140 PETS lMp' drag on w^S 8* dquanmn a *’ Hind Vary tnanOfy *120 l mv* rr«u*ga 68» 60?1 us CARSTRUCKS SEIZED CARS, truck! DOffit erv motorhoma*. by fBl. MRS Of A AvaiAaO* your ii'ua now C*« t aoo 33a 1388 «i; c-i2to 19*4 VW Van H»Ou;« angina. n«M lraramtii*on new cMch. $900 6a; 64 n_ tWO Honda Accord 120.000 m.*^ #m/tm caw now t.rcr*. tuna up. mutt!**, great condition $t90Q OOP 342 329P 79 Marcury CApr* RS many n*» pad* run* great. $550 ObO 344 7266 iso MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1962 Yamaha Sac a street b**u> 400cc. pood condition Cat! Brat at 345 6777 Asa.ng $600 155 BICYCLES Blue Sky txcyoa can « canopy , Dofli wnooi flunrtK Had* 350 it>* Ouck r«i anacn 5225 345 B852 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Commodora 128. monitor. 2 dr vO'. modem. printer. software. $350 484 2210 or 346 52TO »Tyvmdla7~386• S X. ?mB RAM 40mB HD. co*or monitor printer, modem mouse. tots software $950 ot>o Le«gh, 687 5708 NEW Ultralita notebook wV400 mo dem, 3v»" drive w/pnnter pon mouse soft. $450 485 2210 or 346 5210 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!!! Wo buy. soil a/xJ sonrce VMS VCR's and stereos Thompson biocvon.cs. H22 Oax 343 9273 210 HELP VVAMTED ATN Spac Ed St<*» P! tfli n«*ny tr*nd w4^#d tor AC*tv# *- • jr» 0*3 girt Mull t*» «x*p(ing o' dWcm outgoing anaagatc cr#a»iv# 1 ova o* t>ag% a p*u» C4M ana '«f -«q S* "#g. 34? i?4 3 rm 305 py lft?3 CRUISE SHIPS MOW HIRING l urn $?0OQ • montfi • work! t'avi* (Maiafla M*KO. !N» C^WNWn. #*C| Mcvtofly CMM* ampwymam «va NO a*p n#c f1«©*• C MU M 1 M Ca 346 4351 O' com# in tor mor# into EOC AA local Co aipandm^ n l^o ( ug#n*- SpftO A l in# County mk« LOOKing lor a^WOu* i r»HJ|ivai#d ind JO cov#r vaws tar»4fl*y Gary 746 3736 MUSICIANS' lOONng to* p«an**i. 0« «>’ - •*: ” n! taaai | i craU«t* a.' tno Un>v#rviy Application* A’u ava»iat>*a a? !'«• Emarato front das* EMU Sono 300 PtjMBft supmit wr-iing sample* wtfn appucaiiOfi Oaadtena tot appfecauon* >* 5pm, Oci ?3 For mora into am Ja*o Borg or Pal Maiacfi At 346 5511 I CLASSIFIED PEKHONAtal ATTN. Sludrnl* Now Kner«l« Old Knrnd* Ju«' Warned New IUb) Kmpsuyee# Kmpl«»yrr* _ Kucheeo OrodviaU?* v~ ^(’uU’gor) 105 YCMJK CAMPUM CONNKCTHKA < he gun limit y timer mid 316 4343 RETAK./CUSTOMER SERVICE Starling pay $10 25 Part-tun# $205 «r»#kly, $820 monthly Full tm# $410 »##kty. $1WC monthly Int i cfiam, many !»mp & pov no miy rmc Witt tram fe«* noun Worn in Kjcai a'«a «tpp/y hAaopuaniKf. CoMqa siudants aro** part ttfna scroo» y*»a/ antJ lim<* Oufr>g vacation. *omu fCfvo^W’bp* and mt#rosn»p# «va» Cafl 161 07 76 205 OPPORTUNITIES Announcement ol Greduete Teaching Fellowship toe the Carlton Raymond and WUbarta Ripley Savage Proteaaorahip in International Ralations and Paaca rw (MURIUM thal wWcU Um dt*U«*wldMd t.'arllnn *aj»-ad and ttUtnrto K'P*«y *•* In IturMlbMl R.toOoof and Pi*u to |»» via a.dfl fol>uhe in Un*hJn* In iMfMt during Um *P',fl« “*» •* t*** «•*’ , j,r-, wndr'gr adtwle (Um tonUll»aly UUnd lr»di*e*-w» lUtw* KlfMf. A Wmm'I rmparthf*' M4 . emalier gradual. <** «*»«*! on indlgan-u. .sol*.mb. TW GTV «riU alto work with UM Snengn rrel.Motaif l u»nmitu« and Uf .hair 4-ut in* lita m3 in pr.partf* (or fol>wke't Macula* during Um »pf In* the «.!