Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 19, 1992, Page 18, Image 34

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    Stop the presses
Books make latest \green trends, topics accessible to all
I !.r t ,ih<> i ’<hi I nil .lllllimu 11.is is
W* Inc 111 an ajjr tlwl I« i mm mm a suiy Is mil* musnl
.iml i mit cttied null envinminrnl.il m id .uni daniaip mill
i aili m ms f law s lot unis, and i nnlri cm r* all drdn and in
piumming siuds and assairnrssof du i nsm uum ni
Bill mil i-sciMitir is rniulli d al a umvri'ils I hat ntlris in
sttmumnul stiiiln-* m i an alii ml in am nil an n i di al i mi
sen In m So tlicn is anntlni ssas n > Irani almtil and r*pir\s en
siiunim nlal imuei ns. mu dial nlteti is tmite ai i rssihlr in
i Itisisc and i lte.i|K-f
\\ uli rscrvllung Intiii ihi vitial essass in slum Hum s m
iinsrls In mi v unlilii tiraliM-s in |>n nur !*«iks iiisiimum nial
Itu iaimi is hnt |lie must jmpulai tailor limn (lie dial*an I
iln-sam ls In i mnplr \ studies nlrtisiimimenul pi ulnsn| din*.
dial i an eiihanie rsetvnr s knowledge <>11In damage ilmii
In mu t)l.iii(-l .mil tin wass in viIni It ui- i .111 apptnai li il
While in.tin nl tin inn lev ale grated In the mini v irnlitii
miinli il. iln In ml. is Mill .1 11mi|iti lie fistse look .il smut nl
llu piolilcins plaguing iln emirimini tit
I in i sample, in iln rsui " Hu ( hanging Alimispln u
In Ihotuas I l.i.nilrl .mil Paul | ( itil/tu tin aullmis
,iiIdiess tin- i auv s and (K ills nl ainnispheili i Itangt \Mnli
smile change is naltii.il (lie wild is |hmil mil phenomena
Iti mi llu past Hsu i i-nlui les lhal hast uiiimlmli il In swild i
i h.ingr
I hr trng Shut Handbook A Practical (-Hide to t hntcir
(*omanr\ and hnrmmmmtaJ Harmon\ B\ Derek alters,
llar[>er (aillms Publishing. $11.
leiig Sinn u It is in iln leel nl a pi.hi and sets up
guidelines In entourage hat mom within a strut tine, as will
as Ik-issi ell the building and llu eat ill \nd I lit trim Shut
50 Simple I /imp You (4111 Ikt jo
Wli*r the bfirth, SO Simple t hing*
Kui\ (an Do to Save I hi barth.
end the KftiHrnt b nvirunmrr*fn!
Action (.mdr Thr Faith Works
(.roup, $4.95 ■ $6.95.
I'»\ t.11 thr most pragmatic and
c omptehensibit of the* environ
*v< 111.11 hooks all- those* put out
In tin I .nth W01 ks(»nHip
1 he s« hooks ovetflow with
suggestions on everything Itoni
putting an cml to wasteful ami
announg |unk mail h\ writing
tin Mail 1 * t eferenc < Sri \ u r in
\rvs Noik when mans large*
mailing lists gel ihrii addiews
to snipping six pat k tings and
< ollrt ting aluminium t ans at the
Ix at h
I 01 \onug t hihit rn and non
students, tin two So S nnfde I fang*
books have particular appeal,
with their rnlightrmug and
chertth. illustiatrd pages ol
at tiv ittrs atid ulras 1 he v also
highlight thr rlfre ts. both
unmrdiatr and long term. voui
at ti< ms have on thr wot Id In lac t.
Si 1 Simple thing' hols ( tin lh> is a
Judging a booh by Its cover. Some of the best-selling
titles at bookstores are about the environment.
