Western politicians endorse, denounce OCA’s Measure 9 PORTLAND (AP) — A contiorvulivc congrussmun from Californio cnmu to Oregon Salunlny to lobby for the? nnli gay rights initiative. uuitoi Measure while Washington state politicians weru hero to oppose the controversial propos al Kep William L Uannomaynr. I<- ‘1 from VV.ish YHomosexualsJ want to solicit people to their lifestyle. That's their game plan.’ Rep William E Dannemeyer, R Calif inglon gathered Saturday to denounce the initiative Gardner joined right of the nino tncrnficn# <>l the Seattle Gily Council ill the news conference in I’orllund Gardner, a Democrat. predicted that Oregon would lose substantial miff mi - tlonul trudu if the measure passes "Thorn are serious economic conse quences to this passing." Gardner said "I think it would have a very negative el foci. Tho people with whom wo tradu am very sensitive to discrimination Cardnor said overseas trade purtnors would watch carefully for the social and legal instability that opponents predict the measure would bring Seattle City Attorney Mark Sidran. a prosecutor for IS years, said he sis-s the measure as a law and order issue that could spawn more hole crimes The wording, ho said, does not make homosexuality illegal but gives it the ap pearance of a crime because it's placed alongside pedophilia, which is illegal l*la< Ins homosexuality in this gray anta. he said, could encourage hate crimes "Make no mistake," he said "If this passes, a message of hate will unleash physical violence against gays and lesbi ans solely because of lli.it status ll will lie terrible " Rawhide Brian Dramer. a University senior majoring m accounting, gets a Hu vaccination from Student Health Center nurse Jeanme Burton Health center employees are expecting the virus to strike earlier than normal this year, so they have already Pegun vaccinations Franklin TOM/WW/ WITH CHEESE AHD PEPPEROHI memnsbe Campus 1930Frankfa 687-2848 EXTRA TOPPING 99 < Available on any size Pizzal Pizza!* or PanIPan!* Valid only with coupon at participating little Caesars [q*H IMM) CRAZY BREAD* • warm stick* of frostily baksd broad brushod with butter and toppod with Parmesan chaos*. Rease roquosJ Crazy Broad at tim* of order Valid only with coupon at participating LitHe Caesars Eifrire* 12/10*2 You've heard the ominous facts, thought about it a long time, and now you want to... STOP SMOKING!! — Come join the American Cancer Society's Freshstart program to kick the smoking habit. — Freshstart provides participants with the essential information and strategies needed to direct their own efforts to quit smoking. — This is a Smoking Cessation Workshop held on Wednesdays. Beginning Wednesday Oct. 21st (ongoing) 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Medical Library in the Student Health Center ’ $10 refundable def>osit if you attend all 5 sessions Sponsored by the Lifestyle Planning Program in the Student Health Center Preregister by Calling 346-4456