Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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Continued from Page 7 *
' Little does Demit; know that
fate will soon force him to dis
associate with his spineless
character and perform an act of
bravery anti what some people
might call stupidity His oppor
tunity appears in the form of a
crashing airplane that just hap
pens to fall to earth less than
twenty yards in front of him
Reluctantly, Dernie trudges
through a muddy pond and
opens the jammed escape hatch,
saving the panicked passengers
from their certain doom
Dernie, thinking he's done his
good deed for the year, finds
himself walking away from the
carnal wreckage, but is soon
distracted by a little boy asking
for someone to save his dad
who he thinks is still in the
plane Dernie tries to convince
the kid to let the pros take care
of it, but the boy persists and
finally pleads, "Please sir Find
my dad." Even the anti-chrisl
would have a difficult time sav -
ing no to this kid
Dernie is unable to find the
father in the smoky confusion
(we later find out he wasn't
stuck m the plane at all), but is
able to save a few of the other
passengers, including a half
conscious television news
reporter named Gale Gayley
(Geena Davis). Thinking he
failed in saving the kid's pop,
he slithers out of the scene
However, Bernie’s small slip
up in personal ethics ends up to
be international news when
Gale, who's been in desperate
need of a "noble" and "inspira
tional" story, sensationalizes
him into a mystery hero: "The
Angel of Flight 104 ” Her net
work even comes up with a mil
lion dollar reward if the “mys
tery guy” agrees to come for
ward and give an interview.
News reporter Gale Gayley (Geena Davis) manhandles Bernle
LaPlante (Dustin Hottman) through a crowd in the new comedy Hero.
Bemie finally finds out about
the reward when it's too late: he
gets arrested seconds after he
hears about it on TV. in jail
Berme is forced to see another
person come forward to collect
the dough.
The fake hero is a homeless
man by the name of John
Bubber (Andy Garcia) Bernie
hitched a ride from John direct
ly after the plane crash and told
him the whole insane story
Little did he know how sane the
ta(p really was. John decides
that the money would be more
useful to him because be could
use the cash to help his fellow
Ironically, John actually starts
to become the real hern to all ot
America because he is the sym
bol that they want He is hum
ble (for a good reason), and
makes social comments urging
people to help the homeless
and other causes. Ho even v isits
a children's hospital and talks a
coma patient to reawaken The
man is a genuine inspiration to
But because John is truly a
virtuous man. he feels inner tor
ment for living a lie At one
point he has a marvelous oppor
tunity to get the action on with
Gale, but finds it unthinkable
because he knows the truth
Turn to HERO. Page 10
1225 Alder • 345-2434
Double Latte
with Scone
llAKi; RY & Calc
881 East 13th Avenue next to the UO Bookstore
Mon-Fn 7 30-9 00. Sat 8 00-6 00. Sun 8 00-3 00
■ Friday Night - October 9th
^ k Am inside the kowloon
m )/a1 restaurant • next to
^ ^ ^ autzen stadium
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EMU Cultural Forum Production