EDITORIAL Measure 3 would eliminate choice The right to vote is perhaps the most sacred privi lege enjoyed by members of u democracy. When people go to the polls, they have the opportunity to elect the men and women who they believe are most qualified to represent them in government. Uullot Measure 3 would deny Oregonians that right Measure 3 would set term limits on Oregon's state and federal congressional delegates Service in the House of Representatives (both federal and state) would be limited to six years, and service in the Sen ate, federal and state, would be limited to 12 years and eight years, respectively. Additionally, the measure would impose a lifetime maximum of 12 years in the Oregon Leeislature. Advocate* of the measure argue that istcunt* bents are too powerful and too difficult to defeat. They believe that their mensure would prevent the development of career poli ticians and open the political process to a greater varie ty of people. The text of Measure 3 should simply read, "We. the people, are too stupid to think for ourselves. There fore. be it enacted by us that our right to vote not be further encumbered by requiring intelligent thought and free will." In a nutshell, that's Measure 3 without the typical political prose usually found in ballot meas ures. . For example, the voter's pamphlet contains the fol lowing as an argument in favor: "Just re-elect them (in cumbents). they tell us. and things will get better. But we have been re-electing them year after year and times are not getting better." Whose fault is that? The inabili ty of voters to see beyond the rhetoric of JO second tel evision commercials is not the fault of the candidates. While Measure 3 would guarantee the eventual ousting of bad politicians, it would also mandate the removul of good politicians. Regardless of the quality of work that an incumbent has performed, and regard less of how many people want that candidate to remain in office, he or she would be forbidden from further service. Depriving government of quality servants is tantamount to throwing the baby out with the bath wa ter. Measure 3 would also increase the power of non cloctcd bureaucrats who can spend their entire careers in government service, immune from any system of checks and balances. Then; is no question that campaign reform is need ed. Limits on contributions and spending are the fairest way to ensure that candidates do not get elected simply bccuuse they have more money than their opponents. Measure 3 would institutionalize voter apathy. Term limits already exist — they are called elections. Vote no on Measure 3. LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the j writer must lx; verified when the letter is submitted. Oregon Daily Emerald PO BOX EUGENE OREGON 87403 The Oregon Da4y Emerald * puC*nhw3 da.iy Ucxxiay through Friday during the uNw year and Tuesday and ThufVlay during the summer &y the Oregon OaJy f mer*«3 Put>*eh*ng Co Inc. at the University of Oregon. fc ^>gene Oregon Tha Emerald operates independently of the Un*ver»4y w«h offices af Su*e 300 of the Ert> Manonaf Urvon and a a mantw of the Assoc .ated Prett Tha Emerald a private property The w^uaaM removal or uaa of papers a proaecutabte by law Editor Pai M^acn New* Ed*or EdKoriel Editor Graphict Editor Entartarrensnt C ditor J*»*o Berg Martin f eher Jeff Pastey Fn*ya Morn Night Editot F reeiance Ed*or Editorial Editor Sporta Editor Supplement* Editor Jake Berg Mope Neasion Fevers janasen Dave Charbonneew Caitoy Andersor Associate Editors Tammy B&wy Slydenf Cktown'tkMV'Atinrtm* Rene DeCa r Roifct Co>«»' Poheg 7*g/x* £ Oucstion'Aam*m*MtQn New* Start Cheat e# Anen. Mandy Baucum. IX*Bender. Just n Brow Sarah C*rK Amr da Terrs#. Ak« frv . l*a Haggerty. Theresa Munamger. Mary K«n l v* Kneete Oemian Met ear’ Sieve Mans, Maff Morin. T " Mmwiwr Kim Ngwyu "> T nets Noe». ESan Shaw McMmu Slentfer. Enc* STodwrscsa Mao* $u<*or. Mvrwte Tr»ompson Agmaf. Amy Van Tuyi. Tood y* uams Jacqueane Wage Heather /«-oauar General Manager Jody R t«u Advertising Director Bryan R Coppedge Production Marvagar Mifiwifloii Advertising Shaw Bevu Sco«: Dana. Je *> Hue* * Jar1*# I'O-a Chris Kano*’ Tom leech Jeremy u,tsoo G**fcan Oh. Dusi*Jy Con«0*> Production- Ingnd W*“Je fVou.x..wm Cocvi* cut *■ v e Gfo ,«r> Owe McCOOP Vmy Mschefl. Jennifer Roland. Jenr-wr $nvth Ann© Siap-hwrrsori. Oarayn Trappe r mr a c-*c*rix6ATeO i 3o< / ^t’KeUfrmn% ft/O fdWoi'SB<> 6fHM DO fCLL - 1 AH'MAtt, £Af?S ' ; j.'vt ft it ■ !.