205 OPPORTUNITIES GRANTS SCHOLARSHIPS Personal/** compvte* MMsrch i hh* tfMo »'*• Mon«y For Co**»go 2852 WfiamafJA #Tli Eugene OR 97405 OcajO42«t05 NON-TRADmONAL STUOENTS A'* you a inoom# Wudant. or fin,! yn 66 PIC for information and applications UO FAMILY HOME CHILD CARE REFERRAL PROGRAM NEEDS IN HOME CHILO CARE PROVIDERS for University parents seeking child care Set your own hours and f*«». rece-ve professorial framing and Support Call Chrtthne Stunner. UO Family Child Car® Coordinator. 346 2962 try DIM iljiufinJ fi* r ywti rr«)i I hr rnii Bookstore 3464331 gays OVERSEAS JOBS $900 2000 mo Summer. Year round, all country aii teds Free >r>to write UC, PO Bo* 62 ORQ3 Corona Do- Md' CA 92625 POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE' Many portions Great benefit Ca# 1 600 338 3388 0*1 P-3309 STUDENTS International marking company looking lor students wno need lull and part-time income wn*«» m*nta*rung studies Flexible nours Groat income potential Ca: 34 3 966 7 Studsnt Government Position* A variable Budget Anatyt: Record Keeper tor incidental Fee Committee Work study or upend 6 8 nr* a ***** Act»vssm. empowerment, and gain stu dent government dipenence Pick up appkcaiton m ASUO office Application deedwne OC T 26tn. 6pm ASST CIRCULATION MANAGER 1 2 nourvday including 7 30 a m 8 30 a m each weekday morrwng Applicants moat De lull I• me students altne U ot O You mufti nave transportation, proof of insurance, and be prompt dependable a/to organized Come up to me Oregon DaJy Emerato, Floom 300. EMU between 0 A noon (no pnone cans please) Stans ai $4 7Sttour plus mileage reimbursement E OE 210 HELP WANTED RET AH CUSTOMER SERVICE Starling pay 510.25 Pari lima 5205 waafcty 5520 monthly Fuft-bma 54'0 aaatiy. It $40 morwhiy Inn rata* cha*n. many lamp 4 perm poa. no a*p nac W*h tr*« fiat hour* Wor* «n tocai araa. apply Satom Nwtd qua^anv CoAaga ttjdams work pan lima school yaar and tytu.m* duhng vacation. iom« acrotarwp* and m tarnsr^p* ava.1 Can 345-0775. Shipping Clark. ERIC Claarlnghouta Prapa'a order* lor s^pptng ma UPS U S Mds and vanov* e«p*w** c A*s*l nce a required Wa wta tram «n use of software Mop bo to t>*i 50 *b* 15 20 tV* por Ok. 55-hr Preference given to *k»* study students and app cart* Who can wcxfc some monvng hour* D*op off resume and retor«r.cws ai ERIC Clearinghouse. Rm 102 Agatu Ii**! Appear** selected deni as com put or ha/dwar a^*ok war a specials! Dove com put or mermen anas **i»* >n hardware and software 55 50 par hour Ca« Janice ai 656 5414 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Cozy thing lad cottaga tot bedroom, toncsd yard, cosh to campus, no smoking or pat* M3 9564 225 APTS DUPLEXES Jenningsi Co FIRTREE APTS 1149 Farry Straat 2 bdrm unfl* m coded entry budding dose to campus Balcony laundry taokty Coverud paring available 5470 Cai» lor showing. 663 4219 Jan rungs ♦ Co. 643-42tfl /WAU.owmr\ r C»Of?WO»D 1 DAY 3 CLUES 11 ACROSS WALtOWfFN Katherine 9 ACROSS Flying mammal Redwood Park Apts. (juiet. Country Living With City Conv*nt*tu?m Unlurnl*h«d 1 Bdrm 4*45. (tlAfting Nov I) Low UltKtwt-On Bualma f qutppad Waqjht Room. Spa Wood Park 4 Playground Laundry Factiitiaa Alao f umiahvd tultaa Studio 1 4 2 U H 4600 lo 4475 individually Oacoratad Compiataty Fuirviahad Evarythmg From Cab* a TV to Ltnana For Bad. Bath 4 Kitchan On Sita Managamant Taam 4103 W. lath 4643775 WHAT A DEAL! Ail ui«** tMu» caUM> imga 1 BeO'Oom (ipaikkng cwani BiigM v V4i!> C.'MU' -oca! on HI 1040 Fony Si Can «tH 7*41 225 APTS DUPLEXES Campua Apartmanta Fufm»h«4 142 Owboomi Fa8 rtftt *3731450 4952923 Claan qu*at i Dadroom ap* r» *1.