nitnnhuvk i\ .in nnucal .mil
I.im mat inn appmat h to environ
mi nts, both inside .mil mil
\\ illi-is utiles " 1 In I hinese
have long In i n Ik'Iic'iis tli.il am
inti ili t• in r Mitli tin tel lain
\shethei In i tilting i anal'
excavating tutmrls, las 111141 adu.n
Inns, i>t i tc-t ting huge buddings
that dislnft the niinitial linin' ol
the 'Itvlme 1 an hung a hi ml
unlorsren 1 alanitlit-s ”
\ ml it i' 1 1 itamh a ms 'lit al
approach to cm 11 oiimental
issues Dial'inn mi numetologs
the list rleinellt' Wood. t in
Faith. Metal. Watei — and
theorie' id the natuial l in in'
tlovs 11I one ' Minonnihnn'. • hi'
hook ollei' a look al hois to
11 eate and maintain a hat
luiuiiou' ilssi'llinn that l*-nni' on
a h.i'ii (ommtiiial level and
Ilf a e' 1 intuaid
Wallet' l**ik i' nealed tinsaid
the inteiiot iiualilit' id a
stun tine It al'o leal Mies in
tunnmn ideas about the
lelatinilship o| houses to the
eaitli and him e.ti h contributes
to the othet
Mur ttie was to gel a soungri gruel allon hookt-tl tin i t rails r
i nwinniiirnl.il at lion
I In \ I u il f it t I mironmtntal .\itwn (,utdr is taigrtrd
spt i Hit .tilt lo tollegr lilt' and lot used on rollrgr students
t om rt ns Ihr hook not on It spans a is Itlt* t ai it-It ol east
pm jet is and in let riling tails, hut also git ts pri iinrnl
t'\ainplt > o| s< IiihiIs when ilutlrnls hatr inatlr a siguifit anl
tlillrinu t In getting ins t lived
I In guide puts suusiit s m tor ills students t an it late m
lot tvaniplt a single inlrodm lor\ oiganit tlieimstrt tlass
gent ralrs louglilt 1.000 gallons of h.i/aitlons wasit and
t os|s $| II.INHI (ol putt hast and thspos.il ot the i hemit als
\ net on lilt atfiagi nt'arlt .Ml | Hit till of all tatelrua waste
isetlihlt anti Ik’ |w it i in ot all t ainpiisgaihagt is food wasit
Managing f'lanrl hirth Hnuling\ from 'uirnlifu \mrn<an
MiigotiiM . W .If. f reeman & <amipam, $12.95.
\ on want tli’.eisils \oil'se got it I Ills it illet noli i >1 t ssass
i oti i s a sal lets ot t iiwioniueiil.il issues rungs, i litn.ili
alinospht it wain hahital destruction. population. waste,
glohal irsmiltes. stoiltl rionntniie anti et illogical
With photos, whit h air often ipule graphic. t halts, anti
down lot anil t' \t ilana t ions I'Uinrt I urth is a liook
I hr Wmjn h) H hair l ii(hl Bx Dunr Acktrman, Random
Huuw, $'2D.
I hr IInun fh Whalr / ‘ght is an expanded xetsion ol
portraits lJui wen- litst printed m I hr Nr.i hnim \t knnuii
appi imi hex (lit- t i ologit al tallies ol animals and thru
Il lations to humans In ■ loselx cxalliiliilii; hats alllgatois and
inn odtlrs. whales and |x’tiguins
\i kennan dcwnhes tin teihimpte ot "et holt Ha lion used
In hat' todeln t pin and sustain equilibrium
llx shouting at the world, and listt-mug to tin n Inn s hats
tan tomposi a pit lute ol then lanrLstapi and tin nlijet is in
it i hat mi I ml t s u Mm r' motion distant« . si/t anti
pitdiahh otln i featuies. lit> \i kemiati wun s
B\ taking tin iratlet on a (oumn that spans sexetal slates
anti i oiinli n s t ■ t mi lisaslo \niaittua U ktiuian poitraxs
the naliilal hahltals. Iiahils and t a ologu al sigmllt ant e ol
annuals in an intense, xixiti. t teallxe and intimate manner
She ininxlutes us to it-ptiles lot msiuiitt In tlext i thing
tin hears-hdtlctl setcite exes ol alligattm xxhit h slit set s up
t lost while t tiling title at a it sets e in Hot ida 1 at el ill lilt
IxH ik. she let mints lift glowing loudness loi a partit ulal
penguin she helped taise and detail* lift teats lot his
initertain sums at m a [Hilentialls hostile xvotld
You can be soft in the
center as long as you’re
trunchy' on the outside
I hf \ nmo’il ( \fiu, t i>l Vrnnonl
Yuli in vi It II.nli it invent' clictgv .mil w.ilt'l. leliiM
til lake .1 tun the vtulc don't drive .1 i.ll. llevcl Inn
in rf | Ml k.igcd gTfH cl It v. M In I till Iv 11 evil «>1 vi-i 11 It
vegetal ilrv .nit! vim wouldn l dicam i it living pit kIiii i'
th.»t .111 irsuil on .umn.ils
Kill uni Mill (lull I ll.i'c wh.it i
ii ukc' in Ik- .hi 'cmininincnl.iliM ”
In iIns m>i ifl\ it uiu w.iul in lie
iri ugni/til ,iv .in rmitimmniulist.
