RIM RESULTS KIM M OKI > Oci 12 it FLAG FOOTBALL HkmiMil «4 the W«* Aftparagut S|jpa» S®. OL K-uj jw Alpha Th®u 12 NwkiuniP uf Ihc W«4 ilumu tiumu Nuku Oct 12 SiynaOu 2H 12. A lt) 2« to F i|i 24. Fiji Whn* to ( iind 2 Hi*U (TU/Higma »4 Swr»«--mrf /I ATtVIX; 241. 54* Kfw/I*» Pb< «> Oci. I) Mmi' 2 I'ww Fvll 3). lj»mbtla Oil Alpha 7 Hum (>««r (original namoj uctl PM Pm 111 KCH * 7. Ph) Pm III fc (hi 14 Mti«* 1 Sigma m ) 1 Stgrna n Slgmu Nu n M«i»' 2 tJti PM 11 tllu/ Mali 7 Fmrnf Wr).>w‘ll 21. Iln u ( hi O CM IS Mnw 1 Fiji IV Phi I’w 12 S»g.ma Alpha 1 1*. 8«U U«w» 2 Hk-u Ou 1®. Lambda Oil Alpha « ATt) T«**m Om 21. Th* UIiovm* 0 (ami I A*par:*«u« MU-Kappa Alpha Thau 12 S i | Ep/Pl Phi On a det 1 imbJj Qw/K«pf»» (fottat) Mrtt * 3 No Pl<) 2** llumu Multio Nuku 1 J Od. lb Miw i 2 Phi Pw 2 V IK lu t* Taam Phi 12 IWufl N«nm«i Nu II 32. Hun k SiumblwO Vha Duty Du«jft 12 Thirty < 3ti 112 ft kappa S»K,rn4 if. 2** Icum Phi II 0 Rjm joh 2 Kappo Sigma 2il U (4ml 2 (Ju IVi/Camm» Pt*l 22 M»« Kfghi (k « 2ft PmnAi 1 »**• M t hi Of*wq|»/t ip 21 0.1 Ifl ( AMx] t ATO/tX! On* 42 fri Dafta/DUU (ImwiI) 2 Plu |»*» 112 M it>»fts 1* |»in) Now Wc »i Om 12 t MHO b' S>g t p% «», A JO Uxfin U p EGOS Continued from Page 9 Bui thu "Ickoy Shuffle” pul on abrupt ond to that fud Next came tho kneel down in the ond zone and tho "lather. Son and Holy Spirit” demon strntion by players of u more "religious'' nature. Did anyone ever believe those guys went to church every Sunday? But thn "Toucbdown-Miikers of America” got together over the summer, and presumably decided they needed u new form of celebration Take off the helmet Miiny a player this season has been seen removing his hel met after a touchdown or inter ception and looking lor the nearest camera A touchdown is no longer .1 testimony ol a team's all-around performam e, it's a chance lor the running back, receiver, quarterback, or whomever scores ih<* |>oints to lei the world see his proily Ill tin face without the mask-like helmet But take a look at these same guys after a fumble, Intercep tion or dropped pass It's guar anteed they will have their hel met conveniently placed on their noggin while standing on the sidelines, walking into the locker room and during the plane ride homo Everyone who plays college football, or tiny football for th.it matter. Is going to make his share of great plays But a great play Is not scoring on a one yard bootleg or tackling a run ning back after a five-yard gain It's called doing your Job. Imagine a lawyer raising his or her arms and danc 1 ng around the courtroom after winning an objection, or a fire fighter taking oil his helmet and saying "I'm number one" into KliZI's oar new after putting out a fires. Now imagine a foot!rail play er scoring a touchdown, drop ping the football and celebrat ing in an embrace with bis teammates — who should be given most of the credit for the touchdown anyway. College football is no longer a team sport. It’s a sport of indi viduals trying to gel the big money at the next level. Maybe stripping the helmet und mugging for the camera is intended for prospective en dorsements. But from the looks of some of these football play ers. the helmet should definite ly stay on. So after tin! rooster-on-speed and helmet-peel fads have run their courses, what can we ex pect next7 A little humility would bo something few have tried this season Oregon Daily Emerald Look today for clues to our Halloween Crossword contest! c i.assiI' i»< >i,n i»*:s Placement Adt may hr pJ at cd at Room M)0, liMU (mam office) or UO Booksttvre. Mam Moor Payment • All ad* rnu*l hr prepaid unless hilling hat been csuhlithcd Call Ufy A for hilling arrangement* • VISAAK air accepted • A purebate order mutt accompany all l nivcrsity departmental ad* Errors/Refunds Ideate theck «M»uf ail' Ihe 01)1 will run a classified ad tint additional day at a result of any typographical cru>f dial change* the meaning id die ad. »f reputed by I PM Refund* will he limited to credits «»tl> No ca*h refunds will he issued after the ad deadline Credits mutt he used within 6 months of is me 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS II BO COtX'J\AUA ATt S OUH Hi Wf *.! 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