^ OOOdiDO^ 1 &i* 10 UOfO COvwnal parting, iwundry, 444 4tC3__ fkKWI for rant Non 1 twoc* toot* kSttmrf 1?2S. PAY 1*3 344 »;m _ _ 1140 IYWL Ouw* -*rgw 1 bd'^ upat*** Vary r*ca tongM. OW poring $435 *1 3 add pvwn Avan- 11/3 >43 34*M 1 81 apt orwy 1 p*OCfc 50 K'igM Sfe. k*n. prfytttl parking laundry A»a. Od 19 g« <«*i o» OCT FREE USC-mo on «,%•*« ihry Owe 31 (rwnwwaWwi 68’ oea« Mb E 19th 1 Dwd^oom laundry Paflung 1350 11|7 W 9th 1 tNKtroom Parking l?dC 932 W Broadway 1 bodroom 1223 Indudwa wrt-i SPRINGE £10 120 F SUaat 1 bworoom l aundry Parking 1320 152 South 53rd Qu*a *ma« boddtng. ? Wrm* 1390 319 C Straal 1 omJraom laurxJry 1300 No pata Shown by appomunant SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10th 194 1130 EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS Call 346-4343 240 QUADS FALL RATES 1209 Wain 10 campus t»om \nm* rmw'y u quad* • pftvaut I mranco * * Escaiftnt ioc*»?o4'' * Sftaro &®f\4i4cf'«f' * Df»v* Dy 1 750 HUyaft) Hoai C»mt» Ncm^wi 3*3 4iw 245 ROOMS NmI, fton imolmg rooovnastt mv* «d. CWl Ai«n Of RACfifl 6M)4U9 'Of ___ Room* lof r*n1 tn UktH/kkM 11 Sod room hou»« On* 0*ooa from campu* 715 E Ifilh. 90 3 &Orm dpi Cafl 6&3 2110 Of 461 Q19B_ 1862 Kincaid CxMin uf\(urrvc*f54Kl 'oom v* txock from UO SNvm tutcnart, Dal* $190 mciuda* Ut M-4M lOw*»f aw SPYCl ASS ASSOCIATES 686-1130_S46 W 10th 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Shara Ig 3 IxJfm t;-M» !0 SChOO^tKA tttCWM. (*fit $160. a*t> 1^*3 UtUpm ??« 34/8 275 ELECTIONS Of agon Damocrata naad your ftkdlt* Volontaar lo halp alact Democrat* and win bach the Or agon Mouse Call Anna at 6*3 4$H _ WORK IN A WINNING CAMPAIGN! TONlE NAI HAN lor Si«?«i S*n*le cmftms 6d«6i66. tm *»i Cat raady lor ASOO • ElacUon V2" Oct 76 30th 280 MEETINGS UO Parent Town Maatinga Oct ?? 6 8 30 fa ftm EMU Nov 18 6 8 30 Fa Rm FMU Two Mowing* oOoul campus cnadcani *or tiudtm. lacui ly and stall pj/onts_ 285CLU8 SPORTS CYCLING CLUB MEETING TuO OCT TO C«a&r I fi« ?N*f« «fXl .TMM Or'* TAl K WON DO CtUO Moo W«Kj f f». ? Up™ i. Kw* 4? gy"*) Cwoiont iwwiYNH 295 ARTS & EMTERTAWMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th • 686-2458 OrtCOUMT IMOWI W «* M W«Unll »•»*70 0303. M-F, I 00 3 >0 FREE QUICKIES Brtrvg lh»* ad and purchaaa $20 or more in marchandift* and you M racaiva a fra* 30 mmut* adult vidao whua tuppiraa last! SWEET SENSATIONS 2727 WILLAMETTE J4S-5065 New A/cade-Nowellios 320 SERVICES Pregnant? 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ADVANCED ELECTROLYSIS Nu* oHwtng introductory Onicowni Yikr* ol »iui a/xj tuccm* MS-5770 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson ONC nus SIKV" tvtw txx, in m Nt IGWBOft WOOO GTMWS CAPPING ' h) Li f SET IS 1 V, HERE-'J CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS ■ i Uwmj'4 p#4cft* 5 St*nd«f 4»( * 8 Import#*: liOO 12 T 911HH typ* 14 (Wily Whil* rofa* 15 Htomjo $hnd« 16 M jU»f 17 R«*ch QO0I % QO*»%»»*» Inal 20 J Amtt 0«4ft P*M«004 23 S«rvwy 24 Mant 25 M*»l#d 28 M >?h*»v>n tw ftobbmi 29 A#«opu»n con 30 K'wgfjt 32 I «Wf»»r A 34 Birthday jM'iy 35 < '.»o#n 36 Mam 3 7 W a *.p % cow*w> 40 l 41 { nlhv*t ftltr 42 » i4g*(aff 47 Stopping 40 T on\tp *YP« 49 P44hlt4i 50 Ab*o Maty 51 Pal font/® th« mail DOWN 1 Sttl 4 maximum 2 Squ«4k 'UjuaMuif 3 M.»<1 iitOftoy • 4 Imp/ovtxl 5 *Budd#n h*ook%“ AUtt>0« 6 1)uik tot Grosbdfd 7 B»N Cbnlort, far OM 8 \ Im IttffO(UK 9 l y>* n 10 i 41X1 k>t% of U*f *<1 1 1 Uvk H«nny» ttipittlrvO 13 Pu*h Sotulkm Ian* 25 min p» IhllK t)\ 19 Vorrfiafrto 20 O U fenk 21 Giand %€dto 22 Cr*m»on T *.1« to# nho#1 23 Prot*. on lum aroa 25 Compin Kioto 14 26 Dutch Iro.lt 27 A-ittfi'4 »M 29 Sirn^lo 31 Cardan 33 (toianiti 34 Ghototolo sutalt tutu* 36 t Or na % half si*t«r 37 but 38 Roman 39 F nr.l 40 (Uwimp lionn 43 W".h 44 U.‘h 45 Pa nt 46 S»o*,la ICON The First Amendment: We've upheld this continually in your store for over 70 years. Not For Profit Status: We've upheld this, too continually in your store for over 70 years. Yqmt Student-Faculty-Staff-Owned University of Oregon Bookstore, Inc.