\i m luusl Ii.im tin- lunk ^ < Hi (mill I Ih'
lilt Mill til il.itlghlt'l nt (hr |)ir\l<lrnl
u( Kwdii. Inn lux. .in lung .tv vuu
li.nr ihi |m ik ii hi gel lhe i;li 'I' I In'
lulliiumn guich-lmm vtinuhl In'
loiinwrtl it \oil want v«h u(\ to irt tn*m/i vou *ts *» |k\iu\
I**\< and vi\t tin < arth t\}K of jh i son
fust of all. luu fired to ^ioi* voui hail II you air
malf |<M\r wmi hail iifikc*ni|>( \nd v*<unt il shouldn't
shasc thru until iaims oi leys u Mimir natmal
I heic ,m .ill -1 in i>< 11 i.inl l.ietoi\ Ini .lust- ,i mu
"rtivumuuenuliM" Iih>LitiuiK'In even uhcii 11.1k.nl
I In next unpoiunt ihinn ih.it mu need m du is lx
Min m i ,imi in.ilK ai in ini .mil |ic.u «• i.i I lies 11 ii
ihiiv vj.idu mu luui in learn ti11 Ium siuh i .in li
iihl.ivi .tv " ! lie jieiijile united mil nevrt lx defeated
Si udi (at el ullv. mu dull I Haul In mev> nil and i.ii
“M:>u could be the son or
daughter of the president of
Exxon, but hey, its long as you
have the look, you get the glory.”
soiju'llnng 11k<- I In |k • >|»U drlralrd v*il 1 non hr
unilrtl Ihni'uiim what i( iiu miis, pis! menu n i/c 11
(>m r sums i siahlishrd Mini sell v>ilii (In- "< nun In
l lOStfli, Mill sill mill I It 111< 1 ll|> Mill! Is .III linin' SO SOU lit III
orli limn'
Utai .i lot ol ruiiit i Ini limy; made in Ilnnl World
n.itiiins I lit s<- i li itlirs usii.ilh air I INI | n il I-m union
isilli blight i olnitul pultons oi I loss in punts anti air
dun i imports In hii Imlia soiho vis
I >i shin s you liasr vonal options I hr inostim
|Miitaitl ami lusn shoe weal is a pan ol hiking luiois
sslm h iihIii airs li>sr ■ if oiltiloot at ns ttu s
< >thi-1 slim stslrs intlndr I rva sandals and
Itu kenstoi ks \m! sou might as ssrll jin k tiji srvrtal
pail s ol ssi hi I si h ks. sitin' s on II In sjnn liny I hose
liu ki iisliu ks srai round
\nolltri essential lion is a i atahmro Kik k i IiiiiIkis
in i uiuhmeiis lohook ri >| M's to a hamos hull Him Ilirs
uv ihrm toallai h rruvihli aiiislnthru kn.i|is.u ks
|i sst In is also urn ini tin nhaiu i iin i ns nun
mcnialisi look \u i-svn i/t ssiih Inis ol sit i nng mIm i
i don l I ms gold ii inako sou uptirai ssrallhs Wrai at
Ir.tsi om I waded Iralliri nnklatr ■ ssosrn I'latrlrl .
i nuplr 11! huge oho lings and a jmsso i ii'lal
I i an s j mi i a i ion n go sou in Hr ad Mum should
iiiiimsi ot <-ittin a \ olvo \ o.k'ssagi n oi anollit t
ininpallble lin igll t ,ii Iht i al mtlsl Im oitl. liisls
lit hi logtlho ssiih l a pi and ssm and hasi I hi in pit
sin kosisith vismgs sin h as 1 osi sum inodit'i
hollowing ilii si guidelines Ss ill gisr vuu ihr
"environ menial look \\ In should sou ssasir Mini
iinir at mails ailing in an etolognalls sound inannri
ss hrn sum an simpls hnik I hr pall •