^hroiinh a I mo » I a hundred year* of brewing, hi* at \ n h e ii « e r - H u * c h h it \ e dry eloped an ii n pa r a 11 «* I e <1 r\|M-rli»r in «* o n * ** r y i n g I h e resources ft •• u * e . ■ \dolphu Busch, t Ii«* founder of \ n he use r - Bu*ch, ft ii" a nolcil farmer ami c o n »* «• r \ a t i o n i * I. II** fir* I took step* in ||i«* I a t 1 8 00 * i* to fiml ii-c* for th«* ft prut |t r a i ii n that a r ** a by-product of lh«* lirt ft iii|{ process. * I oil a v A ii h «• it •• «• r - It u o- It h r e y* e r I «*» and production facilities u tom the country are ftlill c o m m i t led to ecolog ically * o ii ml lift** and recycling of all the ingredient ft * e u - e . Many of t Ii «• people oyerseeing our opera tion ft have degree* in e n y i r o li ill e n t a I engineering. * I* r o t e i n - r i e h spent grain*, hop-. y»*a*t ami other by product* are reclaimed and -old a* animal feed. Pioneered l»y Vdolphu* llu*rh, the u • e «• f brewing by-products for aitiinal feed uoft account* for about I fV of dairy cattle feed production ill the I ni te*l Mate*. * I and \ p plica lion Recycling i* another exciting, ecologically sound nay to handle hrefting In product*. In thi* a *% a r d - ft inning process, nutrient rich by product* in brewing fta»teftater art- applied directly to nearby I a ml proyidiug a natural fertilizer for turf or hay crops. Because it's liquid, the d ini a ud for irrigation x»ater is also reduce*! a n d the amount of *ater sent to municipal Ha*lc treatment is reduced by BOrV . • ^ •• pledge to continue to sork on better nays to produce, use and recycle all our ingredient*. LANMf m Ms SCM MW 'Ml NT TO C ONS i RV AT'ON AND t ( H >< iN'.A; SOUNDER S’, t X f f NOS THROUGH THE WMOil BHI W)N<» PRO* I SS All ANMCUS* M BUSCH HU NS ARE HNI WE 0 BY AN At i. NATUNAi PROCf SS UV.:NG AH NAIUMAt INGREDIENTS * N l»SJ BEFORE IT WAS «N VOGUE OR REQUINT 0 TMf ANNE USER BUSCH BREWERY IN Tnf City of st louiS was the first MANUFACTURING facility to equip its SMOKESTACKS with ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATORS ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATORS help REDUCE THE AMOUNT Of ASH RELEASED INTO THE ATMOSPHERE tooay technologic ally AOVANCED PRECIPITATORS are STANDARD EQUIPMENT AT ALL ANHf USER BUSCH I AGILITIES • HIGHLY EFFICIENT ELECTRIC MOTORS A HUGE CAPITAL INVESTMENT CONSERVE ENERGY AT ALL ANHEUSER BUSCH BREWERIES ANHEUSER BUSCH COMPANIES