Aim American Cou.rxiiATE Network, iimc. P6iiucation The Threat The sky Is falling Ut il, K iilin nul Ik-t.ilhin;. lull H i' (Iivi|)|kmiiiih llito/oitf Ufl .ilmNf \riuu in .1 shnink List \c.u u> ilu iIiiiiikm U-vt-l (H i u-i on led, llit- l.iNft ,|IkiM-illf l s l> liillllllll^ IVVKf .IsI.lM .IS III (Ilf |M\t, .111(1 .Ululllfl lllllf III.IN Ik■ !< »ilining i«\«-i ilu \ic fit I'utp I The Response Paying the price Kf<\< Imij m.tkcs sense. Inti nut (t uts \\bile reeve Im^ |rit i>»i.tuts IkikI'ii i I it- oiiviionmein. .kIiiiiiiisIi.i Ii us .tie (list o\fillip ilif\ don't do (ollfjjf Inidycis .ms I.inois FagrV The Solutions M— 1 Fishing for clues Environmental icv.m h is hot. Proft*sMmart* leaving the libraries to studv everything from global wann ing to penguins in hopes of urotei tmg the environment. Pa» 15 Magdalena Avila and her Berkeley environ men tal group are joining thousands oj other campus activists in the battle to save our planet. —Page l9 > i VlWCf GOCDeCRG TH£ OAJIY CAl if ORNiAN U Of CAUFOftNM BlRK£l£> SPECIAL ISSUE SPONSORED BY THE ANHEUSER-BUSCH COMPANIES