Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 19, 1992, Page 3, Image 19

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    Some ugly facts to scare you into saving the world
First, the had news.
■ \mcii(.ins geneiate mint than NNi.ihm)
inns ti( garbage m nil.n. .1! .1 1 ate gicaiei
than am other nation on h 011 li
■ \tneu< an tnnsutnei'and mdustn thorn
aw ax enough aluminuin to lebuildoui entile
roininen i.tl airlleet exm three months
■ We throw .iw.iv enough
off it e and wi iling panel
annually 10 build a
wall 12 !»•»• i high
streti lung Itnm
I.us Angeles in
Nias \ in k < ns
■ Ninels |w ri ent
ut all nllii e waste is
waste lujK't, most of
sshu h Is let a i lable
■ 1 seis Sunday.
mote than r>(K),(XK)
j)[ o(i lit r the* 88 U. Of CAl iFOWMA. SAN
pen rnt of nrwv
p.ijx is ih.it .tn- ttevei retsi led.
■ We thlovs .ivs.iv (lit mi'll glass lx id It's .tlld
|,tls to till the 1, A id-lnol Ivsin nmcn ot Sen
York" Wot Id 1 t.ide ( entei cu n two necks
■ A Kiel l( .1 li> go 1 li i otigh 2 .’( in 111 loll
nl.ixin bottles esers hour, mils .('in.ill
fieri enl.igc ol vs hit h ale novs irevi led.
■ l*l.isiK dunk hollies lake 201) seals lo
disintegrate in lain 111 Its
■ I In atna^r Annin an t nnrnth [in *lin o
at* ml i ii |K Mini I* i il m ilnt vt.wr rat li ilat, • n a
it Mai nl IliOmilHoiittimin IW1
iWi tii'.iit t inni^li Kai tiagt' rat It tlat in
lilt ilit- Nrvt ()i leans Supmitnnr iwn r
■ V\ i ilium an at mi nigli n tin anti Mrt I It >
u ii Minin nisK sii|i|)K all ilit' luinxt\ aitlt unakris
■ In l’> trals lilt i>irrnln>ust
t'lfrt I t milt! t ausr tra
ie\ eiN «o i im*
enough It* engulf
many low King
t oaMal i itles
■ In HO seat n in
area the M/i* of
India will have U rn
turned iniodevit
■ l \ n \ \ ear m
area of loie>l the M/e
of the l rilled King
d« »m is destu >\td
■ 1 he w< *l Id is l« *Mlig
brtwrrn .1 and r)0\pr< irs {*'i da\
■ B\ thr vrai 2fMX) nr will havr h iiium d <»’»
prn ctu of f<>rrMs in humid t topic a) /< >nts
■ lhr VMirld\ fannris air losing 21 billion
tons of topsoil rac h vrai. rcpial to all (fir
topvc »tl <«tvrring \usti alia s whi-ailand*
■ hat h vrai 2 7 billion pounds of
ptslu ides arc bring addrd to ihr
emu on nun t at loss thr l mud Stairs
(nmfnlrd h\ \ttron Stisirun, I hr (»unirt «k V
l of South ( 'umittw Smtrrf //M
.. .but hope springs eternal
a 11 k li I nr nds. frllow itndrntv and
family l>\ example In pirvrnt pollution
a U iHr clrt trd (tllit talv and it II lhrm yum
t inn' ininrnul i < >n< rrnv
B KriM Ir pa|K I yjl.is" plastlt illilltlilillli,
m lap inrial, tnntnt nit and van! naiici
at m lew rneijty Vet vnui thriumsiai
baik. tiivulalr voui watt i liralri and Inn
rnri^y t fli> it nl appliam n
a Hi iv nit iy\ tf I it irnl i ais and krt p them
mind ( .ii|»«il. ttike
vi.dk hi livr 111.1"
■ ki dm i smoki
mi lull .ivtirvlm awl
olhri indoor an
j x dllll.lills
■ lluv on Iv .11
mill h |iu(riiliallv
iu\n nialcl lain m
|»I udlli I \ .iv vnti
in rd Diviiu" id
ilit'in |iiu|>crl>
■ mis 1n s(lt d nt
tt t si l.ihlc (tfndui Is 111 bimlrgiail
ahlr. iruvthlrnl irllim.lllll [ 1.11 k.tgcs
a ( ul plasm bi-sri agr i nnl.imi i lings
U liiic Hashing ll li ll uruut tin s itmkl llap
and kill Imils anil ill hi i small i malm i s
a llanl tm-s and shml Rami Ihis imtnm (Anils
Hit's it |ilrtusli tin K111I1 si iwgriisujijih
■ Kt (Mil 1( ,«k\ I.UKI'In \ U\tkY l.uuc lt jfl
iiM iipin 1,0^) gallons ut walri }k r month
■ 11 iNf.il) fain rt ,u i.iImin Umm ti k \|k now
dc*VH rst .m irdtH r w.iln iiv Up U» fi4* |XN t ill.
