The good, the different, and the downright odd When it comes to environmental projects, schools have looked beyond the obvious By JAY KASBhK(.FR / hr Hill llm. < i illcge of William and Mats \( Mate t Dei (ollege m (11'11st>u(g. N N . limit' than 2.IMMI pine- seedlings ai< slowly mi ning 10 ai res of s a( ant campus mio healths. reforested land 1 he net s, planted In student Wallet I’errin and olht t ( am pus and i ontniunits llieinhets. ale an ( sample ol students e\ lending at lion hcsotid ie (Stlingutld Kuth Das at names Si liools across the t onntis have initiated (is altse solutions And it doesn't get unit h nioic offhrut than toinpost Students at Pausing ( oiumunits ( ollege. the nation s ninth largest (omtnumls college, hast- stalled a (ouiiuumts lode progiam to null gathagr into lertili/et "I (lie i it the problems so sseir i oik erued about ihe i ollege s s» aste. said ( hi is Kells, who speai headed the student (umpaign "Wedidassasle-stieamaiulssis ()l (lie tollege ssas thrusting asvas ti'.t |h i I fill I' .IS I Cl \ I l.lllll al«l ill dial. ‘2N |k m fill Could !*■ u in i| k Mrtl Ki lls anil other siuilf nts apnioar hrd ilu .lit 1111iiisiianon almill i < >II1|M •slii!|« I in iilVI.Ml.lllll vsaslr I Vs | air .1 i ml-analvsis shossmjj I hr pm jet Is | |MVull — as nitu h as $27,00(1 — the tollcjjr !t'|<‘i led iht 11I1 a "Hr vsnr kind nt dninbftniiidrd." Krllv said I In plan i ould hast hrlprii(Mm ihr rnllejjr s budge! t mm It, Inn "I think ilirs just iIkUi i nani in di al wiih H," hr said hill ki lls s group did I hr\ inn Ssiih tin i ils ilianagri and Iramrd nt a lass .iIhuii in lake rtln I banning Irasrs and Innd ssasir "Of what the college was throwing away... 69 percent wits recyclable.” — Chris Kelly Iiuni (he l.u i< il ill \nutti with f I us ness in lurinatmii, the (jniup utunu'd in flu ad imimM.ilmn .mil mm lined them in lumpesl \ ulunuris hauled anas i nni|N >stal>le «>ii in .iv.ui Imiimsed limn ilu-n Kdh also iiKik Ins t imiijh uiing plain ml mm tin i nmnilimls Ns deMi>tiiii)g. t>11111i111u and selling 7"i small, l>ai ki nd ■ mniinsliiit' iimis. Ki lls and Ins h lends Mmullanenusis i leaned up tlu ensuuninent and raised hinds Im the projn I " \ ml i e Mill Ills nr 11 .11 lualh i si in d In list- them, Kills said I In s i uuliln I ssail id spring lu usr thr sml 11 >t u lit it >1 hi dies made Students at dir < nllev;e nl U ilium and Mats dull i l liasi' pmlilrii is 11 ms im in^ ihen v IiihiI in In i min' ensu mime mails i mw intis, hill !Ill'S ssrI i'll I liapps ssilh llu illii'i linn lin n IihkI setvu i was heading W\M siudi'ii! Mt sandia Sinn km vs Mamntt, the i ampusillim^ semi c . had Im III its Hash 25 pen nit hs l’.CM mil planned to sssiii 11 It i StsmhMill dishes a sh aid's Si nil ti ll ssas wrung " I'hes hailn I dime an i n snmimental impat i studs mi it, slit sud \ 11c*I S< ol( arid othct nu'intx isof ih< < ailiplh ( nliU'l valion ( oaiitton iiici vuifi Matiioi! ami irlau-cl NlmiriU oj> |>OM{ toll (<» St \ I * > foam, thr c ompaitv noted fni ,t stmng t aidlmaid |>a|M f \\r |mt |nevented them with ahei natives. S< nil viid Instead nt looking .it tfi«- u.ixtr anil trash coining out examine vshat was going m Litjng lokei on the* lood i ham — less me at and dam piodur ts, nmir grain and vegetables rases the strain «>| I*m m! pi ckIuc tion on the environment 1*1 MWIOOCH Where'* the beet? Not In the new vegetarian entree* at Bowling Green State U The campus dining option has met with favorable response from students since It began. ! o hr Ip students Irani iase BtodlU oi i»*»11l/('it weekly Kill (m»(11it k dinner* it* (c .ti h students h«»v\ (im tit bat k on inrat I l( • also showed .» him on animal ague ulluirsrminminrnial rllrt ts to fr< shmen '( emiing out ot high m bool, dies rr rxiMivti to .