SATURDAY Continued from Page 11 led 17-0 "Thai blocked (Hint really killed us." Oregon linebacker Joe Farwoll said “It changed the momentum of the entire game " The momentum may hove been in Washington's favor, but the Huskies lost the momentum in the second half us Oregon drove down to the Husky 10 yard line in the third quarter But tin; "Oregon Jinx" pre vailed. O'Neil threw a bud puss in the end zone that was picked off by Husky cornerback Josh Moore. "It's been our theme all year." O'Neil said "Wo get the hall down there, and then we're unable to put points on the board." It's true the margin ol victory in Saturday's game will likely bo enough to keep the Huskies at No. 1, at least in the Associ ated I’ress poll But the statis tics for the game suggest that maybe the coach's poll is more accurate: Washington is not the best team in the country. Washington running back Napoleon Kaufman, who ran for 20H yards against California the week before, gained only ll! yards against the Ducks. tv* W* Many Husky Ians made the trip south to watch Washington beat the Ducks They were part ot a record crowd ot 47,612 at Autzon Stadium Saturday . .... _1 il.... itt.tfil {(til I wrugon i|uuiiefu*n s ... □•Noil throw for more yards than Washington i|unrlorbm ks Mark Brunoll and Billy Joe Ho bort, 202-177. The Ducks had the hall for 2'l minutes, and the Huskies had it ;ti minutes Washington had only two non? linn uuw ii’ uum \/i * It was tin' Huskies’ ability lo like advantage of the Ducks Tinny mistakes that proved the hffereni e in the game "Thny'ro a team linds s'uys to win." Brooks said 'They weren't overwhelming. they hud -4 .mil wi! Inn! three " High paints far thu Ducks wara tin- jMirfarmiimns of Whit tin mid Thompson Whittle run lor HU yurds an 13 curries, und Thompson hit nn Aulzen St.nil urn record 5ti-yiml fluid gaul ONE Continued Irom Page 11 than Washington's highly touted tandem ol Mark Bruncll unit Billv joe Hotierl The offensive linu. loured to mtvf only as a sit'vt' against the Washington defensive line, performed well. allow Ing only four sat ks Thu Oregon defense was able to contain elusive W ash ington running ha* k Napo leon Kaufman Although Kaufman finished with ltl yards anti stored a touch down. he averaged only i It yards per carry Known as a big-plav man, Kaufman had only two runs ol more than 10 yards l-'urwell saitl that the Hus kies have risen lo the top by playing a methodical brand of football ''They’re robotic, mat lout' like players." larwcll saitl "It’s not sti milt h that they’re conservative, because they do play an king style of defense, but they lust avoid mistakes Washington will likely re main No I. lull the Huskies should be ihtinklul that no Oregon player gels a vole in the polls Bongos & Congos Hand Drums Drum Lessons Music city 210 t 17!h (at P#art) tug*n« flA/UNDFRLAND I c VIDEO Fgames MhSTREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 r :~ z VIDEO ADVENTURE 1 VALLEY RIVER PLA2A je/ouui/uui/p1 Under New Management! Full Lunch Buffet Mua-Fri $4.75 Vegetarian Lunch lluffc: $4.25 Full Dinner Buffet Fri & Sal $7.*5 Vegetarian Dinner lluffet $*.*5 Live Classical Indian music weekends •Offer npirr* October JWl THE TAJ MAHAL Fir* Cutir* Ot InsJa 10th & Oak Si. Uocter Owrpark in Atoy 11-2 SO Suit lluiu V9 p.m l*ri s« OFF LINE by Rick Ball KOMAKCfc- UlNWA&e- FORM A DAMAtt CONTROL PANC.L- e . v K» 8. DERWENT PENCILS t FREE TECHNICAL TRAINING SEMINAR with Wendell Upchurch of Winsor & Newton MONDAY, OCT. 19th 3:00-5:00pm BY RESERVATION PLEASE! Space Is limited. Please register at Oregon Art Supply’s front counter. SAtf ENDS 10-25 72 r ^Supply 720 East i?i2f87 “ W K-wJJ,*'*-'Eugene fl-30-7.00 Mon - fh 1n Ln DL"Loina 12:00-5:30 Sua° 5:30 Sal 1 Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen you ?s.o?Lt > MAK£ ME 5o5 IT'S offyiovs -no '■ CoicK really 'gL-oNoe vs/Mite OaHBIS doW I P£FU$£ To QWft** To/OOR WWT£MSH(D ^lP£ALS'f=-£U// J Fine i 1)1 £>mt VAANT TO C>FffNj> AnVonE- I'LL GO CHANGE *ysH%T Hty! wHAT'S WITH W MCI5T , 5t tmiyfhio SMAGERy/S//