Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 20, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Students explain
impact of most
recent debates
j Viewers at local tavern say debates
helped solidify election opinions
By Lisa Kneetel
Emerald Reporter __
A handful of people watching Monday'*, presidential
debate at Taylor's College Side Inn said the debates did
not necessarily sway their support lor a candidate, but
they did help them reach a dei ision
Tim Harrison, a junior in psychology, said the debates
supplemented what he read about the candidates He
said he plans to vole for Democrat Dill Clinton
Although the debates helped him evaluate the candi
dates, Harrison said he didn't teei substantial questions
were posed to the candidates
"We really need to know wh.it they're thinking about
economically,'' Harrison said. "We don't need to know
about simple issues like lainily values
Chris Harrell, a Lane Community College sophomore
in health care administration, said he knew before
watching the debates that he'd support either Clinton or
Perot. Harrell said a solid debate perlormance made him
decide to vole for I'erot
"Why wouldn’t anyone vote for a billionaire who's
boon In business for years'" Harrell said
Harrell said I’erot impressed him as a shrewd busi
nessman who’s good at solving problems He said he
Turn to DEBATES Page 7
Feds award program
grant of $1.7 million
□ Renewal of federal funding encour
ages program's expansion
By Sarah Clark
Emerald Repent*_________
Thu fodurul Office of Spot ul Education Programs re
newed a SI 7 million grant for a University program
that helps U S status ami territories iluvulop educatiun
ul polit ies lor students with disabilities
OSlil’. u branch of the U S Department of Education,
gavu the Western Regional Resource Center SI 5 mil
lion lusi year T his year s renewal was the second part
of a two-year program ending May il lWRT
The WRRC is part of the University Affiliated Pro
grurn. a resc-arch and service unil willitn the Division of
Special Education and Kehutiililulion at the University
College of Education.
The WRRO's 20 stuff members and its hired consul
tants help develop special education programs in u re
gion covering about one-sixth of the Earth s surface.
This region spans Alaska, Arizona, California, Ha
waii. lduho. Nevada. Oregon and Washington, the terri
tories of American Samoa und Ouiitti, the Common
wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic ol
Palau, and the freely associated federated Stales of Mi
Turn to GRANT. Page 7
>*rvoro Dt
Jesse Jackson came to campus Monday and spoke to an enthusiastic crowd Jackson urged listeners to
vote tor a now direction In November
Jackson preaches voter unity
PNXO Dll Pft»i4y
Jackson lakes lime out lo slump lor the vole of a
future volar, live-monlh-old Danaan O'Donnald
Danaan is the son of Eugene resident Kale
jWe must "Keep hope alive"
for a change, say Democrats
By Rene DeCair
Emerald Associate Editc*_
The Kev. Jesse )mIson .ifmi'il with his message
of unity descended on rumpus Monday to raise
lhi? consciousness of sludunt voters
Mom youth will vote Nov I so that vvi: might
become better .tnd not bitter,” In; soul "It’s a 1 5-iJ.iy
countdow n for a now course in our country
Although ho s boon largely absent at big, public
Democratic gatherings, Jackson has toured the na
tion since September rallying lor the Uomoc relic
cause and talking about the tough, littoral issues
jackson, a l'ttttt presidential candidate, said it is
not the dirty work he is doing lor the I’arly, but the
"wholesome, moral work
Addressing the crowd on the LMU Last Lawn,
Jackson hit on several themes lie's emphasized re
peatedly in the past four years
Speaking powerfully and eloquently, he urged
people in the crowd to vote Democratic, to turn
their "pain" into power and to "keep hope alive
Turn to JACKSON. Page 3
Expect some rain today, espe
cially in the afternoon There
will be gusty winds today
around 15-30 rapb Highs will
1 be in the 60s Tonight there will
be scattered showers with lows
in the mid 40s
Wednesday will bring decreas
ing chance of showers, with
highs in the lower 60s
If you're longing for the sun.
go to Rio, it hit 97 yesterday
(AP) - Arkansas Gov Bill Clinton will make a campaign swing through
Eugene on Thursday, campaign officials said Monday
No site has been chosen yet for the mid-day rally, which will be Clinton's
only public appearance in the state on this Western lour, said Amy Weiss
lobe, Clinton s Oregon spokeswoman
Clinton will be accompanied by Gov Barbara Roberts and Rep Les
Nine Western governors are expected to travel with Clinton during his
tour, but campaign workers don't know how many will be present in
Eugene, Wetss-Tobe said.
Roberts also will appear with Clinton at the Pike Street Market in Seattle
ATLANTA (AP) - II wasn t (he greatest way to welcome a
baseball team from (la rad a to the World Senes
During a re monies Sunday night before Came Two between
the Atlanta Braves and Toronto Blue lays, the Canadian flag
was displayed upside down
Baseball officials almust immediately apologised ‘to the
people of Canada and to all baseball fans for the unintentional
improper display of the Canadian flag *
The (Unadian odors were brought onto the field along with
the American flag by a U.S Marine color guard from Atlanta
In the bottom of the second inning, officials acknowledged
the error.