> iwfitl-n rm; ha appoWted al a 10 FTI! far the wtntor. a poatlhie fw Um ip'ing. and If Ur Um ('andMaine ateawM ha nufUM at a gradual. fiu4.nl at Mm l ni»*r*llj al Oregon la a fWtd ntoud to UDakf‘1 cwtm and tt per lift »uth as anthropology, htttory; economi.* a4n entton; enrteonmantol ftnOUa; geographp. folk tor* and athnh tUdtn*; Iniarnallonni 4*»4 toa; pane. atudtoa; planning. pohUc polky and mauagemrni. r-Hiknl *Mn*t. Mntoto*,. and woman't dtdU. Candtdatoa afcouid ham a flroetg Inter .»! to human *»ghu fefuoa. to -NMtmkf, and woctMn’f Imm on aa Inter no Uonnl male. They fhoold aim pmra strong crom-cultural communication, or ianUalU»nol. and writ mg Ml Ilf Itofi latere tied In applying fhould »uhmll a currant *ha, two lattart a# refer*n«a, and a mart .may IndkatU* »hy yoo would Ilk. to work with Wlnonn foltwk*. Application, dmuld ha submitted to Um Oftkn fd tniarnaUunnl Aflalra. Ill Jnhnma IUU iaU*nUua t.ynn hulling. >44 214? > no Inter than fcommher 14. 1992. 2)0 HELP WANTED OVtHSf AS JOBS WOC TOOC ''•O Ssjmmer. Yea? round a# CQunfcft8* *•• t*HO* r (x> nto *' !* UC. HO Bo* V QMOJ Cow* O# Mo/ CA POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE' Mary poattont OwM &«■•'•*»'** Catf i 000 330 330a e«t P33QB... Stapping CM*. ERIC C leafing Kou*a Prepare order* tor fttappmig v* UPS. U S M*>4 and vwmxi* •»p/»M cmtrmr* Au/tt *n p/epanng *wo»at order* o-^ng compot#fij«3 system* arxl Oi^w era* of*ce defen Hr or computer **;*» r»erv_* * required We m > train «n u*o 0< ftoftesve Mufti Dw *£>*» to I'*’. SO ’■&% 15 20 hr» per wk. SMv I’fgV^vw gtv*n to eorft fttudy Student* end app cent ft «no c*n work *om* morning Drop of* return* and reference* at l MIC Ctoer**ghouft* Mm IQ? Agate Ha»i ApptCiTU selected tor interview* «:> t>* C**Od !'M* *««)» l>i OC T 2f> STUOENTS Internal or** marketing company too*ung tor fttudenu wfX> need M and part lime income mnnfAirvng stud*** T *#* &*• Nju'ft Greet mcome potent at C«’ 343-Q5A / Student Cover nmanf PoelUona Ay* liaise Budget A/vi’yfti Record Keep** to* Mdwii fee Committee Work Study or Upend S 8 t>'i a *%**» Adivram. empowerment. and gam ftlu don? government a • per emce Po up opi>»(.ation >n ASUG of&cu Appi-otw on dwkt1 PCI ?6m Spm ’asst circulATION MANAGER 1 2 nourvday rnoydmg 7 30 a m 0 X a m eac?> wuu*day »»IO»n>.ng Applicant* must t»* M l»m# tludents at t no U o* O You mutt rave transportation p'oot o* msvranee a'«d be prompt depended** and orgomred Come up to tne Oregon Da^ fmeraw Room 300 I MU between 0 A noon (no pnone C4» •’. Starts m |4 ?Smoor pH/* m«*wage reimbursement t Of _ tntaraftled In radioTNesd ta»rtd§ on experience1 $***ra; pos.l-ortft Ope/' m KWVA Campus Radio Inc GM ACM Program Dtredor Promo Director etc App* «i ASIJO Sutu * (MU or Caii Jonn » 80630 Dead* « Nov ? KWVA ?, ar AA \ Ok_ 215 WORK STUDY Wow Miring work atudy qualdiad ttudont «» compote r^kiH wii.'