EDITORIAL Bush’s desperation growing tiresome Desperation is defined in the dictionary us "reck lessness resulting from despair.” We need look no further than the 1992 presidential election for proof As election day draws closer. George Bush is faced with a double-digit deficit in the polls and is heavily in danger of losing the White House to Hill Clinton. So Bush is doing what any red-blooded American does when facts! with certain defeat — he's trying to lie. cheat and squirm his way to the victory circle. As he and his cronies see it. there's nothing to lose. Well, except for integrity, honesty and a good con science. We all know that the president is not the most up standing citizen in the United States. After all, almost every president has had iiis share oi character dif ficulties. JFK had his alleged affairs. Nixon had Water gate. Bush himself has boon implicated in the Iran/Contra affair, one of the largest public deceptions in American history. He also has publicly flip-flopped on countless is sues only because it suits his audience', from pro choice to anti-abortion. From one of the largest critics of "trickle down" to its largest supporter, from civil rights opponent in the 1960s to ... well. Now wo are expected to sit through countless as sassinations on Clinton's character by Bush, because he says that character is the most important trait in the presidency. What he doesn't understand is that his character attacks on Clinton only reflect his own des ecration. The draft? Who cares? There are more impor tant issues this year. Now Hush has said ho would, "do anything to inr re-elected." a direct quote. It's not exactly reassuring when the president implies he will lie if he has to. And then he accuses Clinton id saying anything to get into office when he has already admitted the tactic is his own design. Desperation? Hill Clinton traveled to the Soviet Union us a Rhodes Scholar, along with several other Rhodes Scholars. Bush, following the advice of a con servative House member, accused Clinton of having contact with KGB agents during his trip, insinuating that he is a communist. Well. George Bush hits hud several meetings with Soviet (now Russian) officials. In fact, he has met with the highest figure in the land (Gorbachev, then Yelt sin). Has Clinton accused him of anti-American activi ties? No. But if we used Cuorge's logic, we could argue that Bush was planning to be head of the Communist party. That sounds stupid, but Bush’s logic is stupid — and desperate. What is to be learned from these character attacks? Only that if Bush is elected, he can’t be trusted to tell the truth. That if he is willing to twist the facts and dis cuss only irrelevancies. how can we have faith in him to be president? Oregon Daily Emerald PO BOXHS9 lUGlNt ORIGON9/40) In* 0>*gon Daily E marald it pubnshad daily Monday through F nday during in* school yaw and Tuaaday art Thuisday during th» wim* by in* Oregon Daily Emerald Pubathmg Co Inc. at in* Urwarvfy of Oregon. (ugana Otogon Maw* Edaor Editorial Editor Qraphcl Editor Entertainment E dnoi In* l m*ra*J opr* ate* mdapandontiy iM tna Uruvwvty wsh on*cos at So** 300 ot ina Ere Mamoriai Union art * a iw«t» oi in* Assoc-aiad Pros* In* Emarak) a private property Tna unlawiui fomovai at us* ot papers a prosecuted!* by law Edaor Pa: Maiach jak#B*rg Fiaalanc* Edaor Don Peter* Martin Esher Editon*. Ed*oi River* Janssen Jan Pas toy Spoils Ednoi Oev* Cnaibonnaau fiayalloin Supplements Edaor CaSey Anderson NlgM Edaor Pal Maiach Aaeoclat* EdBors Tammy Beley. Siudam Government AOnmimt. Nona DaCair. PcMtct. Tun Man. ConvmxWy CoHaan Pohng ISpner l (Jucaioi KJmmtittion Maw* Stall Chester Alien. Marty Baucum Man Bender Juttm Blown. Safa* Clerk. Amen da Fan**. Abcia Ferrari. Ooma Gavin Lisa Haggerty. Tnaiosa Huntmger. Mary Klaai. L*a Kneatsl D*m4 MMSElfT.NESSfc,£t>\D \T..