Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 19, 1992, Page 4, Image 20

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    This is your planet; this is your planet in peril
\f < ( (tfyyrvivt
Not diet n I vv( ^mmtinih ( o||< g<
lit I‘>h7 enviiemtnental v tentists aiound
the wmid Ingan to sound like niodettwiav
< hit ken 1 jit lev
I he o/one lav< f above* the \fit.iu tn
noi m.tllv about 't milbuirtn % tbit k. lud
withered to levs than halt Ms noitnal
llut knew No tin's warned. the skv wasn i
tailing it wav disap}* .11 mg
1 as! vr.u, the ir crie s again rose as the
ii/our lave! diminished to the thinnest le ve l
ever M tonlcel, surpassing die 1***7 "hole
\n<| se trnlists ai« e \jw < ting the* downwaid
s|>ua! to continue
"\\r biokr the «»l<! te e old, v«iid Dl Ruh
Me l*« te i s he at I of the o/one pt<* e\s team at
\ \S \ \ (,oddaid Spaer Might ( rntri m
(.It f libel I. Mel " I he t one l I n is that the
\ntatc Ut is voit ol an rath warning of tilings
w< \e been saving lot u ,uv ( h I * * i«»
tUminc arhons air destiovtng the o/one
lavei I Ins is the Invt nine we t an j«nn» to
something and vav, I heir tt is
lahltrd the \ntaie lit Hole; the ile a of
o/one depletion in the south j**lr is almost
as big as the- \ niteel Slate s N jentists Maine
« h hue it 1 mu »m at hons ( H m . a e hr m n al
used in arioso! sptav tans, irfiigeiatioii all
• onditionmg units and as an incinsttia 1
solvent. t«n the ie*due 11«»n m the o/one lavei
( )figomg It v ale li l»v the National < h rami
and \tinos|ihent Vclininist ration s t N() A A )
sate line the National I n\ imnmenial Data
Information Seme r M 1 )|Si indit ales the
Vntatetie hole mav he widening aa we ll as
thinning, said Ni I)IS spokesman Hank
I a|H>ie
i he hole die! show evident e <»l spiralling
t lose t<* the- tip ol South \tnriu a t«» the
highe $ latitude, l.apoit said I! one
attributes this to the man made (Ms we
i e i tamlv want to Im- looking at < ut tailing this
as we ait m the- pun e:\sof doing
located in the st l atosphet r o/one
ahsoi hs uluaviolet iav> whn h cause skin
e am er, damage t nips and kill acpiatii life
I hough o/one molecules eonstantlv
This supercomputer generated visualisation depicts the gaping wound In the osone layer
above Antarctica rt may be a good time to Invest In sunscreen lotions
uprodute and dir, thr\ Ik tonic vninriahlc
i«> ihr < hlottnr m * M s m cvtinnrh t old
t(-111{m'f .tilt! rv mu h as the South l*»»U I he
i hint me dcMmw the o/one motet ulrs .it an
.!< t delated *jx*rd. thinning the o/one la\rt
\ moNemetit tn tun all othn (Ms tx ^an
m J*iH7 with the* Mining of the Montiral
I’mtntol. an interuatmual treat\ that
|ma d in u dm i lire um «»| ( I ( \ l>\ vtl
jx*tt ell! iK'tnie the end «»t I tie « etlturx
rv< M ali tl » niidm *ed l»\ \ \S \ last spllltg
showed that the ozone tau t o\n tin l mted
States wa% tlliniiili^ at twit r tin i tie of
previous\rais O/niie reduction noitualh
<x i ills in lilt Viihlri but llli sllldl shtmril II
«as( i illtlllllllii; lllln (hr s|)lill|' .|U i\( llw l S
SIhiiiS allrt, tin Mmitir.il l‘i(»loit>l was
.11 lieiiiIi d III l .ilidnii I hr .unciMinimi', i .ill
l'>i tin iiniijihii (urtailin^ of the
|>|'kIuc ii.'ii .umI im|Hiri.<tiiin "I < H s In (hr
M .11 111H HI hlM Will III ll.ltliills |MI Ui l|l.lillli;
in 11 ii Urals plrdmd ithmi Sim million In
IlcljjItlK | n h ii i ■ I 11 nil ill lev 11 u cl I hr Urals
1 I’ \ s|n ikiMii.m 1 l.iv id Ki .in vilil I hr I ‘I'M!
1 S < Iran \ii Ails i ninplr llir ill ihr
Mi inlir.il I’lnlm ol Hr said I hr ,u is iih|m isc
sliul ijiudrlinrsim (lie usr o| ( l( sand mam
(>lhri riiwioinnrnlaih h.imihlli hrniK.ih
Hill miiM-nirnh In save (tie o/nnt' ate not
progressing l.iM enough Ini some, (men
peai c spokeswoman |eanne Whalen said
the goveninieui has not i rat ked down hard
enough on companies, sm li as Dul’ont,
whi< h usr ( K s in tlicit inanulai luring Mu
said the I- I’ \ has allowed i oinpanies in
icplaie ( ICs with hvdroi hlnrnlln
mix arhniis (IK 1 ( s). which also destros
o/one, hm at a slower rale than < I (.s.
