Indian images in sports may violate laws MILWAUKEE (AIM - VVarhnwks. Braves. Chiefs, Kedmen anil Redskins may bo dis criminatory names and logos for Wisconsin school teams ireenuse they reinforce stereo types, the state attorney general said Educators and Indian activists praised the opinion last week from Attorney Cenorul James Doyle, saving it could lead other states to restrict use of Indian motifs by pub lic schools. The Wisconsin Department of Public In struction has the authority to determine which Indian images used tiy schools vio late unti-disi rimination laws. Ubyle said. The department mailed < opies of Doyle's opinion to school districts, leaving them to decide whether to change Indian motifs, said Steven B Dold, assistant state superin tendent for management and budget "It will have a fairiy direct and positive effect,” Dold said. "We think communities are increasingly sensitive to the kind of harm these logos can cause." At least 50 Wisconsin high schools UM nicknames. logos anil mascots derived from Indians Doyle -aid In hi* opinion (Hat such names and likenesses may ruin fori e stereo types or create "an intimidating or offensive onvlmnmenl, thus perpetuating past dis crimination " if a school district refuses to dump Indian themes and a complaint is filed, the public instruction department cun determine whether they are discriminatory. Dold said Indian advocates said tiie opinion may. for the first time, offer communities a legal basis in the fight against names and images they consider discriminatory "The attorney general 's opinion carries . lot of weight What we need are elected offi clals who take leadi rship positions and win speak out publicly on this issue." said Kar en Funk, a legislative analyst lor the Nation al Indian Lduc.tlion Association in Wash ington. D C Athletic teams with Indian motifs have caused problems in other states' schools and in professional snorts os well Indian activists have complained about thf professional Washington Kodskms fi><>t boll team and Atlanta [t raves baseball team Indians said school motifs pertaining to them arn demeaning and present .1 view of thi’ir culturt' and heritage frozen in tilin' They said such names and images perpetu ate stereotypes that fuirt relations with tlietr communities "It gives Indian students and non-Indian students very erroneous pit lures of Indian people." said Lisa VVtuikuu. 1 Menomonee Indian and history teacher at Menomonee Indian High School In Minnesota, the stale hoard ol education directed schools not to use nit knenies and likenesses that were prejudicial, hut school districts questioned whether the board had that authority, said Will Antell. manager ol Indian education for Minnesota "I hope our (education) board will pit k up on that and get an opinion from our at torney general," he said. Cash For Textbooks Mon -Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th t Block From Campus 345-1651 BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS I ramo plus loam core luton Single* 159 Double*189 Queen ‘209 ROCK SOFT FUTON 686-5069 112? APJor nn * *» * GENTLEMAN'S ENCORE Quality Resale Clothing for Men and Women of Discriminating Taste 1111 WILLAMETTE EUGENE, OR 97401 343-6179 Experienced CRIMINAL DEFENSE J „ „ ,s.m *. , « • l >1 ; II (id ,»lf ' . .1 1 ). !«' i-.t • I )l i <■ J I >< ' • ' < • 1 ' i 1 ’' l • ' ' 1 • • I f i* f I f . . • i. -f y ,i M • ^ >» » * .ii . -.«• C )' , ! ) Puce quole by phone ([WAFFLE l CONE I I .(fo I J/ Campus SUBSHOP 1225 folder 345-2434 No* valid on delivery with any other discounts Of coupoib Or*? coupcut per nwtotner Irupm* 12/2t)/‘£ recycle! If you abuse alcohol or are into drugs, don't come see us about a job. A-dec. Inc Blue* Cross/Blue Shield of Oregon Brooks Resources Corporation Century West Engineering Copeland Lumber Yards Inc Eastern Oregon Farming Co First Interstate Bank ot Oregon Flightcraft, Inc CTF. Hoffman Construction Co. Hyster Sales Company Hyster-Yale Les Schwab Tire Centers Meier & Frank Oregonian Publishing l o PCE Pacific Power (V w o II show \ on w licit it nuons to... |L SI VVi \(I NERCO, Inc NIKE, Inc Northwest Natural C Co. Ochoco Lumber Co Pape Bra., Inc. Pendleton C.r.iin Growers Pendleton Woolen Mills Precision Castparts Red Lion Hotels & Inns Sisters of Providence Health System Standard Insurance Company Tektnmw, Inc US Bank U S WEST Communications Waeker Siltrank Corp Warm Springs Tribal Operations Weyerhaeuser Co Willamette Industries, Inc Willamina Lumber Co A growing list of Oregon companies test for alcohol and drugs. If you're not clean, don't talk to us until you are. Oregon Business Council In partnership with Oregon's institutions of higher learning. National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week October 19-23,1992