ELECTION <92 ‘Oregonian’ snap? streak, endorses first Democrat WASHINGTON {AH) — Bill Clinton picked up en dorsements from 10 newspa pers Sunday, including at least three that supported President Bush in 1980 and one that had not backed a Democrat for president in 142 years. Four papers — the Chicago Tribune. The Daily Oklaho man of Oklahoma City, The Florida Timos-lJnion of Jack sonville and tho Now Haven (Conn.) Register — endorsed President Bush. The Oregonian of Portland, the oldest dolly newspaper west of tho Mississippi Kiver, said departing from its al most unbroken tradition of supporting Kopublicnns for the presidency wasn’t oven a close call. The newspaper hod sup ported Republicans for presi dent consistently except for 1904, when it did not make a choice between President Lyndon 11. Johnson and Son Burry Goldwater The Oregonian said Bush has been "a massive disap pointment os president." while Clinton hud been “pragmatic, tough, focused, controversial — and effec tive” as governor of Arkan sas, In Florida, the Tallahassee Democrat endorsed Clinton, saying six of its eight-mem ber editorial board consid ered him the best choice with the remainder split between Bush and independent candi date Ross Perot. In Bush's home state of Texas, the Tori Worth Slut Telegram, which supported the president in the past, said he "has hod his chance and has boon found wanting." "He has boon n disappoint ment ns president." SAFERIDE IS NOW )•) ' RUNNING! ^ * Saferide is a free night-time shuttle service for women. It is a safe alternative to walking alone at night, risking possible assault. Fail Term Hours Sun-Thurs 6pm-Midnight Fri-Sat 6pm-2am Call to reserve a FREE ride today! 346-4239 Volunteers are needed Academe credit available 1 Shirley's Travel Are You Going Home For Thanksgiving? Avoid extra midterm strew and make your reservations now. Call or come see Helen at the Student Travel Desk. 30 E. 17th (same building as Blockbuster) 485-0408 Open 7 days a week 1/2 OFF Cover Charge Coupon LOLLIPOPS (Jiggles Junior) Totally Nude Dancers 2175 West 11th Next door to Jiggles Open at 5:00 p.m. daily 1 per person. 18 years and oidor to get in. Expires 12-31-92 Both sides predict close WASHINGTON (AIM Sixteen days before the presidential election. Democrats were sniffing victory Sunday, but Bill Clinton's campaign man ager sidestepped talk of a landslide Republicans said it would lie a dose race, but they believed or hoped ihni President Bush would eke out a win over the Democratic chal lenger. who is loading iri ihe polls In Little Kook Ark . Clinton manager David Wilhelm, interviewed on CNN's Nous maker San day. said, "Wo are not thinking; about a landslide We are thinking alxiul victory W'i are thinking about winning " Republican Gov John Engler of Michigan, speaking from the hull in East Lansing, Mich , In which the third presidential debate will Ik? Mon day, said on CBS TV s Face the Kalian that be ex pools a narrow Bush victory on Nov 1 "1 think in Michigan we're looking at a very close race," Lngler said "People are shifting, very fluid, and the stage behind me today is going to settle dungs in Michigan. I think, ipbte rlledive ly. "'i’uogh campaign rigid down to the wire but i still dunk George Bush is going to tarry Mu In gan, going to win die president y." Lngler saiti Sen Phil Grumm, K-Texas, the keynote speaker ul the Republican National Convention, inter viewed on NBC-TV's Mont tho /Voss, salt! die president will carry Texas untl. he hopes. will win re-election "I think. basically that wc; art: liohlnd. I think wo'vo n<>t to dost! tho gap," Gramm said "Tim reason th.it I havit lui|it! that wn art; going In win is that i don't think American fainiiltts havt- sat down around the; kitchen tahli;, looked at llui two ocontiinlt: programs and asked themselves. 'What is in nar long-term Inten'sl7' I think wlmn thtiy dti that we are going to henelit Gramm, chairman ol the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee, salt! lie dues not know at this point whether the GOI* will gain or lose Sen ate seats In Cleveland. Ohio, Kepuhlit tin Cov George Voinovich sal.I Kush "needs to do a hotter job lie tween now and elet lion day to define who Kill Clinton is " I'm not saying that George Durth is going to lose," Voinovich said But he said the ptesioent "has not done a good job ol pointing out that the same i harm terislu s that were needed to w in the Cold War are needed lo win the ei onomii war Voinovich was interviewed on ABC I V's litis IVeeJt with Dm ill liriukh') On the CNN program, Kush cam|iaign manager (•'red Malek said, "We think this elm lion is very, very wlnnahle we've seen a lightening in the polls " 1 Your Bookstore invites you to stop by during a free, informational Safety Awareness Day in our store lobby . As student advocates we are excited to be able to offer you access to information from university and local organizations dealing with campus personal safety issues. I PARTICIPANTS IN SAFETY AWARENESS DAY: Escape Studies Self-defense Sc awareness information. CARE Creating a Rape-Free Environment will show a video Sc offer a study guide on international student safety issues. UO Public Safety Office An officer will answer questions from 11 -2. Sexual Assault Support Services Information about counseling programs provided by this nonprofit agency. ^our LO Hookstore-A I’.irtnor In Wur I ihu.ition Eugene Police Department Officer Bcv Collins will teach a Personal Self Defense Techniques Seminar from 2-4 at the Wesley Center (next door to the Bookstore on Kincaid St.). Project Saferide Information on this women's free ride service. Project Saferun Founder Shelly Rcecher will show videos of protection dogs and answer questions.