-An]D THE POUO VAOCIhiEjXEPTrtAT WAS (\%TOO. AW D A\JL E BEATLES’ d rrs3 NtAH THAT'S THE TICKET... AWD MELC£0 FH^\J <4. Get a clue I n f e s |) o use I o J i( s h Docherty s letter "llolitlling" In Ihr i'monitd (Oi l HI) Let's not gel caught up in self-righteous linger regarding alleged "indignation ol the In digenous people of liiis conic mini " I (ioui)l thii newspaper be queathed tile ii.line "(leroni mo" to the "dummy." !! you haven't grown up speaking Lnglish, "(ierontmo" is slang usually used by individuals hurling themselves oil cliffs, trees, etc The ICmoruld (bless its imagination) traditionally ussigns i nti by titles to "feature photos " A dummy was hurled, a pho to was taken, a title was given And you want to complain about that' You've never called someone "bananas" or "nuts" meaning "crazy" (stereotyping members of two highly respected food groups)? How about square" to mean "nerd" (stereotyping a line geometric shape)' Mow about angrily shouting "Jesus; Christ" or "God damn it!" Surely, it never crossed your mind that tin; "niujorily" (most likely including yourself) out rightly use; the names of our salvation and creator to damn whatever is pissing them off (even if one doesn't believe in Jesus or Cod, these righteous dudes lay life's foundation for millions). It's a cry in' shume that you've enough time on your hands to create "indignations." You emphatically pointed your finger at the Lmcmld (u blessed escape from boring lec tures). failing to notice you've three fingers pointing back at you! Looks like you should spend less time worrying about things that don't much matter, spend ing much more time thinking about what you'll major in (since you're undeclared.) Billy Psflloy Psychology Beware I believe that Ballot Measure 7 is one of the least understood measures that will be on our ballot this November Though it is t loverly written to look like a lax that someone else will pay. it is exactly the opposite The homeowner will pay higher food hills, higher gas hills, higher utility hills and higher hills on other gixuls and services Businesses do not print their own money. All the money they get comes from the sales of their goods and services. Any thing that causes their operat ing costs to go up increases the cost of their gixids and services If Measure 7 is passed, prices will go up. Measure 7 is really a hidden sales lax that we all will pay Our state government knows that the people of Oregon will not stand for a sales tax. so they have cleverly crafted this sales tux-in-disguise in the hope that we will be gullible enough to fall for it It's a wolf in sheep's clothing Norma I’aulus, State Superin tendent of Public Instruction, says that Measure 7 will not solve our school funding prob lems Tell our state government that we want less government, not more. Toll them we want to spend our money. We don't wont thorn to spend it for us Vote no on Measure 7. Gary Lawrence Willamina Nazi again? A survey of seven fundamen talist-oriented Christian Uni versity campus leaders, pub lished in the Oct. 5 Emomld, re ported that all of these Individ uuls prcforrod lo publicly ri; main neutral on Ballot Measure 9 issues This saddened and disappointed mu immensely As the familiar song says, "When will they ever learn?" I vividly remember the 1 mills and HMDs Crowing up in Na/i occupied Holland, I personally witnessed what happened whim "good" people look .1 neutral stand Most Christians, with some notable exceptions, preferred to remain neutral and/or indifferent to what was happening lo our fellow Jewish country people Repeatedly. Nazis told blatant lies about their fellow citizens, stigmatiz ing them as "less than human" and accusing them of corrupt ing major religious and cultural values The rest is history. Individuals of my generation vowed that this should never be allowed to happen again. Today, OCA spokespersons repeat daily lies and false opin ions about the behavior of ho mosexuals Those lies are re pealed in the Voters Pamphlet. Passage of Bui lot Measure 9 would mean these lies und opinions would bo engraved on Oregon's Constitution. How would that affect Oregon's fu ture history? 1 know that Christians, what ever their Biblical interpreta tion viewpoint may be. recog nize lying und vilifying us a se rious sin Particularly, whon doing this would adversely uf lc< I so many innocent and good people. I pray that all Christians, us well as other people of faith or non-faith, join me lo reject big otry and the (X^A's attack on Oregon's Constitution. Please vote no on 9 Jacob Veldhuisen Eugene LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is submitted.