Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 19, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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Alpha Lambda Delta
receives Torch honor
By Meg Dedoiph
[ mecaSd Contributor
The memlrors of last year's
chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta
received the Onlor of iho Tort h
award last Wednesday, Oct 14
This is Iho second lime in
three years that iho University
honor society received this
The Order of I he Torch, only
given lo two or three chapters
nationwide, is based on an an
nual report submitted by oat h
c hapter 'Hie c hapter's visibility
on campus, community service
record and support for academ
ic achievements is also consid
The report submitted by the
University c hapte r inc luded de
tails on the chapter’s lund-rais
ing activities for a local AIDS
hospice and I'ood lor Lane
County, as well as its volunteer
service with Ducks on a Moll
Aaron Menikoff, one of two
senior advisers to tins year's
members, attributed the chap
ter’s success to strong header
ship, particularly from Roger
Munis, the c haptens fatality ad
viser. and Nataliya Myers, last
year's c hapler president
She was a great lender."
Menikoff said "She was inspi
raticui.il at iweting* and very in
charge She was committed to
finding strengths and weak
nesses of all the officers and us
ing them She was one of the
main reasons we won the
The award was presented to
the ( hapter hy Dr Joanne Trow .
sice president lor student at
tain. at Oregon Stale University
and the past exec utive dircs lor
of Alpha L.lmix)a Delta
During the awards ceremony,
Trow spoke of the importance’
of having honor societies on
campus She also spoke on how
tin’ higher odue ation system is
realizing the value otcominuiu
ly service in the’ educational
process and how the servic e- ac
livilic-s ol honor sea ielies are a
reflection on llu- c artipns
MemU-rship in Alpha l.amh
da Delta is based cm a student's
Iri shman year tall and winter
term grades Potential members
are invited to join during Ihe
spring term ol Uiolr freshman
year and ure usually the most
active during their sophomore
"It's an amazing way for
freshmen lo gel their fool Into
how the University system
works " Menikoll sale)
How do you fee) about the University's proposal to make it
tougher for out-of-state students to get residency17
‘I think rt I
shouldn't H
be so difli
eult lor out
students to
get an edu
cation The
bCiKXJi iHJeos* iu promote
diversity on campus and
out-of-state students do
senior, art history
*1 think it's
enough lor
people to
get an edu
cation It's
so diflicult
to get into
coneye anu iu susy hi ulw
lege with the economy the
way it is This isn’t going to
make it any better.’’
freshman. journalism
'I think it's
because a
tot of peo
ple come
from out of
slate I
have a lot of out-ot-state
fnends that wouldn't come
here rf they couldn’t get res
idency in a couple of years."
junior, physics
"I don't
think they
change it
tuition is
already too
high, and it's just going to
decrease the number of
people who are going to
come to the Umverstiy.”
senior, biology
‘It's pretty -1
crummy I u
payout-of- f
state, and *
I've been J*
here for
three years.
I have had L
a job here lor over one year
consistently. I pay taxes
here and am registered to
vote here."
senior, english
“I think
should be
the first
priority. If
should pay more, n
should be out-of-state
freshman, sociology
Guatemalan injustices presented
By Katy Moeller
Emerald CoriUitHjtfy
Maria del Rosario, a mernhor of llu; Inlernalion
at Representation of ilm Cominiilee (or Peasant
Unity, will speak Tuesday in ilm I Ml .iliotil Cam
tcmalan history, liar orgum/ation and 500 years
of resistance
Tho Unminuniiy in Solidarity iiii the ( > nir.il
American People and the Sttiilrnl ln*uqivnl are
co-sponsoring tho vis.it hy del Rosario Lisa I’eike.
