Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 19, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    Stuck up
Ptsoto t>f M RNr*3**!
Undeclared freshman Peter Veliutim discovered the gripping power of
Velcro Velcro wall-jumping was a feature attraction at the EMU Mam'
Desk s open house Friday "ft w,:is a once m a lifetime experience.
Veliutim said I can t wait to write home to my parents about it
1 TWA jet plunges 20,000 feet
ATLANTA (AIM A IYVA flight from
Now York to Atlanta plunged 20,000 foot
in a controlled dive after the jet lost cab
in pressure
None of the 7ft people aboard Flight
1ft] Saturday were injured, and the Boe
ing 727 landed safely and on schedule
The pilot, who did not give his name,
told passengers including an Associat
ed Bros# reporter — he had boon forced
to drop from 33,000 foot to 13.000 foot id
ler losing cabin pressure
TYVA officials in Atlanta und at the
company's headquarters in St Louis dill
not return repealed telephone calls Iroin
(he AH requesting inform.ition
The plane had been flying smoothly
when it suddenly begun a stoop dive
about 1 p rn
Moments later, after passengers began
glancing nervously around, oxygen
masks dropped from tlie overhead bins
and robin attendants shouted, "Hut them
on! Hut them on!"
After leveling off about four or live
minutes Inter, the captain told passen
gers they could remove the oxygen
masks and explained that the cabin had
lost pressure.
Experts dispute claims that Army
discovered flying saucer in 1947
1KV1NC. Texas (AIM — limh sides in u
UFO debate remain lighi yours upurt
nearly half u century after th«? Army
( n. .1. i ■ § .. . ! - ‘ fUj
disc in New Mexico
About ZOO experts and enthusiasts at a
weekend conference agreed the 1‘t-l? an
nouncement about an unidentified (lying
object in Koswoll, Texas, was a big mis
take Tin s disagreed heatedly over bow
the mistake was made
"The many rumors regarding the liv
ing disc init ante a reality yesterday when
the intelligent e office ol the r)0*ltli bomb
Croup was fortunate enough to gain
possession of the dlsi the Army release
Skeptics say there is no hard evidence
the wreckage was anything other than
the remains of a military balloon That
wjs the Army's final explanation
' ll was a lug embarrassment," UI-'O de
bunker Philip J Kl.iss said at tile national
meeting of the Committee lor the Si ion
tific Investigation of Claims ol the I’ura
CSICOP, based in Duffnlo, N.Y., en
.1 g. • ‘ ■ ' i. ri i • lii » i .11 i^iiuOl I Wl
paranormal anil fringe-science claims
from .1 responsible scientific point of
view, the group said.
The release was issued on the authori
ty of an intelligence officer who was un
able to identify the wreckage, said Kless,
former senior editor of Aviation Work
and Spuce Technology
Hut some researchers believe the gov
ernment goofed in l'M7 by (.ailing atten
tion to the find and has had to cover it
up ever since
"It was no weather balloon," was
the dealhlxsd declaration ol an eyewit
ness, said Donald K Schmitt, co-author
of Ui'O Crush ill Roswell and director ol
special investigations at the ) Allen
Myneek ('enter lor til t) Studies in Chica
1 r
It’s Under Wraps
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