vshfir m.mu.iiiiiih; a strung.ll*.w
■ Wltrii'ciMiking s.i\« MM VgulhMiv.if vsatu
h\ in < hng and < Iraning vrgrtabio in a laigc
Im »\s I < <f w.itfi instead * »l uttdn tunning wain
■ W hrn h.»ikIvsashing dishrs save- I ’»
gallons of vs a tri h\ soaking dinv dishrs in
tin ha^in and thru nnsing ihrm«>11
■ I akc S11 *. I t shoVsrls III si (id "I baths
Shown n uM' about » i
g.ilh *ns pc I 1IIIIII1U
lliri «■ Hum Irss than
thr want in a Kith
■ i ui n <•(( the
v% am f«» bl lish
teeth *ha\ e and
| np in I hr
>lu »wri I tiling tin
Milk lo sh.tsr tivo
• mis our gallon.
while iciting tlu*
w.uci mu » an im- up n» 10
gallons I inning nit the wain when
hnishmg NiKii teeth < an v*i\c f< nil galii»iih
■ Insi.ill i toilet (tisphu cinrni <le\nr n»
saw thousand** •»! gallons of wale! raihu ai
Hat mg i 1 weighted jugs in the tank will
v»\e one oi two gallons ea» h I lush
( umfnUti b\ I H Humahan. I hr < halt.
Sftwt'un V>uthrrn Shits ( <>llr%r S/'uns l f‘\
Pushing the right buttons
How to bug politiciansfor environmental change
IHflhuh (iili/urnum, I tit ( .ilitninu lVikcle\
In l‘)7<l, the fust faith D.n il.ivnird, the-( Ir.m \n \i I
passed .milat tivisLi dreamed ul .1 new enuitinmcntal age
lweiit\ \e.ns Lite 1 altci the glowing iIimIUimiininenl <it
li.Htlnii' tit u 111 c spoil'll e bin c. 1 il« 1 .K 1. cum 1011 mental
in g a 111/.11 tuns tut ( reded in lobbwtig lot sulf\< tent
cnliineinein (Lutses to aitualli implement 1 he ineaMiie It
was .1 lung stmggle, the group' \av, but well worth the light
"*s... 1 tl 1 It iliur is 1 sl.iw III 111 ess s.llll \lldl Shall .1
sssavuig Liwn.ikrls is ssm kuii* tilth Im ,il ai inWMin Im at issiirs
" I hr v, as miu l > it 11 < I i lout hiiIi ( oiiijirss is in Innld
j{l .ismimXs suppm I in I In 11 oiij»i rsMiill.il I ill'll ii I. s.iiiI
D.inirl S»lvrmi.in. .ivmsuiii lirkl dun lor Im I S 1*1 Rt •
\ ,iilolls rmiionini ni.il yioiijis hair drirlo|Kil ilitli uni;
(.it (it's to i .ill h lri>isl.iioi s .illinium While sunn
i iik.iiii/jIioiis iris on Irltri •vslllingruinfMIgm III sisiitK .1 voir
oihri s i ii^.uu/r 11nun nri si.tl ilrim msii .mulls and |iinlrsis
It mu |iim hasr a drmorniraiioii n s nm likrlv io < h.uigr
projilr s son s 11.mini in said 'Bill il ihr dniiimsiialnm is
t oi ii irt lid is uli k-nris and iisils null ioiistilurills and a inrdia
(ahhuma i am|iaigti dure lor wilfi
the < allloima Public Interest
Research Group (( Al.PIKGi
We \e lost SI line- battles. but nc If
cunning the w.u cist*l the seats
Sue h is the- hie of environmental
n IIV tsls t If U. I fll/.lt If ills !lLf I'l R( i
"We've lost some battles,
but we're winning the war
over the years.”