*. w« ***** *p®ciu;-i. Owv;« compoi«* m««t*n*na» wsttt m and ioftwa<» $’j C«»" Jarvca. 6dt> S4T4 225 APTS DUPLEXES Campus Apartmant* Furmthad 1 A? Uadrooma Fall flat 137**450 4AS-?i?3 Ctaan quiat i Dwdroam ctp; r h* u■«*• ConKon. 1 &** to UolO cov*n*J parking. Laundry. 4tJ4 4!03 Room tor rant Non smoker t WOCk !ro»Tt horary S2?6, pay util'!** 344 6/14___ t Or apt OfMf 1 WOCk 10 KmgM M) tun prtvHJa p*'iu»>g tSundry Atftt*! Oc! TV g« r**i ol OC f FRIE *3^»0--mo on *»*&• '.rvu Doc 31 jrenewaoie) txt: dtpu) Redwood Park Apts. Qui0t. Country Living With City Comantanca Unturnlahad t idrm $3fli, (starting Nov 1) low Utibitaa On Butim* L quippad Watghl Room, Spa Wood Part A Playground laundry F actinia* Alto Furnlihad Btillaa Studio. 1 A 2 ft R 1600 to ll/S individually Oacoratad Complataty Fur malted Everything From Cable TV to linana For Bad. Bath A Kitchen On Sit* Management Taam 4103 W. 18th 484 8775 WHAT A DEAL! An MUm. p*u» tasm lug* t (Mdroum cMHn) B'^N apartm«nt |45i C'ua! ocaum 1050 f orry Si Can *84 7*41 22b APTS DUPLEXES Jennings - Co FIRTREE APTS 1149 Foiry S«**o» 7 Cx?'"' *>***% in coctad •ntiy fatkfrnQ Ck»4> !i> C-VtigMA fttfPClX'T A,.'X}ry '■W-'f Come*mi p«vXvny d.J4C« $470 C Mtof *hOw ••'■J f4P *.>' t» Jsnmnyt # Co 4#3-4?t9 *45 tt»th 1 tJOU'uorrs i a. » ».ir| F»Of% $330 1117 W 8lh i MKjfoo^ PirAflg $2toc *5? W Oro«d«r«y \ !»«Otoyw $iV5 tnetudwt wt*l SPHtNCrillO INF Str»*i 3 OtKS'iXy^ I OwrtdTy PtB'A.n^ $3?0 1S2 South 53*<1 O «' 1* 4 b . AS ^ 2 tXl> •’'*• $3*0 319 C 3tf#*t i MiA^oom laundry $100 No p«U Shown by •pfwmimant SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W IOth (NW- 1130 DAY 4 CLUES 2 DOWN 'Hu* terror of OZ 1 ACROSS IT'S A SCOFAW tlBSmo AU jM A'xJ prnIncitAtaJ Room m houao Shared Kachan and t>asf t'9C tOCKxJM ul-W*M% lOWiKiHW SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES m-nao_34$w toth 25J ROOW.IATES WANTED Hoommat# wantaii m 3 bdr lown nou*a $181 or* irwd ui*i no par t** 344 otsac__ 2 Oadr oom cKAtt io campu* $1 SOrmontfi. $130 dapcrM. ‘h UM. non kmoMK C*» 4tt4 oi 35 270 CHILD CARE Graduating? ta* "g a y**a/ o«? Sop** Connect Local mtorvww app»cai>on Sh»r*y. 464 7168 Oth#r poMon* ava»ta&*a___ Thurston Nigh Sc hoot Chad OavaL opmani Caniar, agaa 2v*-6, ©pan 7 30 5 30pm 726-3478 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson wui. ir wont be foe Ik WHILE SET. TULN 1 WtSH ir WAS 'SPRING OR rjUM*tR ■V V KXJ DWU UWL MvlWt * CM. I AUTUMN \ IS FlNt V_ >rs xwt [ Oom U*E 275 ELECTIONS Oregon Democrat* need your *tull*' Volunteer to help elect Democrat* and wtn Peck the Oregon Hou»e Celf Anne at 663-4911 240 MEETINGS OUTDOOR GEAR SWAP Wed Oct 2t Tpm I MU 0 All