QUESTION: Why do you think voter turnout among college stu dents is so low'? “Because it takes extra time to register and it seems the difference you can make with one vote is so small." “Because a lot of people aren't interested in taking time to investi P P gate the issues and vote.” ‘We don't have a choice because we don't have a candidate. These people don t represent us." KRISTI MALEY senior, marketing and finance h general awareness and belief that the system doesn't work for voters and I inai your voie aoesn i really work.” MATT RUMBAUGH junior, architecture "Lack of interest. People are trying , to concen-f* trate on school and figure it makes no difference." MICHELLE PARKS junior, political science “Because they're struggling * against the sys tem and ij don't think I their vote • will do anything. SCOTT SHEA senior, poitical science ELI BABBS junior, fine arts RACHELLE SHERRIS freshman, film theater ET ALS MEETINGS VidnurnffM Student Anucialiun will hold a meeting on "Sharing K*|»n*n« o of Campus Servlc os" (umghi at 7 in the Smith Lounge (Walton Complex) For more information. cull 6»«Mt224 EMU Board of Director* will have a meeting today at 4 30 in the EMU Board Room For more Information, call 346 3720 Golden Key Honor Society mealing will be today at 3 in Academic Advicing. Oregon Kail For more Information, tali 344-2037 Black Student Union will have its fashion show meeting tonight at 6 in din HSU office For more information, call 3464370 Dean of Studenta Office will have a lesbian drop-In group on "Look Who'* on Campus" from 3 30 to 5 30 p m at 202 Cascade For more Information call 346-1142 or 346-3380 Student Insurgent will have a general interest meeting lomght at 7 in Cedar Room C of the EMU For mure information, call 146 J7]tt IJftivnnily of Oregon Womon'i Action Coalition will lake (L«e tonight at n to in (-edor Koom I) of the EMU Ilte event it sponsored by (.onrainoil University Worntii, tita Women's (enter end Student! For Choice For more information, cell 346 0646 lei in American end (enUnei Student Organisation will have a potter panel exhibit entitled "Seed* of Change SOU Years of Encounter and Exchange'' today from 1(J0 itn to S uo p rn in the Taylor Lounge For more information, call 346 1S76 KEUQON Fugene Unitarian Churih Mill have a discussion entitled "Alduut Huxley on Pascal" tonight et 7 in the hoi noma Center 1414 him aid St The Sight* of the hound la blew will have a diMLUMion on "The IHhl« and PoiiUtV tonight at 7 in Century Hoorn I) ol the F'MU {’or more information. call »4i 4u{4 fujp'nr HtRlil44311413 Sfuifenlt fur Cynthia W«u1 ?£ ^ Taranath- Music of India -SiuKlay. (October 18 . 8:00pm. • Beall Hal) ? * ? » ? ye?? cew 99*. 999\ 9-9-9* 9-99* 9-9-9-* 9-9-99■* 9999* 9999* 9-9-9-9< _____ 9-9-9-9-9^ir??&9-9-94 Oct 16 • 9 ^m* F trDoor Prize® rrFree sample® rWall Jump t rGrand Pri*«^ LodjtnD/T^J1■ _ . All Pepperidge l5°/o off Farms Oct 12-18 Pr0dUCfnfb call 346-43621 For more info c““ ‘ ~J4amDeskSwr^ fW TT1 S'T V W V W V V V V S' VV V VVV VVVVV V V V V V V OCT. 12 - 18 Agister TO VOTE Hurry Deadline is Tuesday Oct. 13th NOTARY PUBLIC g. Services available In the EMU Administration Office 9^ M101 • EMU • 346-3705 rTTTTTT VV V TV VTTVTVTTVTT VT see v « ** v v v v TT ?9999999999999999999 * *•**•**•* * *■* < ;■ * * * *•* **•*•* * * * * y ? ? « * **-« * ** * 9 ' 0 II FOOD t|2 SERVICE [H 99 '9 '9 9 emu. TRACK TOWN PIZZA comes to the E.M1J_ 6 INCH PIZZA only $2.95 Fountain Court Cafeteria FRESH BAKEPI 11 a.m. - 2 p m. daily GREAT “COFFEE CORNER” FRESH ROASTED COFFEES! AT THESE EMU LOCATIONS Breezeway, Fishbowl. Skylight, AAA Cafe Atrium Cafe. Mobile Vans. Enjoy!!!! its MS? ke ke k* MS-* ke k* \99 •-* f-9 '9 99 '9 <9 '9 •9 '9 >9 I «