'Pampered’ children filling landfills with disposables iu iwrni hk(. \son I hr Hu: htriitr I nl \l lull I hr in rut MMiiy tiiw.itfi i linin' cmiiiininrnMlh .m.iri mii il ls lias m.iclr till i hull i IkIvu rn itis|m\,ihlr mil i Intli lll.llll'IN .1 1111 11« lilt mil Ini |l. Hints II III i to 4 It I linlll mminn iiii .mil .in rmnnnnirnullv salt- wmhi (m thrir i lithiii'ii \ it rn ili n ji in tin I in in m inr ni.11 l*i nlri linn \gini i VriJi i n .mi thnm .m.n mini lli.m IH billion ilninis.itili i!i.i|m ii i .n li M .n rin mi'll iii \iiiii li li.u h .mil lmtli in 11 n moon .u if.iM macii limes 11 n .« jmirnr\ ol pink tlut Nit k h< dirt national pi'>)< < t mauagri im ihr N .ii nm.il W iltllih I rd rt«ttioti. would iHth( i not lake in trims «»I v% hit h iii.ijx i is » hr apei lot liir • onsuinrf. < ii>111 diapet s .11 r hv I .tl \ahlr dlapri s hct iiUM I hr mairi i.i 1 and iillri s iht \ .ii r tn.ide o| tan i r ms| di i omjM isiiion in tahdtiiU lot dri adts Simplr I ) n ( an D>. / Vih !hi l utDi. a hook on liir emiitmmrni, s.ins ii rnav f.ikr up lo f»UO vi .us lot dtsposaiilr dl.ipris lo (in i >ni{)« isr in a Lindt ill. Ssinir i ottoii diapri s w in< h ai r i vusahlr. d*i (impost ill .iholll MV inonihs \» t oidmg lo ihr S« did \\ islr ( «»mposl mg ( IIUIU li . disposable • ll.tjM I V t.tkf up .|Ih»U( 2 pri mil <>( mil landfill Sp,i» v In irs|x»ns< in pirwiiir 11"in rmit onint ni.il .»< 11\ Inis. in,ik<'I n ni lilt dl\jH»v.ililr\ i Vi cntl\ have < ampai^nrd I«>i nsr ot i* < i ii i.in*!! > (>m[x ming ii > • < 'iii.im me urns i ii waste \i me h.tsn lew 1. i nnipnsting is ihr liieaking ilniMi ill gaihagc thmugh ili«' (him <■« i iaii .mil tin .is.nl.ilillils ol tin s< si on i s is liiiiili il In i ,niv li ss arrasha\r iiupli im nii it sin Ii pn >gi.inis lllll I nil! l l IIS .ilnuil iln ptai III alils . >t i lolli dia|His also .1 iikuiiu v urn i u\ it i m iiirntalists .mil the makci s id «Iisix>s.«blev .11 gut ili.it thr jiMH cm iit l»( aking illiv*n the- solid wastes Itiuii i Imh diapers l (-(Junes huge amounts ill ikui ienev*.title cnergv .111(1 leads Id water .(11(1 .(II |M llllttl* 111 W lien ,i *i111e11 1 lulli diapei i* ( leaned tin v*.i*l(- ( .hi lx disposed 11| eitliel through .1 v*.l*tev* .ilel 111 .11 me III |»l.»ltt in In .in iik hi et alert I I' \ *1 lidle* id vsasiessatei treatment arid Mil literaliiill ilulic ale dial I III lit |ll inilK In itl I he jiKK t **cv sludge ami ash. (ail lit used as Icllilt/ci I |inse \ei .(( i Hiding In I lie v* asievs atel studs a siKnilK ant amount i il left ovet du tv nan i t annul Icgallv lie Used lot anv t lung I he t osts ot operating and mam tattling sut h plants also ai ( t unsidei able I I’ \ I (' se a l a h slmus (li a I a plant lh.it wives levs than 'itI tHHI |><-, 11ih* i .in i ii I lie amount it costs to operate anti maintain an int tueraling plant also i. t ompaiahlr to tin- amount usctl to tun a ssastrssatei liratmcnt plant < onlUM il. stl■ So alt most pairin'. Itomt alls, ilit- tlrtrtmmmi; (at tin in this rnviionineiilal debate m.iv turn out to lx- a titiani i.tl out Krstarih In thr National Wildlllr I t ilt nation indicates that tlMliy t loth diapers I an trap suhstanti.il savings loi tamilifs hr I lr i sattl t loth tliapri s t ost tnu^hls I t ruts rat h lot patrnts to ss.oh themselsrs m .iIhiiii 17 trills pri iliapi it llirs list a l.tutulrs susur. sslulr tlisposahlrs run about T2 i nils |x t diaiier \t t oitlim; to V) I hi ng\ )(»it ( an Du Id Vur I hr hath, a in ml poll i ml it alts that H7 pt 11 rnl of \inrii ails pi tin ustui; t loth diallers It su^rsls that ll sou air not trails to tnalsr a complete t halier liotn (lispisahlr to t loth, sou t an make a gradual < hatigr 1 m t loth at homr. dispisahle lot tlast air \ntl rnsirouinrntalls it maLt s a lot of sritsr Common sense best approach to waste issues By JAY MM T /hi / !11 uhhish Mlhough in some eves, ilus piled-up |iink could l« m ni .is mi iniiK 11.*Iiiitul than “(In cnliah/i il (lumping.' n liothi icd nit Su n (tui inr dunking What is mic ul mii in.tjoi sum i es ul gaibagr — lotighh llilee |kminis a ilav dial eat Ii ul ns is responsible Ini - i win sum k ns mt amount <>i pat kaging ssasir sir prodiu v pisi Irtirn rating I Jim mam o( mui hast- bought. sas. a Ikis nl i rat kt is lliat luii an ouiri Ikis min i isiappel. and thru mdiiitJualli wtap|xd “tolumns" of i rat ki in Win m ‘ min h ' In then a 11 intrst li > sec who t an till tin landfills lltr IjMi nI- I Ins made mt- think about mu things ktist. tlwt ssr might in n think tin was wr inn mu su|MTtnaikels Instead ul Inning shrlscs and shelli n iit ( umpettng hiands in l.tsish pat kaging, Hi should ii-nnn In thr NUfM i inaikrts III s estet lias In stipci mat kcts ol old. must rsmllung win Ik hind tin muntri on a shrll 01 in a bill lnmnrnnv s nujx‘1 mat krt will Ik a Ini likr this hulk items in mid Ik tin i ult \ pat k.tgt- Im an item vsill mils Ik -sold mu r Ini inMantt il smi m 11 let I a Inis of lautidn soap, tin fitst time soil U night it sou t mild bus a l.ngt- soap Ik is with a brand lutnr on it I hr Ikis woultl Ik dm able Column enough that sou t mild takr n bat k vsith son on voui in st n ip and ietill it mstrad i il Inn mg am itlit i Ikis II tlir lm\ isnir out. sou tould bus anntlu i one (although at a premium), and lontinue ir using that nut- Sut hat haitgt w mill hung about git at Ik iu tits I hr nianulaituiri Ssoultl sjH'lld Irss on pat kaging ssr vsoulii spend less on thr protluit and the shopki fpti 11 in It I rithri krrp mtnr items on thr shrive* tit hasr a smallri stmr But perhaps thr git ait Si ads an tagr oj this nrssri ssstnn ssoulil Ik the aim mill oj waste that wr would NO 1 I null limit to thr ahrads ovristullffl landfills I hr m iulid rrall/alinn 1 hail «.tiihal nr. as a mhii Iv. arr too hrllUnt on (onveniiiH c Ur exalt (iniirniem r ii( i( unlv .is a virtue, blit almost as a 1(0(1 We air willing to bin i lever Iv |>ai kagrd loud, ami (lisjiost (it thr Im.x. never to think of it again, as long as ii is vile and sound in vmvr tar-oil landfill We would lathci dlivr oui ( ais to wink In out selves than iim' [iiiblii ti ans|Mii taiioti. whu b mav i .him us the ini onveniciK i (it a sbm t walk to die bus stop \\ e would i at hr i buv envuoiiinentallv damaging disposable dlapei s than wash our reusable i loth diapets We would tathri eat a haiiiluilgri than think a In ml destrovmg the oxvgen-niaking i apabilitv of the hia/ihan lainfinests It kind of gives new meaning to the phiase "thing for a big Mai " Whether vs hi like them oi not, vim have to give it in the band Ihe Dead Kennedvs. lot summing this up so toiuiselv in their album title, "(.ive Me ( oilvcmeiii e. or ( nvi Me Death W( mast look at OUI lives and evaluate the things we do and live — not just fo| the vike of out environment, hut alvi Iin the sake (if reason