i ro SOUND SYSTEMS CASH"! W* buy. MU* »nd ttKvwa VMS VCH't art} %immo* TNjmmon ! aoronq, "WOW s*y&n_ FHhar %'mfttc S.VIK-' CO. dual (>n)!t*l turn*. pwo. Infinity tpaaMvv fonxx* tsoc 060 8fuc», *#5 2902 175 INSTRU»«NTS CUuicil Guitar %' 75 Vantago mcinc guftor >?OC WoiA'xJ d^toi cX*ay and mor» mu**: «Qu»pmant 185 Oh#' Gtbaon Laa Paul Ciosvc. Me* w^gou hartJw&ra >785 4*10" tfNMtaK cab»n«t . >185 346 81?8 «vn»ngs ^ What Eugana mutic *n*iruclor has jommad with Hondo* and Nu 2 tniornaiorval hi!»*> John Shd'Woy 345 531? or 344 4 4 5? Gw4ar koyOoard, boss losoons 10/32 10/16 185 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two Convamant location* 768 E 13th 325 Wrilamatla (campus) (downtown) 343-1651 343-4717 BUYING HOURS 8-5. ftf-F 8 1.2 1, M f 8-2. Sat Smith Family Bookstor* EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS A gem of a deal! 205 OPPORTUNITIES GRAN IS SCHOLARSHIPS Personal!/ad com pul er search f fee into write Money For College, ?8W Willamette #111. Eugene OR 97405 Or call 342 6105 __ NON-TRAOmONAL STUDENTS A/e you a tow income student, or first generation (your parents did not graduate* from a four year coliege)7 Are you aider than average, or belong to an under represent ed group at the University7 If so. you may be eligible tor extra support (tutoring, counseling, art vising, advocacy, classes in writing, math, critical thinking) through the I ducaional Opportunities Program EOP slitl has some spaces ava.iabte Stop m 66 PIC tor information ana applications 210 HELP WANTED CRUISE SHIPS NOW MIRING Earn $2000 ♦ 'month ♦ world travel (Hawaii Maico the Caribbean, etc) Mokday. Summer and Career employment avail No oi p nec for employment program cal* 1 206 545 4155 ««t C6069 Earn $1500 WEEKLY mailing our orcuiars' Begin NOW' FREE packer SEYS. Dept 249. Bo« 4000. Cordova. TN 36018 4000 FREE HAIR CUTS. OCT 12-15! Models needed tor training class L censed hair stylist Precision Cult. 464 3143 RAISE A COOL $1000 IN JUST ONE WEEK! PLUS $1000 FOR THE MEMBER WHO CALLS! No obligation No cost You also get a FREE HEADPHONE RADIO just tor caHmg 1-800-932-0528, Ext. 65 GTF positions The ARCANEO Lab has one position beginning 14)6413 Must nave knowledge of UNIX. Network software. TCP. UONET. X windows. and back round «n Geographic Information Systems Out es involve maintaining SUN work station and X terminal configuration, serving as consultant to faculty and students, and trouWeahootmg hamware/software problems For fort her mio call Cafhieen laue 3464642. 346 2547. 9 PlC 2)0 HELP WANTED OVERSEAS JOBS WOO 2000 "to Summar Yaar round, a» courtnaa ax !i manaaga Program Coordinate# Position Announcamsnt Untvanuty Mousing M tha University ol Oragon « now aocaptmg uppicaions lo# tha position ol Program Coordinator Tr*s a hail lima position (.5 F TE). twelve month. tacufly poa4*on wflh ?fw rank ol Instructor Tha Program Coo#d«#uio# a raaportsi&ia to# a Broad ranga ol f am> ly I touting Community support programming and smgia grado4ia programming io irx^uda a vara#y ol community programs and mamaa mai support student acadamc sue cats, (amity growth and davuopmam. educational and recreational p#og#amm.ng Starting salary to# this position a $10,800 annually and include* at) regular (acuity benefits inciudirtg health retirement. and reduced tun ion A B aerators Degree « required to Da considered to# this position Pro*aasona» a«pa#>anr.a o# trammg m program dev*topme#'t. imptemerumQ out reach programming lor non traditional students And that# tamUias m a h«gha# education setting Other qua* lemons include experience «n supervision ol a multi cultural stall knowledge ol student devetopmem tnaory and-o# personnel adm ntstraion as ar os rmatrve Action (EQ/AA) institution 220 HOUSES FOR RENT J a (tom houM t IW, *7S0/too. t>,g yarn CUM IO imunory 9many wu school parking and Una andowt HK.I Can J42 1710 lot appouimort 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Houh f oi Rem Ivge t pedtoom, ftvdeood Soon v*J mrgm *on y«itt pal* naganaW. 2 Woe** to carnjhn «r>8 jo U»i' V4*imo J4J-41M Sm SSCTIOM 115 (or •11 your typing need* 225 APTS DUPLEXES Redwood Park Apt*. 