Andy Shaw
iaill|>algll ill.I! It.iS |mll I (Mills till'll
\rv miii i an liau- an rllit t
I hcii M ims to In* unanimous
agli i lilrnt aiming InMmsts and
jnililli lans that I«*r11-1s tasrs.
telegrams ami phone tails to
li i'i'latnisair iniK rtlei U\r
.tic leading the liglu H» nuke the
cm iron men l .t t« > |> priotm m
Washington 1H and thallengmg individuals to <tmtimi<
i lit light
"This is tin beginning ol an eta said Mail I lantweni
eneigstoiisullanl to ( .tingle ssnun (.e-oige Millei 11 Mailt
Public awaienrssol ensironnirtlUil qualits is glowing and it *
tm (mmig a hunt >ii lo |msii it mhi tranu the tleluie ptoj«il\
While the nation ' capital o pmeiscd .t' nn|>e netrabie
lx>lh eiivnoiimental groups and Hotlv and Vitale statinssas
individuals can make addle leiite illhes know how
Hill ( altlei piess set letais loi St n Maik lladield K
(he agierti dial amone who wants toellec I i lunge in the
nation's capital lias In organize hs tleseloping a coalition 01
|oining an existing coalition.
1 hai is a sentiment echoed l>\ environmental gomps that
hast Iteen woikmg in the t apual lot decades < hgani/ations
liom IMK(. to (iieenpeat e to the fledgling Student
F.miionmental \etion Coalition sas the liist step tow.ud
"People ofirn trrl that lellris .tml
phone i .illo go down ,i i .it Inil<-.
I raiitwriii said But penpk would Ik 'iirpnseil .il how imn h
attention legislators pav totheit mail
legislator* |>av attention to mail hi '.ml but usuall'tgnnn
t hi ir'pnnilrni t II mu linn i Hie I ' I his i all will k against
stinlents who are nliru |» ti im il .i'.i|uiin in and iinimoiseii
I don't think student' u urirnil' 1 iln a win h Im hi
influent mg In t .him thrv an mil [kmrived .1' a voting
II Ini k hi a i Hii'lilinml with all mutt •'! I hat an tin Hi I nil it i.il
innl'In lx i iiiiv mu'til I r.iuturin '.ml
I hi lhal n aMin. (.in n|M-.u i- Miulh org.ini/ri Matianni
( berm 'aid w hrtirv r i students m gant/e h i in w i it mg
i ampaigns, thrv alv i need in in ganut \ otr t -rrgt'tt alum duvi*'
< iigam/alimi' also nigani/ing wi ll pit pared
|x*ivmal visit' with tin- iiiugit-vsum.i! repir•senlaiives when
lhr\ i run n In I hr ill'll n l \t tiv ist '.n I hat visible aild
"err a live” demonstration' at legislator'' '[Making engage
ments i an bring an issue to the jmlilii nr
r'w ■ m w V » T
kMf U'S cfliCl, i
» Pt£A5£ HOP'... y
r«0 *> «A ♦Mk**^*’
< /I®'
fHOU l»
_ f .
Vi TtV( *i S
A it1f *'
* r
" ■ i -
JAMES MARTINEZ Nf* VC • < > Ait > . ( 1" • M A VC ’
Some nit'.iut/atiuu' wuiknij; >>n t-miionnirnial i"tit-'
tin lit then c in i){i<■' not mi W.i'hiiJgiiui. I* ( Iml mi lot .il
.■I 11 ginnnl .iir.i' I lit Sitiiltiiiliniimiint ui.il \tlnui
( ti.iliiitiu .1 tin11 wai-old m^.iin/.iiimi Ii.im i! m ( hn|>t I
Hill N < willi Id l Kill nit in In i ' .1111 ii ml i In i mini 11
t lit inii.i^c' si ut It tit' in cakt .i '| it i ilit t tint t in . i lit I null
u uli til lit i group* on .in t vit nt Icil i ainpaign
While1 hr remit prut t"'vf c hattgr ma\ In 'In" arthiM*
ah (ht "Me til 'Inniltln i thvimi agr slutlt iil' limn lighting
” Hit n is it .ivm lu be tvnif ai Sha» '.nil Bui il mn It mi.
al iht p.i'i iwn tlt t atlt ' anil mu chink of "lu it
rnviituinictUali'cn ha* comr. vou havr in hr liapp* ft’*
gotten to iht- point "heir people tan no" hr
cmnoninmuliM' anil hold thru hracl* high
f _