«u rj»^ Belittling With Columbus Day upon us. I am in no way surprised lo see the campus newspaper (Ihe Emerald) further |>erpetuate the indignation of the indigenous people of this continent In the Oct H issue, the name "Goronlmo" is headlined above a photograph The word is in associated, with a joking prank involving a '‘dum my.’' Coronimo was a great and honorable man who devoted his life to Pigluing for justice among the Apache Never have I heard of such civil rights activists as Martin Luther King Jr . Gandhi, or Mal colm X referred to in this jok ing context Geronitno deserves to f*1 among this group He and his people were oppressed and destroyed by our society Yet you continue to belittle and in sult him. It is interesting how swiftly this institution latches onto the phrase "celebrate diversity." It is odd how, in actuality, this institution celebrates the de struction ol diversity Good dungs could tx- clone by the Emerald to promote unity and understanding during Ibis Co lumbus Day commemoration Itui instead we get subtle! impli cations that our society was rigid in exploding the indig enous peoples of lids continent. I’lcase stop promoting this ig nore nee Joshua Docherty Undeclared Shocked 1 would like to respond to Jon Wollander's letter pub lished in the LittorulJ (Oc t 12) I, like many, uni surprised, shocked and hurt th.it a small fraction of Oregon residents .ire even considering such a meas ure My shock is even greater when 1 read alarming narrow mindedness sue h as that re flected in Wollundor s letter He says that ''those i housing to en gage in high-risk dysfunctional sex are designated the heroes First of ail. sex can be high risk regardless of whether it oc curs between heterosexuals or homosexuals, tar is functional or dysfum lioii.il To imply that only sex within the context of a homosexual relationship is dangerous is to suggest that Wollander's sex education and/or experience is not too vast Secondly, no one is being la beled a hero in this conlrover s'> I'uniing the winners, losers and heroes is a typical altitude expressed by people who don’t educate themselves or attempt to empathize with those around them. The rejection of Ballot Meas ure is in no way a mandate lor widespread homosexual re lationships nor will it favor one sexual preference over another. •!; simply proi«*ts this type of personal decision front the in terference o( government. The failure of this measure to pass will allow people to continue (housing their partners accord ing to their personal prefer ences Whether their relation ships he sexual or platonic, feelings shared between two people, by definition, are pri vate and choices relating to these feelings full within the In alienable rights of the individu al Vole no on H Allison Soderstrom Nursing, LCC I ’m gone I was Ixirn and raised in Ore gon But the passage of Measure 5 two years ago and the mere presence of Measure 4 on the ballot this year have convinced me to leave Oregon when I complete my education I re fuse to spend the rest of my life in a stale where so many peo ple believe that the government should force discrimination against homosexuals hut not fund higher education Now tlml I have announced my intunlion to leave Oregon, will I be charged non-resident tuition rales, since I urn here "primarily lor educational pur poses'7 Kirk Jepsen Sociology Clear choice Kevin Hornbuckle is Iho pro gressive candidato for tin: Ward 3 City Council seal. He has years of experience as a grass roots activist and community organizer. He is opposed to the big money, established interests that have traditionally con trolled the City Council. Be cause Hornbucldo’s egalitarian ideas appeal to Ward 3 voters, he received broad voter support and boat bben Dobson by sever al hundred votes in the spring primary, di-spite being outspent by several thousand dollars The big-money elite are wor ried because they know that Hornbucklc's election will re sult in a progressive majority in the City Council. They are clos ing ranks behind Dobson and will surely pour additional thousands of dollars into the race (Dobson refuses to agree to a spending limit). Yet they know this may not be enough to defeat a community activist with the widespread support ol the people. Hornbuckle has and will con and interests of gays and lesbi ans. women, minorities, the disabled, the working class and the poor. He vigorously op poses the (XiA. A lengthy list of progressive organizations and community activists en dorse Hornbuckle's campaign Hornbuckle has a solid theoret ical framework to support his slogan: "for the i’eoplo, For the Common Good '' The choice is clear. Kevin Hornbuckle is the progressive Ward 3 candidate for the Liu gone City Qmncil. Chuck Areford Eugene Don’t believe Whu is really lu blame lor the disintegration of our uconomy, timt>«rr jobs, complex ecosys tems and climate? Hob I’ackwood, Mark Hal Held, Bob Smith, Los AuCoin and other w(;stern congress men, past and present, have been deciding the fate of our economy, natural resources, en vironment and limber jotrs for years, livery year for iiO years, those men have voted for man dated limber cut levels (in their language, "monies appropriat ed to the U S l-'orest Service and BLM based on harvest tar gets") that they knew could not be sustained by the temperate rainforest ol the Pacific North west These men voted lor un-sus tainahle cutting levels implored by corporate interests and other special interests, including lo cal governments who can only see bigger dollar signs to an chor their positions. Second in blame has been the leadership in the White House. All these leaders can see are dollar signs entering the Federal Treasury from the tim ber/minerttl resources taken from our forests For example. 11 c ents to t!0 cents of every timber dollar does not return ter the stale Don't I relievo the rhetoric — the half-truths that are designed to divide us and Ur Ircnefll the wealthy and powerful Shannon Wilson Student