GENTLEMAN'S ENCORE Quality Ratal* dotting lor Man and Wom*n ol Owcnmma&ng Tatt* tin tmAUEnE*m4i7t BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS Fnma plus loam com Moo Single *159 Double M 89 Queen*209 ROCK SOFT FUTON 686-5069 112? AJ(fc>r of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E. 18th Ave 4 MILAGRO VARGAS, Mezzo-soprano A special benefit concert tor the UO Chamber Music Senes Also on the program pianists Victor Stemhardt and Barbara Gonzalez Palmer, violist Leslie Strata, and clarinetist Michael Anderson Music by Brahms, Schumann, and Spohr Tues, Oct. 20 8 pm. $15 all reserved seats, available at the door. For more information, call 346-3761 (Music School) Accusations fly in Iraqi loan investigation NATIONAL r WASHINGTON (Al’l Justice Deportment docu ments released Monday suggest that a deportment ■ lawyer expected the U S " Attorney In Atlanta to help manage u pol Ideally sensitive; hi mi even after he hud withdrawn from il In avoid a potential conflict The documents, released hy Hep Henry Gon/ule/, U-Toxas. chairman of the House flanking Committee. dew rilx? as|wi is of the investigation of loans by the Atlanta brunch of the flam a Nu/.ionule del Lavoro to Irai| Thu U S Attorney in question, joe D Whitley, who is a former deputy assistant at torney general, said eight days after taking office on June 1, loot), that he was removing himself from supervision of the I use because of a client he had had in private prac doe 7 didn’t have any Involvement with the case at all.’ Joe D Whitley, Atlanta US attorney Hut In it Sept, 21. WO, memo hi I on sod by Gonzalez. Justice Dupurlmonl lawyer Motor Clark wrote, "I thought that the (U S uttor nayofhu;) was under control now that Joe Whitley is in place " Whitley stud in