ROOM | 00 Into 34*$ 4HS5 OUTDOOR PROGRAM Korean American Ch‘ v*4 every ? m..r% a pm n Cen? -y Mm A pi | MU Quezon* CM A a tsa; ;g:ti APARTMKNT hunting? let (toetfMi he yewr §«h*el ?»saue SPORTS CYCLING CLUB MEETING Two OCI ?0 7pm ■ end moot e^eryo*-* * Be ',n«ru ICE HOCKEY Tryout* Sunday Od T4* l arm County ice .. p*u •* 4 TSpm Bnno Undent ID fttO !e«' 'tiuuiredj NS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT t 00 • «S VS *U **»♦ SOW* * vm-< «*.jn »«i.<« »*«« ■» thc omtctors cut woti t scoTrs BLADE RUNNER X.fftlty * »»<** 1 X • » lAM-. VON TKlfcRN ZENTROPA BIJOU IATE NITE Mlfftll» ”«» "animation CElXBRATIONj Ml g ft I* f I* *» ^fWIN PEAkNr.., *««.» witiwscj BUNGEE Bridge Jump Group R«<*« & GUI Ctrt*lic«t*» C»» (SOI) 570 0»3. M E, < 00-5 *> 320 SERVICES Concerned about pregnancy7 Wa can n+iO I rmt pffgnmcy lift.** I a/fy do l«tl«00 6-rthngftt 64 7 Wit Planned Parenthood V* Pap ntocion it*nc6% b-rm control p<»gn*n cy unt& 4^x1 unbuiaad counseling 144 04M ACNE A Nasty Four Letter Word II you had started on Clear Care Acne treatment 30 days ago you would be clear o! Acne today For tree samples, information on how Clear Cares topical medications work Call our Skin Care Information Line, (800) 435-3533. CATHOLIC NEWMAN CENTER ISM I m.nkl 14)7021 OPEN FORUM ON FAMILY VALUES ❖ Judy VtigMnmi, MS i «»■ .«»» M r »/ • i hJ f 4 ' > ❖ t*»! K*hr*>i*kJ. t>'Wlo? I *»/»> HcrlUVlO ❖ l any limpet IL-MOf-v .*<*1 w--«. MtAta'iKOf Mm^'V M FHaCS CATHOt 1C NtWMAN CENTER KM) ( maxld (Km and f maiald) Data am) Tima / 30-9PM. Tuesday, Ocl 20 ( Of '»><**• mto#matiO»V Util 3-*II fQ?\ ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1-STOP SHOPPING CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS 1 I’anthoon ftguro* 5 In rvo lima at all 9 Moton&l « porcha»a 12 Ham % dad 13 Shaft or ad 14 T Of chad 15 Prop* to# P«ngum and Popp«n* 17 Oklahoma c4y 19 In l ho p#a »wan mod* 19 Couic* fthow 2! Mn.haol ot tanm* 24 F.y# catching appaial 23 *Dam>' 29 I rad and Wilma 5 30 Sick 31 Informal languaga 32 I aM Habra* tailor 33 Molding s and such 35 T ha daath of tha party'* r—p—rr—p jo wo (in oH»n 37 Actms* Hannah 38 Compo^of lm/! 40 Oddbafl 42 RmNcm'i ohaorxj 43 Sptnl ol th* ttma 48 Mi MacCuaw 49 Uuft» 50 PfOffcgata 1 St Skuuth 52 Tachla* 1 Udm mat ** 53 At non* c«ty [)OWN 1 Wdd« 2 Dutch • unci* > 3 Smalt qu.imuy 4 (.tit O >*n to %»/** 7 5 Nov* « \K4to/'% 6 P*rtr*#f «n com* 7 M«»{>tun« * • f ifsl won! tnlo If*# mtkmf • Spartacus, to< on# 0 Vofds 1 Otidl #fK «t school lesson 6 f utuf# falcon 0 Indrvi* 4>fc» 1 (»rob 2 M~l.il • rtffHM 3UNIIWII ¥«*l»rd«v • tniwtf 1010 turtitiUM 24 !K*k> n«HJ* ol yut 26 Ghana* pUt «' 2 7f*.k:h 26 Indiana c*y 29 t «%I name m dm* d*mWy 31 Su. a way 34 Rittaw Of l aofui 35 Wh#t« lo p«.k op a I a/1 37 I amity nmmtwr maybe 36 Mui« .*1 36 Audi Ikxxiii do sue 40 Benavo tent 41 Ha gave u« a Ml 44 A bdlon ye.*'. 45 (Mitof t teller* 46 Oollom bne 47 noon bf»4k FFTH