" I he willing is on the wall." Whalen said
ll was east Ini the I S and olhei
indnslriah/ed nalinns In lake ll not «i
serioush because it's over in the \nianin
and no one lives there Hut the o/nne lasci
has hen damaged more than we thought
People don't tindersiand how die political
poH ess has lieen holding up die solulion
I he I niled Slates needs a national eneig
politv to I egulate energs soiirus .mil
c11in■ 11 atc the use ol environmental!',
dangeioils substances. according to Rolu n
Small, environmental advocale limn die
I S 1'uhlu Intelest Reseat i ll ( doup
Siu.nl said it is alteads Iihi late In slop the
damage done to die o/one lavel sini e lln
I'HIK when aelosi i| was intindtli ed
1 he best was to i omhat ll i' to rapidly
phase oul die use n! those dungs that deplete
die o/one lavet." he said "ll s mining in the
wiong duei lion We have two main o/one
depleting suhsiani es m the ail alt rads I lie
Ik st we i an do is sli iw die (let line
Hut time mas he miming out Si ienlisi'
an finding evident e that the An In I' also
sul li a mg Itutn a depleted o/one Ri van h
i undue led hs tin N()\\ showed in
on lease in o/one-desttusing i hlmini
i ompoiinds I he aiea is being i a I el ill Is
moinloied hs si lenllsls who leal the
o|K iung ol anolhei o/one hole.
\iici underway in Haugor, Maine, is a
s< lenlilii siuds using am raft to me.isme the
o/one las«-i ovei the Northeast lire N( l \ \
and \ Vs \ learn. e\|*< is to find small aica
st lowing signiliiam depletion Hut Nh Petets
said it is imhkels that a hole as lug as the
\m.mtn (ould e-vet develop ovei the I s
I lie deiiese we re seeing at mid
latitudes will stall looking higgei. he said
Environment becomes everyone s business
Kv R(H.FR I’RK 1
lk.:,\ \rh,i\k,w, I nl Nrbtasku
( .ill II riiuinium ill.il jiuii iiim ( .ill II rnvilnnilirill.il
11him musness ( .ill il rmiiniiiiirnl.il giandstunding Rut whalrvei
\ nil i In him- In i .ill II i nl]ni|allnns in lllr l ' ruled Slates have hern
tinning ill nn I he rmiiniiiiiriil.il lii.il krt III in rill vr.us
( aiinpanii s like ( lirwmi Mi Donalds .mil Xnhriisri Hutch have
I let ii pumping imtlirv illln lliril planel-vising ptngi.mis In hrl|> vtvr
(hr earth
I hr III! lease III inijHH.ilr advertising eniphavi/mg rmiiniiiurlil.il
issues ill in rill M'.m is ,i spill-nil nl spat r rsploraUi ill, ,u milling In
.in nl I it i.i I in the ()llii r nl lMiviroiiiuriil.il I’lngi.nm .it tin t nt
Nrliiaska t nn uln
\ ness irs|K t i Im thi' earth was gained when man litsi joumeved
min s|mi r salt I I .ms Srhul/r. vshn is a i noidlll.ilnt 111 (he < Min r i it
I mnuunient.il I’mgi.niis "We rrali/rd hit thr lust lime that uui
r.nth ts .i living organism, and ir sources air not grnrtalrd anew hill
i minniinuslv tu\i Ird." hr vnd
V Inil/e said u s|k-i i Im ihr earth is shared In almnsi ru tumr
involved in ihr i onsumrt i ham, im hiding thr inanul.u mins,
ilislt ihutots, is hi ilrvdus and luiisuniers
U liUr i or potations inav hr trying to am at t i tistoinri s with
i-m tionmriil.il aihrrtiving hr said mam companies air atr mrirh
ih inn 11114 out I.>ng standing pmgtainsol mviioiitnrnta! stewardship
Ralph Woolen, stall spn talisi lot rot pot atr advn using at
l hr vt on, agirrd Hr said advel 11 sr mm 1 s tratuiing the
rlisiloniurnt, whti h ( lirvron has run situr 19S"i. air built aiound
'the things that ( hrvion people air doing to piesrrvr. protre 1 <>i
enhance the environment "
Woolen said the mmpanv views the ads is a public all.nis
amp.ugn inoie so than a mat lu ting 1 ampaign I he I f difleient
I iiviiounielil.illv oriented television toinilieui.tls dial ( hrvion has
produced. he said, have imptoved the company's image with the
i onsiunei
\nd \iihruset Nusi h has jumped on the rnviionnirnt.il
awaieness vvagi 111 with ads and 11 ... i.ds that tell 1 nsti liners alioul
die lien uimpanv s ellorts li 1 save the environment It is a i ani|iaign
that \nheiisei lhis< h lakes seinntslv. a lompanv sjuikeswoinan vud
She said thr < oinpanv s environmental ellorts include
encouraging recta ling, limiting |xillution and protei ting wildlife
'Because our tonsuinris air more tntr tested in the environment
now, she said, "the time seemed light to communu ate out
lonmutmeiit with them.”
Companies like McDonald's proudly display
their new-found environmental awareness.