Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 19, 1992, Page 15, Image 31

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    Cutting back: Colleges discover conservation pays
Bv MA ITHKn Kl l)\
Hu Stale \i.. v Mu hivpiti Stale I
Sevcial w-.ih mm the ciivnonmfni.il
Tcvolulion, ii 11 i\c isiiv administi atm s aie
(liMovcimi; that watci anil clcctmnv
i nnscivalion i in saw a Ini inmc lhan
I lie l ol ( alilnt ma. lift kclcv, saved
more than $1 nnllionlast vcai in citfi^v
lusts Hectriiltv consumption was teduced
j I |icii fin. walci I I ' |«'n i ni and fuel 7 7
prci cm
Berkclev joined 'will mhfi ( aldnrnia
m hinds in nvci hauling and improving
i a ill |) 11 s eiielgv and ualfl svsleins in
improve tlie lx ilium line
Nadesan IV t maul. lieikclev s rxn tnivc
assislanl lm phvsical nsuiiiirs, said ihr
iiniveisiiv "Ikhkihs" e Ita uii nv limn am
)^f lie 1.11H ill powei plain owned hv a piivale
i oinpam
“\\ e recv( le oui powci ust I’d in.ml
said " I lie plant sits on a rivei i unuing
through die campus \ (oinpanv disinhnlcs
the powci lo die simnundmg loininiimti
(hell sells the exi css lo ns al a tonsiderahlf
disc mint ”
I Vi maul said Ik i kelev also has einhaiked
on one ol llie most stringent walei
i onsii \ al ion piogtams hi the iialion.
pailiallv Ih i ause of a live veai diutighi In
die i ampuswide ptogiam. siudenls, lai tills
and stall ale inhumed ol watri i on* iv.uion
im asiin s and vc.itiv goals Monihlv
hulieinis nuili! piogiess inward those
Ht'lkfhs sli ti I (lou n all clrt ol aM\r
jmh»K and tiumt.iiun .uul m.tdt ualrt systems
numtrn.uu r a pi it »ntv
lk rk«*U \ isn’t diotir in its c unservutton
c llutts Washii^tnn State t also is vsntkin^
itireduce wutri uvi^t
-S » % **% - • "\ '• ~N • - - **% • A fi
. - ^ • > r, r : . ^
UC Berkeley’s conservation program
saved $1,000,000.
savings: $362,000
1989- 90 540,000 gal
1990- 91 485.000 gal
Savings SI26,000
1989- 90 37,000 therms
1990- 91 32.000 therms
Savings S511.000
W r tl 4 V .1 I I^Dloth < Oil sr I V a llOll
t ampaign said |'*< Sp«»onrrnot« (Itirttm
») I ihf W s t po w r I plan! Ur h ! i .t l r a
iiiiiiiliui) a< putci with tin ( o! Idaho, and
wrW pledged jo limit withdrawal hom dial
Rrpla< mg wale t * ondrnsing units with
an -tooled units and a new, compuirnmi
crntial imgation svstrm ha\r irdurrd
WSl \ watri usagr In almost lOpritrnt
Miifr l*l7h S|hM)tuinon vtid
"It you < an sa\r watri, soil i an als<» save
rurrgshr added “Nmrt* |97b wr vr sa* rd
$ million in rungs i osts
SjKM>iH*lllotr •wild hr hojx n to stn k to thr
lO pen rnt irdlM lion r\i n as WM builds
addttie uul bui!«lings » ifi t .lining <\u h \rai
\ ll(‘U < rlllial < «Ml Cl «>t SNsle 111 Minil.u In
V\ Sl > will ( onil o| lights he at ami
ventilation nil Oregon Slate* t 's e ve i
i xpandmg t amptiv said John Stephens,
assistant dure tni tot engirtming at (>M s
Phvsn al Plalil \m neu mu* lilies at t >Sl
Hill hr built with stair nj the* ait rnrrg\
rifle le nt svMrills
I hr univrrsm also mutrd in ire ve led
wain and dnp imgatmn .1. hangr Ifnin ihr
“use <1 out r and down the drain pfulosoph\
of the past Strph.i ns added
S< h<nils like Mu hlgail Mate l also hum
» ual in tpnvsri plants in utilize new
rnng\ soiiree*s
hr11\ \ ii In.i i Ii.iii iii.ni ■ i| tli< Miulrnl
I HUliilllnrlll.il \i (lull ( ■i.llltliill '.ml MM
umiifiiiis to iisi .1 tmin ni iii.il 11titi« i mil
niuir i \|iciimu ili.in t■ >.i 1 used hs ni-,nIn
1 ansing
\ .it lit.i '.m I \ 1Nt \ i ■ i.tl site is nil ,i Jisi t »l
(lie Mulligan Hi ■ 11 .i i Uncut • > t Nitiii.il
Kin llll l 1 \ 11 IV 11 Mil'
Pimi i grnei .ilmri is .i ii inline
1 IHIIiilllllCHI.il Issue ihrst (1,11s '.llll Hull
1 tin hut si. tin i i ini i il jit iim i .uni ii.tin .ii
M's! I line an-ism i mu i jits smi tan
cilliri hum H in 'in k il ill tin gmtilld as
mil leal hasie
Vnil II nrvei sri .mulling hut strain
i ullllllg II mil mil suit iki slai ks I llri In ii si
added Wi hiilll ■ Hal In i II ali holli heal
and i-li i tin H\
Mu hat ! hanitin a jniiti-sstu at MM -
lllsiilulr tin riiuiiiHincnl.il tiisii ulugs. said
mam uuiirisitics si ill limn mal m naltual
gas. and lew hair ins c ns u i niuir mails
iM-uign 11jiln ms
’ 1 lit ha'll i hull r is huiinng lussi! lucls m
iiiii leal, hainilii said In irnns n| solai m
ssi lid iittssn . »hi st- tm iln ids an (list ii"i
n initmiis al ai this inns
haimin adsm airtl vslial students i mss
I hr (minus art' strut illlig "ii t In tl pmtrst
signs alld |H lilting Hi iln It hit a al me inline
svastr Its irthu mg t misuniplimi
I lit i gs i misri s alinn isii t iln lsiji
cits uonnicmal pitot ns tm alt schools li sas
\WI 1 I'ossct Plant Ihiciliii \l Ikisiri said
die nmscisits is tlrdlt atrd to making some
luipnisrini nls in cttii inn s hm t ampin
i onsets a l li ill ellol Is air Im used rlvsshru
I i an sas thrlr is room lot tinpmsrment.
