecture, said he liked the town hull format also. “It’s harder for the candidates to ignore a question when it’s Is: ing asked by a citizen." Duffy said "There are few people in Oregon |*>li(ics I admire more than Tonic Nathan She has | the courage to address issue* that others I would like to sweep under the rug " Jack Roberts, chairman. 1 ane County Commissioners FNOUC.H IS KNOlKiH! Fleet Tonic Nathan State Senator An•>'»iAr«i m»1 pafcJ far }*» HveriA >1 1 ..•*»« Sulim P(j B m U>IS2 • l-Mpem -ut wli You've heard the ominous facts, thought about it a long time, and now you want to... SMOKING!! — Come join the American Cancer Society's Freshstart program to kick the smoking habit. — Freshstart provides participants with the essential information and strategies needed to direct their own efforts to quit smoking. — This is a Smoking Cessation Workshop held on Wednesdays. Beginning Wednesday Oct. 21st (ongoing) 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Medical Library in the Student Health Center * $10 refundable deposit if you attend all 5 sessions Sponsored by the Lifestyle Planning Program in the Student Health Center Preregister by Calling 346**4456 Get results. Advertise In the., eseeseeeesseseeeeeesee DDL MKK11NCN A Student Nerul* m»tt(IA| Will uku t4# e taday at 3 p ro in C jsniury Room M F« NJ \n I'MU lltHiw (jiHitmillr* will take pi*-® today at 4 JO p m in Century Raom l) For rm>«> information oi!i »** ir*o A Stuii®il K«iom For mom information. tall 34# 4*m Students <»t Huulm will hove loffow end runv*»».iUt>ft with Cynthia Woolwn, Democratic candidate for DntrUt 4! cute reprvwnuuve. tonight at ’ lu in 10 3 Chapman Hall For mom information, c all «WM» #457 An ISA Kibgnktifi mooting will Ufcw plot* at ft K) tonight in (aidar Hbw«U Middle N J - cafetnria to diuuu the Oregon High Dwaert Protection A* t for information, roll 34£ 452 7 OSPIKt. will » >.< .» g motion* tonight at 7 in the KMC Urn Kinder Kinha MM It.ION Vhn t at hot It Newman ( rnlet w havr j weekly Ihbh *(ody today it W p m »r» ta»mufy Mourn It I he Newman (enter w ,i- r* e i family values forum and diw ■■••■■ tonight at 7 50 at the \t?w»n*u» i *■»»!• • For more information »ali '41 Mist FI ! AN? f K S Academic \ d v i • »n g k Sludml Servtc will lu«c i w nkch-ip -»n applying to nuuing * h •->«»! today at t M) in 5 6 4 O f o g «• n ! I a M for m o t« tn for mao-an. t ali J4t» t*ll Pu« kel Playtmuw w;p ift wi|ht RUflA^'inoM i l:wi today from W to 1 pm dowmum »*> lh* nwdll <*i ijbfafy «»l tfvo HUldttttt l Ui (on toff For more infom>4U»«i * all 14(1 44541 A iln>|> in rr-|mr*h!»n hrti ivn: Br*f d‘* uvaiuatmn wilt uk»» jrt_s«> in .’40 WiiUftwM* h< m lUm C.ISCAP will l»4*w j t-*l ovum featuring a ****.* h by Mona did Ko*a»*v>. 4 tfto mh of of ihu Iniofnattofljl Kopro'Vf!'!-»u on •■ PmmuI Unity and f»*»Ui ipam in iho United Nation* International tnjuft fr«dl]r ( oumil Slw will *d*« the 4tM)ih ariniv«r«^fy of the Spantth Invattoft ill the Awf'" a* j! ? K* p m in the (iuimi wd Mi'.im A n% op- ' with iho i|KVilr‘ will uku.’ |4j» m .it 5 10 Career Mjimimik and PI41 mirnl Srvvittf will l*’*;?’ f>4i|*lil'g h»* '•*■*• foliowinn tAHIIktni(!i t »nyp>n Ptwsu* »p> Company. Oluv Ihu uiilii M-* kl-r -kof * MjIU.-IU- Siiilkwuii I jlniratonm l •*» t jh\U a! inuring*-■>■.. t Am'uy NAM it k |)n let UN (k-pOfir»u*m of I (Mike of tiui In^iHtoi O-nof-J, l.ifyjot Sum 4 ,*ml M» f * Sharp 4 I'* !•'■>■■’■ ’ »t motv. information *< .‘44 Ut»o IruK* K II Mo. *•* *.<. *1 p pnm-nuuon ji * •*> n Hi *n 1-4 Straub lot mon- . f. r •• .*<*• n- u» .'44 Hen dm k» I liiuUk Si»!> i I il| I oiiiiniHi'.* I» huVOMg -» Wu»4 , fk Wll .lll.l 1*>I -* I Sunday. (ktuber i* from » MhStJUot the Hit yard Community (.unto r. £ •««» thlyord for mm« >nfttfin.)Uun roll rwiu «V%44> IkrsHltifw for Hthriulitn# t.l At % U* the hmciald /r*»«r do»4 /. 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