0ul«i. Country Living With City CoaivaImcv Un Cieai locMion v ’ 0S0 ftry Si C*> 484 7441 Jennings -Co FIRTREE APTS 1140 Farry Straot 2 txdrm urwts m codad anlry 0w4id*ng ooaa JO cmmpus Barony laundry Jooirty Covorad porting a $A?0 CaH »□< mowing, 683-4219 Jannmgi • Co AAS-4211 WHAT AM I? • I larva human fly • I racovor loot pal*. «;vJ bring raw inarda logaihar • I Hnd opportunffw* for tfa»nad and act** mrnda • I am an tnda* of trends, a hartm gar of avant* • I am a groat mart.at of mtvkjmo and thing* ro find our wwa r / am SFF Si CTtON 320 534'! E 14ih 1 o«dioam» Ikunrtry 2*50 nchidM u(Man SPRINGFIELD 120 F SUM) 1 Dodroom l»ndry Parking 2320 122 South i>rt Ouiol unoD txnklng 2 DoOroom* 2300 Stt C Stfkot I oooioom loukVy 2300 Mo pou. Shown by •ppotnutoM MS W idth 226 1120 230 TOWNHOUSES CONDOS 2 bdfm lownhotno «ory «co. 4 mmuo mm to compuk A.oiikbo n 21 MU 2404 443 904/ 235 SUBLETS 1 Br gild jUMim. loundry. CDvarod porkng aval. 1 Mock from cavnpua. 2220. Co* 464 1640 240 QUADS Pvfvaia. qumi. aom to campua. K*n. utfl md $25S*nx>. Dap fiOO parting. MMtiry av»i Tao i«0 Ato«* Si 17 34&21&1 FAIL HATiS t?O0 War* k> campwa from tHcma 'ww?y »• furtwinad quad* * Pnv«# f nrranca * ' | *ca<*an< l aca!«Jo * * S^H lM«fVlUCfMK> * D«va Dy I ’SO FNyartf Hrmf l %* m« Nty»*w«mt 14 14’ ><) IE Jennings * Co CEDARWOOD QUADS ♦41 C inh 4 woe** 10 <3«mpu* Privat* rooms Ail UVtllTttS PAIO. on MO iaun Ory from *S»35 C*« NOW Mao JtWp«*a m Soul* Mrffi*. «OOdty fraftmg tK*% Mop* >n itotH o< hOu«a W O Ou«*< non *mo*«r pro fcvfmj > v> ui-r 6<*J 8-M6 Room for rant -o %q«ckka rxjm# V«i S*r» IliVfr Vim l A»y At**l to W*a potato ttop Non smoko* only $350 «nd uM t Wv MVJ 250 DORM CONTRACTS DORM CONTRACT tor urn ww> Don* Contract For Sal* 1)0 room « toonyn-^ent. Kwy CompMM C*>*a to UO. Good m*i ad cwttAm dorm Con tad M-«ur Iterator*] at 48*> MV 255 ROOMMATES WANTED To Shsta 4 batfroom now** non smoko*. /3S t 23*10 $t /Vmpfdap M2 2282 APARTMKNT HUNTING? Lrt mm d»«MWt Im ywr |wMtl 1 room tor U1 it 7 K S5* 0*0 yted-gardan apaca ctoaa to downtown $225 $133 dap • ** uN MS 0318 270 CHILD CARE arm school iwp m*w i » 1 dayvwk Ml*i o> cnwoa a an aaaal No amotuaa IWaa« m paaua 668 0/07 __ Sinai Wantad lor 1 cNid 7pm tarn )uaa f n. n*a*.i own uanaponalion 744 2403__ TNation High School Child Oa»a( ofmani Caniai. agaa J’n-4. o|an 7 30-5 30pm 7384478 r 1 ixi- chukchii i ( Him DHVH Ol'MUM I ( *NTH< i% now u pting cnrollincnf for the l‘W2*93 *ht»ol year Our hour* of operation are 7 V) a m to S V) |* n» with full time, morning or afternoon option* available We aut*|M ehiliin n krwiwn the age* of 2 ami (» IJtf lU IJSI| ( |III 1> IIAt IK M RATIO in a nationally rceogm/eej ciluvaf loiial letting*' I OK Mi >H1 INI OKMAI K)N AND A HHt X HI Kl PI I AM ( All C IU’R< Mill. hk;ii M HOOl 687-3414 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson I BP **l*t »u. WlKKtM&.'WCM. MCMDlD n*jst clones t*uc io ne r»3NT Of B€ CLASS AU 81 TMEKSt.L'fES * mt MO/Wtf IOC*.' WlftfcS * PltCfc Of CWM.K. HOWlHC. MtoJHD' fV£TH HUM). INK' IPS, rod. SMOH AMO TtVL IO0M. I. CAAN'N. HMt ivjcnto Hisar msiBiE' l __ UX utk' NON 1U TM MOBM'HOOD' wcswooom. TVCht P*«Nrs Wit ncxtBmG CNVR Hit ClASV ooooK.' 275 ELECTIONS Of*gon Dtmocrall n**d you* •**!»' VoJunl*** to h*^ •»•€« O*moct»t* •nd «nn back in* 0**gon Houh Call Ann* M U)4a>toa ia4»tw20 0303, M-E, 1 00 > 10 FREE QUICKIES Bring this ad and porch*** $20 or mor# in more hand it* and you l! racaiva a fraa 30 mlnuta adutf vdao whila auppJiaa last! SWEET SENSATIONS 2727 WILLAMETTE 345 5065 New Arcade-Novelties 320 SERVICES ADVANCED ElECTROt YSIS Now »!vjU*KM rf«fCXfuCtiyy d<*CCHi'»t iu&x Ot **>*« a/xJ *jOC«M 34* !>/70 Pr*gM*nl? Wotrt* hOtrtto »■! Aug ’ JUJ frd HwttrvA 804 WM 029 t m»t tntornot ui& 5v#V*g»o*a **>u ACNE A Nasty Four Letter Word If you had started on Clear Care Acne treatmonl 30 days ago you would be clear of Acne today For free samples, mforrruition on how Clear Caros topical medications work Call our Skin Care Information Line, (800) 435-3533. Run This Bookstore! Consider running for a position on the governing board for your UO Bookstore! The board is made up of UO students, faculty and classified staff members. A small fee is paid. Elections in the spring. We're happy to provide more information Upstairs in our Administrative Office.