Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 19, 1992, Page 9, Image 25

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*; ’.‘.1 If V» li<|»N(lil I*>“*.' \II Highti Hrwivrti
Wi*. rtpumiSlM
Km* If
Schools collect trash but no cash
Recycli ng programs
go into the red while
aiding environment
I hr \ olanlr. I ot South Dakota
( .unpus reivilmg piogiams mav be
I trends. but they re not profitable
l niveisi ties a< toss the* i ourttrv ate going
mti»the ml to Ik* green
Y a< li month, 22* tons ot papei ate
< ollei led ami rei vi led from the l of
( altfornia, l os \ngrlrs campus licit l ( l.\
teevi ling duet lot Y | Rubs said the monrv
earned ft<>in trot ling the waste is not
enough to pav lot the expense of the
reivi hug piogiam
“( >111 goal is not to make inonev." kubv
said. "We an -living to n din e the amount ot
Hash that is taken to tin* landfills, regal dlcvs
ot the (oM
1 he \ssmiated Students of l ( 1 \
lei vi ling piogiam, whu h handles teevi ling
at the t ampus s lour student unions, has
i ollei ted mote than a ton 4»( aluminum 1 ans
and 21)2 tons of newspapet suite the
piogiam lK*gan in ( k total lb*0
l he pi ogi am ret l ived $7,217 lot the
materials licit Mien Rosenbaum. \M < l.\
; ie< vi ling coordinator, said tins amount
vsasii t enough to offset the < osts ot the
"()ut lota! t nntroUahle expenses ioi the
1000-01 year was ovet $100,000," he said
“We don t realb earn inonev from reeve ling
We (let lare an income because we get
inonev from ret vi lets but that inonev is
abvoiU d hat k into the program
( hliei univeisilics also are t hi owing awav
inonev to keej) from thiowing awav trash
New Yoik 1 s program recovered l 12
tons o! of lit e pa|Mt and 2 tons of aluminum
Amounts ot materials campus programs
have recycled over the past nine months
Av«<';ig«*\ t)A&od i*t v» figof WS
from iu fo&A ffui \.f'uo?ry
Aluminum cans
22c p«f pound
28 cans is equal to 1 pound
(About S su packs equals ?2e»
1c per pound
Regular household typo
si/o and density of the glass
determines its worth
2c per pound
Softdnnk bottles etc
/ f ight to ten 2 litre bottles
University of
Tennessee at
Arizona Stats
University ot
Nebraska at
University ot
Central Florida
In Ton*
*» Paper
* Aluminum
» PiastK
motu*v trying to tr< vt If "
i Ik average* pinr paid Ini aluminum < .ms
two years ago was 80 t rut* jk*i jxnmd Now
aluminum c ans air worth at* nil 221 nils |m-i
[Miniid. and the markct tootmurs to diop a
frw trills rath month, Ik said. Nrwspapri
anti othfi |>a|K i whit h at one time hi ought
alxuit 201 ruts |x*i jxmnd, air now « ollrt teal
hv most in vt Irrson a donation Iums
I hr rove ling program at \n/ona Stair 1
m rivrtl a Imh»sI last vr.u whrn Pepsi ( orp
gave the si hind $100,000 to improve thru
(all* Iasi vcai
* \\ j result,
w< grt about
$'< !!> .1 month
| from rmi ling
paper," said
( .nl Huillwig,
NN I rei n ling
* I lie i o
! elule from ir
i u ling doesn'i
olisel .1 ri\ nl
(hr i usts nl
in u ling, hr
cause light
now (hr in a r
kn pi n r fill
materials is ai
an all-Ufnr loti
Hr air in an
s i I l i i I 11 i f l ! lif
Jayda Abernathy, a senior at the U. ot Arkansas. Pine
Bluff, gather* new*papers to recycle.
.1 I 11 III 1 II U III
in \< ling atlei
ollii i.iIs agired
lu ram- thru
m.Ii iliink |>iHi
In 1 o i mi s a
i an
" I Ilf IllUllfV
li.n l>ffH a leal
hfl|j," sanl
Mini Spa sc 1 f,
ret vt Im^i (mu
ti i it a l < it * I hr
|H n r In i un
ni11^ ilm pm
Hum hat ilrl
initch over
powered the
moon we make
(rum rrrvi led
materials "
Over nine
months. \M
market is Militated. andprkrurr sinking '
"( )ne was In tin tease tec m liny would Ik
to establish a government-subsidized
lecvchng program." lluUlterg said “I think
we need to met haul the laws in this Cl minis
as thcv pertain to resources Right now, out
laws favor nonrrnrwable resources, and
until that c hanges, colleges are going to low
rcox left I l’i lumiil paper, earning $12.T'ft
I’.tl Reuivcn, ieo< ling coordinator at the
1 ot < cnlral Florida. said icox ling uvn die
m iiim*1 monel in dumpster and toilet non
fees. bul H Mill isn't a profitable vrntuic
Seven inns <il aluminum < am and 12’
tons of compute) pa[>e) »eie tollet te<l and
iecscled from I t I dining one nine month
EMMfTT MATCH Ml Hi <H»"! ■111'.
I it-11 < >< I \ud it (uni, Inc months lot tin
rrest ling tm igt am t>> (illicit i ■ Inns ill
ncsvspjixT and tons of iat dinMill
Wc slatted mil giMMi. Remvnsaid. Inn
tile prices lot trt vi ling I ell, .tin I just last
tut m I It we ti.nl t( i (i.i\ to lei si le
Kei si linn .it tin I i it \elu ask i .iIm i Ii m ik
,i nosedive List veal ( ni/cns In
t-ns liorunent.il Iut()ioveinenl. ,i (iliv.ilt
oigam/atnm tli.it rusted Ini mote tli.in 20
ic.us tieliue going under last l.ill. used to
I >1 • ill l( it ( leiii ling .it tile si hi Mil
" I lie market pi n c got so lovs ih.it ilies
had to stop," said Don Hinds, manager ol
1 N l.indsi ,i|n-o(>ei.iUons " I In s i ntildn t
esen make pan oil last seat
I Imds said the tmneisiti ret n It s thtotigh
the use ol a t ill t till dump lot a led on
i aiupus In ic turn lor monitoring the dump
site, the i its collet (s the utllleisltl s waste lot
lice During the last seat . Hinds said l N
teen led mote than I 10 tolls ol p.tpct. glass,
plastn and aluminum
While st honls aren’t tuiumg piulits hum
ret n ling, tin s are saving inones in othei
In an aierage das. students at the I ol
Minnesota. I win ( tiles, ptodut e la tons ol
waste, about 7 tons ol whit h is ret vt led
hach ton tccyi led saves the si In ml $ 110 in
tin tnet.tior lees
' I he monel that we saie on dumping lees
and the revenues ( allied Itorn let li ling ale
( ha n tie I led bat k into the piugiarn,* said
Date S.mot kt, l M I ( s assistant let u ling
i ootdmalnt ‘We doll t make a lot ol nioliev
111 let It ling main tali, hut that revenue
t null lined with the savings on dumping lees
helps a little hit "
In one month, the college earned $k HM
from turning in aluminum i alls In the same
month. I'M If reive led 70 tons of
news|j.t(M t and M tons of glass