mil ssi ii drdnalial in dial im|iiosrmrnl,
Haslri said Hul I'd sas (line is mine
emphasis on campus on nthri
cilsiimiinciilal issues in siting papci and
ss aslrs
Back to school
Profs study climate, hazardous waste, spills and... penguins?
Huhinh l oi Washington
I mliommilal tevan h it .1 hot topic, ami nowheic it 11
limit pics ait hi 1 han in thr cnyimmm-lHalh 1 onw unit West,
where lev ait licit aic working mi studies i.uigmg lioiu bio
diversity in national p.uks 10 tin- 1111p.11 1 ol oil spill' mi
penguin populations
( lunate it KoIm-i i ( liai Itmi t tprt iall\ \ professor of
unitit|)heiit sciences at the l oi Washington, ( h.tilstin hat
U-eii studying 1 liman-1 lunge tint e I ‘Hi** Most ret emit lie t
been looking al (lie iinpat 1 ol sullui Iroin natural anti
indutii ul tout 1 et t m global wanning
llie ttillui particles air actually helping to eounlei the
global wanning iientl, be said, by 1 diet ting sunlight bat k
into spat e I lowen-t. (.lui lv in 1 .till mitt ilns silt mill mil ease
t out ein about global wanning tint c the tame tossil luels
that emu sullui alto ideate t aiUm dioxide. wlut b I at ililalet
llie global wanning Iientl
( bailttin't rescan li on lint tub|et 1 it l.u limn cotnplelc
li t a continual learning protest, be said. anti much more
researc h will have in lx- tit me Ix-torc it t hilly undrrsli» «l
"li t not like we re designing a t .11 dial is going out on the
production line," tie said. "We finish pieces of it, then we
make a new applu ation ftir more teteait h
\ moie hazardous reseat t li pn i(ec t it bring 1 undue ted by
fatuity anti uiatliiale students at Washington Stale I who
jit examining the piobleins awnlatrd vtith ditposal <il
1 lie ittue in til pal lu Vital miii rill Ixa allv • >1 (lie ileal In
11 a 111 • >111 \ut leal Reservation. vtlilt li (lumped tiuix til
mu leal vtatie into the surrounding ait a liming hi veaix til
plutonium pi txlut lit in Some leal l lie * ante mav migialt
(hiough gtoiindwalrr tv stems into the neat hv ( oltinihia
I Ittw well national pai kt tit supporting biiwliveiMlv in tin
tulip t l til a itutlv being tomliit led liv |im Quinn, an
ttvitiale protestor n| emtronnieiital tludiet at the I ol
( ahtoinia. Davit
Quinn s icseart h mav help ansvtei a tpit tlion that hat
Ihcii hattetl around in atadeum at well at polilit al t lit let
lot veaix — vslicthei ii it lietlei ni have a tingle large palk m
teveial tuiallei onet I lie eoiniuoii bchch he taid. it lhat
laiger paikt ent mirage a gtealei diveixilv ol aninialt
V\t it pieitv unit h tiarling limn « ran h on lint tuh(et l,“
lie added
hoi pai l ml hts i estem h. Quinn analv/rd pai i ol .t
giattlalid neai the univcitilv liv dividing il into dilleienl
ti/ed plot' I he Mliallei pal kt at luallv supported ivtit e at
mam t|>et texol plaint and aninialt, Quinn div oveietl
Dee Hoeitina. a proletsoi al the l ol VSathingion t
Institute ol h liv non menial Studiet, it looking into a more
(uddlv topit — penguins Hoersuu iseollertmg dala on the
M.tgallenit penguins oil the t oast ot Vigcnntia
All drested up and no place to go.
HoriHin.t t><gan studying the j>opulation m 1*482 when a
gHoposai loi (he* Japanrsc («> harwsi the |xnguins vsas (icing
c onsidcird Hortsina n ifM .in h on lhr gxigmiatton hrl|K"d
jx iMi.ni< the gowminent not to alio* fhc harvesting o| (hr
apgiroxtnialrlY 22r».(MM) btreding pans %%list h allrat i ovri
|0,(KM) \isiloi\ .1 vr.11
Moic irirnih. Itortsma has been looking 111(0 how
hnjurni oil spills in ihr aira atle< t (hr |x>pulalion Basil alls.
shr said. (here* is III lie* hogx* oik e thr buds haw Ixrn oiled
“V*»ti 1 an I mitigate oil spills." she said ' You < an pirwni
(hem "