11,000 anti-abortion protesters cross city I'OK T LAND (A I’) About 11,(«)() onli-ubor lion (ii.’iuonstra tors lined 41 miles ot streets oust to wesi through Portland on Sunday while un internet t ing lint! of 3,000 slrelched eight miles north to south, forming n hum.in cross at mss the city. Some of the demonstrators stood in hunches, some up to 40 feel apart All stood ipiielly Iri the ruin They held signs that read "Abortion Hurls Wom en." "Abortion Kills Children und "jesiis forgives and Heals " The second annual I'orlland Life Chain, sponsored by ir>0 churches in the metropolitan area, was lormed lo commune cate a message to the people of Portland, said (leorgene Kite, un organizing committee mem U5U3 Hwang's Martial Arts Taekwondo - Olympic iport oI both pfcyuiol fltnru and lell-drfmw MWT 7 30 PM - TTHF (bey I 4 PM |ado - Olympic sport using urength bolancr Wvrn^e ond momentum. Lxrellen! ownifl conditioner MWf S PM I Tiff (jf)J PH, Hopkido - Ptnonol wW drlm* com tuning tethnkjiies at Judo, ToelwonJo pressure points and more MWT 6 PM Matin Hwang - Formal Mutation at Korea |udo (dirge Mock Belt Muster Oegrers to all 3 thsapllnrs "A lugene Tradhsoo State 1972’ 2CM5 Franklin - .V9S-4167 We’re committed to being part of the solution... not merely pointing out the problem.’ Georgene Rice, Portland L ile Cham member bar "This Is ii slop low.ird heal ing." Kiii’ Mm! "We're real committed in In•»rpart "I the solution anil not men ly point mg out tin’ prwblitrri " Kuu s.iiii in.my people who stood In lino Iwt k up their •» liufs tiy volunteering in preg nancy crisis i enters "I volunteer!'ti as a birthing coach .mil we mst celebrated that baby's lust birthday, Kico s.ini "You make a i ummitmenl to Ix’im; supportive There were no reports oI problems, although .it le.isi one piiku{i lestuoned \% ith ahor lion-rt^hls signs drove the mute, honking at demonslru* tors Teres,I Jundt. I t. said the of* ten-emotional outliursls hy mo torists were frightening Jundt took purl in tint demon stration with lu-r family and other members of the Knlling Hills Commanitv Chun h in the Portland suburb of Tualatin ••Tills Is one wav to show our belief.' said Bruce Li. minister of the Portland Chinese Chris tian tv Missionary Alliance Church Li held his sign near an Interstate fi interchange in southwest Portland g iresh, Fit, Fast Mexican Foot) ■ m ,it 2<>th & Willamette DELUXE BURRITO corn chifts & 16 oz soft drink S049 with DNcnn Not ■««] «ntfi <«d\rr v-ffrfv to/29/92 PL House bombed by frozen waste WCX)D!NVILUi. Wash {AI*J — Leroy and Geirl Cinnamon worn al homo watching tho Snaillo Seohnwks on television when tho ah - whatever you call II • almost hit tho fun. A basketball-sized chunk of frozen sewage erasftod through tho Cinnamons' rool Sunday, blasting through tho colling and splattering on the living room floor only o few feet from where (Jerri wus sitting in front of the TV. Officials of tho Fodoral Aviation Administra tion suv it appears tho Cinnamons' house was tho target of on inadvertent dlsr hnrge from an airliner restroom Tho waste bomb made a 3-foot by 2-loot hole in the roof ant) coiling til the one-story house In this northeast Seattle suburb Nonet of the four people at home were hurt "It made one great, big, large ke-bang. and wo thought something had exploded," Leroy said Ho and his wife said firefighters who re sponded to their call figured it had to fie one of two things frozen airt ralt waste or a meteorite While the second possibility was still open, the house was quarantined and a hazardous materials response team was r ailed in to chei k for possible radiation I hey treated us like we were radioactive.' said Gerri When tho object began to molt, nil doubts wore removed "It stunk r«fll bad,” Gerrl said FAA spokesman Mike O'Conner said the Cinnamons’ house wasn't singled out by an er rant air crew. A look must have developed in one of the loilels of an airliner, ho said. At higher alli ludes. it would have formed into ice, clinging lo the side of the plane. On the descent into Soattle-Tocoma International Airport, the plane's airframe would have warmed up. caus ing tho chunk to thaw and break loose. O'Conner said the l-'AA is dusking flight records to determine which plane was over the tVoodinville area at the time the ice fell. "We need lo find the plane and gel it fixed,” ho said. The Cinnamons said they storisl iho pieces of ice in a plastic kilty-litter container in their freezer, just in case they new! them for evi dence. The distraction look them away from a game the Seahawks lost 19-0 lo the Los Angeles Raiders Instincts lead woman to house fire TACOMA (AIM A premo nition sent Br'idgelte Simmons home front work .nnl mny have saved the lives of tier husband .iikI three-year-old son Simmon# had I men at work for about two hours Sunday, tearing down walls for it reno vation project, when she was overcome by u feeling that something was terribly wrong She told her boss she hail to leave and began walking the four bits ks to her house "Something told me to ph k up the pace," Simmons said later from her hospital bed. and she began to run When she reached the house, smoke was everywhere and her nine-year-old son. John, was outside screaming Ihal the house was on lire "I thank Cod I went home, and I thank Cod I had the coin age and strength to do what I did." she said later Sunday "1 followed my first instincts Your instincts never Id you down " While John ran to a neigh ‘I followed my first Instincts. Your instincts never let you down.' Bridgette Simmons, saved husband and child tier's house to rail tlif fire de portment, Simmons, it.', run to ttie bat k of tier home .inti climbed through u betiroom window Smoke and II.lines prevented her using the fiont door Inside, she said, "Liverything w.is totully hl.it k I couldn’t set1 iinyttiing " Simmons crawled to the hall way. where she found tier hus band o( 15 years. Kolierl, anti their J-yeur-old son, Andrew Her husband was uncon scious anti she dragged him as fur as she could toward safety Then she grubbed the boy and left the house through a win dow the same window used shortly niter thill by Tacoma firefighters to bring out her hus band Robert Simmons, 70. sullered second- end third-degree burns on his arm. I.u e and hands He was in critic al but stable condi tion Monday .it St. Joseph Hos pital, a nursing supervisor said His wife is worried a flout long term impact, and noted Sunday lie had suffered eight heart at tacks over the years. She sullered from smoke in halation, but was in satislac lory condition Monday at Tacoma General Hospital and expected to be released soon The two children, treated for smoke in halation at Mary Bridge Chil dren's Hospital, were released Sunday firelighters say the blaze ap parently began in a liv ing room couch fire Department investi gator Rick Blackburn spec ulated that Robert Simmons may have fallen asleep with a cigarette burning, or perhaps the children were playing with a lighter. 1 Bored? Stressed Out? Need to Laugh? ThC ^Ifteed to 1 f.uatanl5 vnur ] IGuaj-— Your Bn^lel Bay* Interested in serving on the Tomorrow's Comics College Advisory Board ? Call 1-800-536-5050 tor information and an application! 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