« lot of nrw ideas foi thr Inst time Bfmlin said It > a giral np|M»nimm I he group thru turned to thr i ampus h»od mtvit r Btodm and otheis appi oa« hrd managers with thr idea o! piosidmg at leas! one meatless entree rat h mral Within six weeks, thr seisicr made plain to ti\ vegetarian dishes "I wav fcalls smpnsrd at how <|uu k l\ things went," Hi • m tin silt I Students at \ trgmia s himis and llenrs < eillrge also got a he alths lesson as the s Irainrd towalk ms trad ot drive to gel ai omul \ ampus I hough thr < ampus is small, mans ot thr K50 simlrnts drove to »lass ‘\Vr had tlii,» hniitblr pattrin. '.ml I lavfon Mrmlrv. organt/rf of the Students lot IVat r and h < muniis W r nrrdrd to i.iiv awafcnrssol vshat ilit-'v writ doin^ I hr s|*| ( sponsoird \u Dine D,|\, rim si in lents in it Iiiiiv thru < .11 s < >11 ainptis tot J I hours .mtl wduntrrts 'in krtrd • a is thivrn that dav M'l ( .ilt uUlrti .1 JO |k i< cut drop in 1 anipns 11 a! fit that ilav. prrvrnttnt' about '»! pounds of atbon dioxide horn it .tthin^ thr atmos [ihrir I lit- gitmp csnmatrd aO.tHfO |*>ujids >1 t .11 hoii dioxide i ould Im kept out of thr 111 and thousands ol gallons of gasoline wi\rd veal l\ it sludrnts Irlt the n t ais paikrti It it allv cliff get proplr to t hungc." 11« nslt \ V.H*I Wool has sint < spn atl of \o I >1 hr I )av. and othrt s<} tools hast \jm >ns< art I •itnilai events Ur if .1 sen small st liuol, nit llm vs as national puhlit it \. I Irtish*v •aid PHOTO COURTESY Of THf HARV ARD CRIMSON Ecofymptcs winner* were crowned with hats, not wreaths. Environment big winner at Ecolympics By (.KOFFLEPPUR Ikt iujl\lhuh, lulls! imyfri y>utiiK tot the K*>l*i t siudnits air goiiiK lot lilt' gift'll lliiou^li ilit- KtoKinpits. .t m-iusmI iiiiriiisidtiiic hull i hullt'ngrs Hununl n i "inpcliiiK in briiftil ihr t nviniii int ill \iul lilt- cnctgvsu'iilK me*.mires lift|x*t 1 the v hi Mil i ill llr.llh $'i(H),IMMI In mi its intij>\ hill \flt i Its Infills mii i rwltil \f.ii. tin- in iKmpit s mined u if' pliuM* Ihm vrai "l.lM WUI VS.IS jllsl .1 lultltfl Vf.II VUtl i 1.11%.11 itif.iMiifulfills tm t ut h ifsidfiu r hull s iiimilhl' uu)jf ‘>1 vsulfi. flft nit in and branny; till vsrrr t iiinpuifd In ihf VIIm month'* tnluls limn ihr pic\urns vrul. untl the jm-ii rnl.igf nl su'iiiK'm iih irusc lift unit- (mints lm rut ll linusf ini example, ll .1 hnusc used M pen rill less I'U'i UK IIS I |X H nil ll'si Ill'.ltlUg Dll, .111! I 2 |M 'll I III Il'SS W.ltO in Nmrmlx i I WO llun 11 hail in Nnsemln i I'.IM'I, n v ntrtl a IOl.ll Ilf I I |M >lll(> Hni In al, water ami elet Im weteii t the mils anas in whit h a liniise itmld gain [mints "VVc fell compelled Id make it a lullv environmental program.' vaid Brian Inlsiad. a IW1 I Ian aid giaduale anil a loundei ol tin tnnlsmpn s So house* uric awarded Inn bonus points cat h moil I li Ini h i vr liny i am, Imitles and newspaper' I lu»s«- two points i mild make a Ini' difleieni e, hei ause houses lhat si mnl more than 1 "i [minis weir dei lan d “winners" at die end ol e.u h month 11 iil\ni|iii I imidllialnis in winning hmiws irirnnl i« 11 hats wilh ihe hi ohinpii s logo and gieen wool sim ks, whiii icsidi nls wen Healed in a studs break le.lining lulls id l'« n and |ens s it e i tram I lu- monthls winnei lei enetl a small tier as a lni|ihs, and die overall winning hi hiw liu all lise mnulhsi d II mi| irdlii 41 was .iwanled the 11 ■ >lsmpu s ( up \ ml die pi i i|ei I is i all lung ■ m iialii malls Hulls In V"| id I let si hnnls - ranging limn the I nl ( .ilitmiua. I ns \ngrles. in I esas UAI In \\ Ilhams (.nllege — an espei led In i mi a lev mu e i nil wrs alum program this seal I nlsiads.ud