C'fSt’AP director. Siinl »l«-l Kos.ino will ho speak
ing about issues that are rarely dis< ussih! in the
(IISCAP brings a speaker from l.uulomahi every
your with the aim of educating ihe community,
reinforcing the movement against tJ S interven
tion In the region and helping to raise material
uid. I’etko said
del Rosario is from the Cluatenialan province of
Quiche and has worked with the ('nmmiltcc lor
Peasant Unity (CtJU) since it was founded in
IH7H (dJC seeks lo il« ess arable I .mil lor grow inj*
subsistence i rops. improve wages lor farm work
ers and eliminate polilo a I violent e
According In lexearch done by the NeUvorl. 01
Solidarily with the People of Ountciuula, then- is
an average of (it) disappeared! es ol civ ilians overs
month in (Guatemala
In addition to a dist ossion o! the past and pres
ent situation in Guatemala by del Rosario. there
will also be a photo exhibit on “The (aunmum
ties ol I’opulations in Resistance" in the t.Mll up
per floor .irt gallery
The photo exhibit opened Sunday and runs un
til Nov t On Oi i JO. there will be a reception at
5 :t() p in in the I.'MIJ Ouimvuod Room to officlul
ly open del Rosario s exhibit
On Oi l J1 at -I it) p in and f» -1S p in in the
Walnut Room, there will lie a documentary tilled
I'nths of Silivuv The documentary will Ik- shown
again on Oct J7 at •» .11) p m and r> 45 p m in the
liMU Den l-irufer Room
Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Faculty,
Staff, Students, and their friends
are invited to attend an Informal Social
Please join members of our campus community for the
opportunity to network and socialize together.
Take advantage of this event to meet
members of the University Committee on Gay, Lesbian,
and Bisexual Concerns and the Coordinator of Services
for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Concerns.
Monday, October 19
4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Gerlinger Lounge
Sponsored by:
University Committee on Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Concerns,
Dean of Students Office - Coordinator for Gay, Lesbian,
and Bisexual Concerns and LGBA
MKT l\Si.S
jj( kiun w* •, ; today at
1*' 3u p f!> uli 'Jut l~a*4 i-awn of die KMl
For more information toll il*«* College
IkefiKM raU at 344 OU*iS
(.umimllpo on (.ay. I e»Lian and
Unptu4l (mhmhi will haw a Faulty.
Staff and Student Social tor Cay*.
l*th,at. >. IhkenuaU add their liiund*
horn 4 to b pm today in the Corltngur
Lounge For mart? information. call
34G 5 5 41*
V K'liumcw1 SI u drill Auia uIkmi Will
have m ( ullure Night At UviUo* Talent
Search tonight at 7 in the Collier
Lounge For mote information. call
544 4M«0
1M1 Hoard id Dims tt.f* m li haw a
meeting today at 4 mj p rn m ties KMt
Hoard Koum For mo rn information, call
■54tt 37 JO
I aim American and Caribbean
Student Organication v. 11S have a
meeting today at $ }» m In Codar Hoorn i
of Uw KML For mom information. tail
R chloral tun Lamjju* Mumlry a. .
have a diwm*...m art 'TVttpwrUvo* on
OfMU'.tn and Evolution" tonight at 7 in
Century K u.m 1) of the KMl' l or moro
information, call 34 t 40M or 14 » 2002
I u^ iif Unitarian (huuh w*il have a
di%i imi»n tonight on 'When Sot inly
ti« omei an Addic t" at 7 at tho Krtinonla
(.4nb;(. 14i 4 K:ruaiiJ St
Doan of SludoitU and t.ounnef tug
Center w<ll have a Lovbian and Hiv e,...
1) r a |> i n (ituup on ' ‘ I d a n 11 t y
Development" today from .1 to tu S 30
p.m in Room 201* Com ado for muro
information, tall 34<i 1 M2
Career Planning and Plat tmient
Si*r>Mtf will begin bidding today for the
following corapimei Oregon l*f»otocopy
Company. Ohio Oiwouni Stockbroker*
Haitnlio *Vurlhwtt*t labutalorivt. U S
(annual Intelligence Agency, NCR. IHo< is
a Dmkor. L S Duparunent of Commerce
Offttw of the Inspector General, Target
Store* and Mon k Sharp a Dohme for
more information. g*. to Roam 2<4
K II Mac:y‘% wilt give * gt ..p
pn.’MtnutUan tonight froni 7 to a 30 p ns
in K u o m M» 4 Straub for more
information, go to 244 Hondrii k*
Regular I
or eale „
Price 1
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and 957 Willamette
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