Men’s tennis wins three at home By Peter Allrey t metaio CorunOutcx The Oregon men's tennis train o|irnnl the season tins weekend with three non conference wins .it the eampus courts In a five-lcnm tournament that in< luded Hawaii. Idaho. II limns Stole and Portland, the Due ks showed great (lotenlial hv going undefeated oven the weekend On I’riduy afternoon Oregon registered a 5-2 win over Illi nois State. The Due ks' ton play er, Lear Klrner droppex) the? first sell to the! Ke.'dbirels' Stephen Boll. 1-6, but roared back to tukei the neext live) se.'ts (i d. li-4 (onieir (Christian Oolkr alsei had some problems in his match, dropping the first set to Sieve Mooku but later came on to get the win for the Ducks Sophomores Josh Prager and Dura Partovi. ami senior Rob Atkin also claimed wins for Or egon Saturday morning rains forced the Ducks' match wflh Idaho to be moved to the cov ered courts, but the change In scenery did not affect Oregon in a 4-2 win over the Vandals Kirner. Oclkc and Partovi all won in straight sets, and Prager struggled early In the match in his 4-(i. 7-5, h i win over Ida ho's Mark Hadley. Sunday the Ducks met their toughest test of the weekend squeaking by Hawaii 4-3 Ore gon received isirly wins In the doubles competition with con trtbulions from Klrner/Atkin and Partovi/Prager Kimcr suffered his first loss of the weekend, losing a tough match to the Rainbows' Chnnon Alton 2-0. 3-Ci Oregon roared back In the match, getting o key win from I’rager, who defeated Hawaii's filatr C’.ollls 7-5. 2-0. (i-4 The Dut-.ks sealed the vit - lory with Darn I’artovi's (>-4. 7-i» win over Mol H.msjurguns Idaho won two mulches over the weekend, and Hawaii went 2-2, losing to the Vandals and Oregon Portland went 1-1, healing Illinois Stale and losing to Hawaii, and Illinois Stale was win less The Ducks take two weeks off before traveling to San Jose on Oct 30 to play in the Kolnx Regional Championships. DUCKS Continued from Page 11 Ducks taking an curly lend. The Wildcats, who went 0-18 in conference play lust year, made it easy for the Ducks by committing eight attack er ror* in the gamu During game three. Oregon players' minds seemed more intent on making it to Aut/.en Stadium in time for the open ing kickoff rather than fin ishing off the Wildcats Ari zona outside hitters Chariln Johnson and Tiffany Josladt combined for si* consecutive kills to break open what hud been u close 5-4 game Ore gon did little to help its own cause, giving away the final three points of the game on blocking and attack errors Despite trying several blocking schemes. Arl/.omi had no answer for Warren in the fourth game, as she seem ingly scored at will In addi tion to her nine kills during the game, she also played ex tremely well on defense, re cording two solo blocks LaKeina Woods scored the fi nal three points for the Ducks, the final point coming on a service ace. Oregon head coach Gerry Gregory seemed pleased with the team’s play "Wo ployed some near per fect volleyball at times to day," Gregory said after the match "Wo had some un forced errors in game throe, but we kept hammering away and wo fought hard As for Stephanie Warren's perfor mance. I can't say enough; il was incredible." Oregon Daily Emerald Look today for clues to our Halloween Crossword contest! Ad* may he placed at Roum 300, |*MU (mam office) of UO bookstore. Main Moor Payment • All ad* must he pirpaid unless hilling ha* hern established Call 346-4543 for hilling arrangements • VISA/MC are accepted • A purchase order must accompany all University departmental ads Errors/Refunds Please check your ad! Ihc ODft will run a classified ad one additional day as a result of any typographical emir that changes the meaning of the ad. i( reported by I PM. 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Winona Iat>u k# u *n Anlibinabog (Ojtbwet Vail«• (r«ni lh» Whin Jarlh Hrwruilvn la White KartS, Minneoote siu te a gradual# of Harvard and hold# a MHW'l degree la rural afMni hum Anttovh Ctfteg* Currently. »h# t» the due* ter «*f lb# Hhu Unh land Hr*«>»«r) Pr*je*t and it well knew a* an environmental aOt*tet. In Har*h. la Duke vta.ted IS* I'nlvertily «f Oregon a* «m »f IS# keynote aprakrrt for (far |*Vj llnvifoomettlal la* t outer erwe. iailulu u pretwlkni «f the AbwIjJiml Women’* Nrlaeik Ih# Cm will avwvt talHikc In lambing two toumr» during IS# tpring terra «C M*\ von dating of a tefg# undergraduate (Uu te«UU*ely lilted "Indtgvneut ilwman KighU A Vttaaa'i hriprfUti" and a tnulltf graduate Kmlwr Uu»i«| «» lrdi(*rwe» rcvnombi Iht «n> »UI aite work »Hh th« Savage hkfnwreif and it# thair during wtater term IWJUl preparing far UOvht'l teaching do’ Iftg the tprittg, 1 h# (»TI pw*iUon may tx appointed ai a 2« HI tot ih# winter, a putts**# ter far the tpnng and ’« for th# < andutatr* ttoUd to enrolled a# a graduate etudeal at ito I alv«r»ity of Or#g»n la a field related la UIHrki'i (aurvea and taper Uw »o» h at anthropology. hbtery; edu («Um; environmental tludtee; geography, folklore and fth»* tiudwt. international Mud tea, pea*# ttwdiee. planning: pwMte polity and management. poiitkal wten.t. tu*ivt«gy, and women’# Sudtet- i andldate# tbouid Save a tiring inter tat in human righte luat. in dig# newt people and Hvtamut. and aemra'i laaura on an inte# national Mate- 1 hrj t how id aiaa patwn tlroag croan-cultural communkatton, orgpnirational, and wetting tkiti# Ihoae tatereated in applying ttoold auttmlt a current vita, Iwo tetter* of refer#**#, and a Wart rat; IndUaUng why you would Like I* work with Winona I a Huh# Application! ■Soutd to tubouited u lhe Office ml Inter no U«aui Aflairt. 221 John eon llaii taltenUun I ynn fcuflUtg, >44-21 h?) no later than November la, |f?2. Chocolate 2. a. " Italian o i? X Sodas 10 o _ on At The Espresso~Cart . r>*xt to Hamilton Dlntn* Contor Mon-Frl 6:30om-10pm Sot-Sun 9:30om-10pm Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU \3p$C0W-xa.vgtf :9b9 GOOPAFTERNOON f FIRST SfCRSWkf 0 BRS7HNBV Q\ 4- v\\ m GOOPAFimOON. I MXJU> UK£ mupoawon , C&CHCTSUMMl i * i\ HRST&a&iAPy, *£ha\c CONVfUV V 716H7£N OUR GRIP THE FWtTY&0&NO PUR&V TO ABOUT 60% OF tf/a&OURH- T GcVQ #&0N> \ A GOOP C0MRAPES6OZ- WHATT VW* THEM SHOttfHtM frANAME&OVJ