Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 20, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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    Forensics team wins after shaky start
By Tammy Batey
Emerald Associate Editor
University sophomore Marcie Eversolc said she thought she was
going to pass out in the second round of her debate at lust week
end's Lewis and Clark Invitational
Evcrsolo was supposed It) stand up and refute the other team's
argument at the regional speech competition Instead, the pressure
got to her
"She wasn't talking," said junior Ceneiva McNoalo, Eversolu's
debate partner "I don't even think she was breathing I wanted to
say, 'Are you OK' Inhale, inhale
The prc&sum on Evorsolo and McNeale was great The University
Forensic* Program hud won three years in a row in the novice divi
sion at the tournament But Eversole and McNeale were able lo
tako the heat They walked away w ith the I'lrsi-place award for the
fourth year
This weekend was a memorable one lor the program The senior
division team also won first place at the Lewis and Clark Invita
tional. and the program captured the lirst-place award for the tour
The speech tournament was this weekend at Lewis and Clark
Community College in Portland The same weekend, Iwo senior di
vision University forensic team members won fillli place at the A/
tec Invitational in Sun Diego.
University junior Shawn MacDonald said other schools partici
pating at the Aztec: Invitational "call us the lop Oregon team "
"It’s very political." MacDonald said "It's just like a sports team
When you're suttessful in the past, they expect you to lie success
ful in tito future "
Forensic tram momfiers >*.>ici they s|H>nd hundreds ol hours in
the library preparing their arguments for tournaments Besides
studying their topics, they also get to know their debate partners
"We've known ouch other a lull two weeks and already she re
minds me of my mother." liversole said of McNeale
junior Lewi I ShtxJd. who is MacDonald s debate partner, said
he's learned his teammate's strengths and weaknesses
"You learn too mm h." he said
junior John I’aul Voillerjue. who was on the senior division team
at the Lewis and (dark Invitational, said it's Important lh.it debate
partners are on the same level
"Both people have to be saving the same thing he said You
have to learn to think in the same way
Light forensics program members graduated last year said David
Frank. University forensics program dtret lor None ol the I i re
turning members from Iasi year are seniors so their experience on
the team is limited, he said
Frank said the team's win at the Lew is ami Clark Invitational
was a pleasant surprise
“It was beyond all of my expectation*." he said "Last year, we
were deep In our exponent o I tiis year we thought was a rebuild
Ing year "
All of the 24 school teams competing it the Lewis and Clark In
vitutional and the 5^ teams at the A/let: Invitational are pari ol the
Cross Fsaininatlon Debate As sot lotion Frank said This year.
CLUA chose welfare as the debate topic at all of its tournaments
Continued from Page 1
Kep I’oler Del-a/.io of Spring
fluid; Cynthia Wcxtlon, h'ugene
candidate for Uisl. 41 nnd Kt;p
Bill Dwyor. candidate lor Sen
a to Dist. 21, opcnud ihu ovonl,
but it was clear lltu crowd was
(hurt: for Jackson
Students gave him a stand
ing-ovation when lie appeared
on the* stage and often inter
rupted his speech with ap
An estimated ti.OOO people,
mostly students, turned out on
the warm, sunny day — less
than half the number of stu
dents who floc ked to see Jack
son four years ago.
In the spring of 19MB, about
15,000 people gathered in
McArthur Court and stood In
the ruin for more than one hour
to hear him speak. An estimat
ed 5,000 people had to lie
turned away
On campus Monday, )e< kson
led the crowd in repeated
chants of -Rebuild America."
"Keep hope alive." and "Heal
America "
Compassion, and not hale,
should shape our attitudes
about others during these diffi
cult economic times, Jackson
said Unemployed workers, he
f'THMO tff P«*l4*r
A crowd ot nearly 6,000 people was on hand Monday afternoon to
hear Jackson s message.
said, should gut angry at cum
panics lh.it eliminate jol» and
not tiic workers who benefit
from the jobs
"Let’s live together," he said
"Lest we forget the Mexicans.
Taiwanese. South Koreans, did
not take these jobs from us," he
said "Don't hate them Ameri
can corporations got the tux
breaks to close the plant hem
The Kopubticen Party poli
cies are to blame fot till- job
losses, Jackson said
“Profits for the few. unem
ployment (or (tie masses," he
said in Ins authoritative, boom
in^> voice "Thun they look
down on us .mil preac li l.miily
"In Amertc a. u Jot) is u family
valuu." Jackson said lo a roar
ing c rowd "(Then- are) -10 mil
lion Americans in poverty." lie
said, adding dial mosi are poor,
young, while lomales. not
young, lilac k men
Moreover, he said, most poor
people work everyday doing
liring jobs and arc' not lazy
They work in fasl-foocj res
laurants Ripping hamtnirgers.
Jac kson said They raise their
i hildren, he said, and they
work In hospitals unit do thr
ilirly work for others
Yol wtu;n they yti‘t sick be
(..him; wo do Mol have .1 nation
at health t aro, they cannot al
lord to ho in tiio iu'd tin s make
every day." In' said
Jackson didn't dlrci tly >111
sw or questions ol why tho
Dotnoi r.itn presidential In kot
ol [till Clinton .ind Al Coro is
avoiding issues ol race. hut s,ud
ho thinks tho 1 .iiiilnl.ilos iiro
choosing to Iih us on tho is ono
my, which also affects ovor>
Hut Leslie Warren. dirts tor ol
tho Bl.uk Student Union, who
sjioko .it tho mlly. s.iid sho lx
hovos Clinton and Coro are do
mg a nood job ol rout limy; out
to blai k voters
II Clinton took Jackson
around with him on his i am
puign. Warren said, it would
possibly Im only lor an appear
,IIK e
I think It would he to use
J.u kson as window-dressing/'
she said
Alter (.ailing lor togetherness
and political change lor ahout
an hour. Ju( kson gav e his
thumbs up sign, said "love
you" and lel'l lor Corvallis to
continue Ins lour
hearing to
be in EMU
By Sarah Clark
ErrxKald Hopo»lw
A public hearing on llm
state Hoard of Higher laluca
lion's proposed rt-sidoncy re
quirements will lie today at
It) a m in l-.MU Cedar Room
Thu proposed require
ments would affet t all first
year, out-of-state students
who want to apply for res
idency after July 1, IMtKi
The rules would deny res
ident y lor out -of state sill ■
dents who are in Oregon
"primarily lor educational
purposes." at tording to a
draft of the proposal
Students enrolled in more
than seven credit hours per
quarter "shall he presumed
to lie in Oregon for primarily
educational purposes." at
cooling to the proposal
Hearing Officer Rose l ung
will record comments anti
collect written testimony of
fered .it the hearing She w ill
not he aide to answer any
questions not oiler any ad
vice to students, she salt! No
OSUHlv members are sched
uled to attend, site said
l ong w ill forward the testi
mony to tile Chancellor's ()l
flee, where administrators
will summarize it lor the
osd hi:
I lit' w>unr. wm l uiiMim
lilt) proposal will’d n incuts
I ritlay, (It I -.1 .it 111 1 T> .i in
ill Kuslom (Irrgon Slate (a»l
logti In l.ii I.r.mill
A group of lavs students
has prepared leslirntiny lo ol
fur lit todays hearing, -».ii«I
Darrel Jarvis, .i first year law
simli’dl from (lalifornia
Among the group's con
turns is tliiii the proposal
would make lltt* l.iw rclroat -
II w ITui group is asking lliu
OSBUK for .1 griindfulhur
i liiust), which would keep
Iht) hoard Iron) t hanging t or
rent rules h»r lirst-year slu
dents ’
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