Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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People who4 like 10 mod perftomm. enjoy bring part of a family, an] appftiuie good huirw
General Meeting • Kultura Pilipinas • Philippines Student
Assoc. • Oct. 11. 1992. <«' 1 :(X) • KMU. Cedar Room C
Gat rtiulti. Advartisa In tha.
500 count, continuous sheet
Computer Paper
Reg 6*
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20# Bond, 81/2xll
Thru Oct 10th, 1992
Si for ‘MemBers-S tuden ts, ‘faculty & Staff
Continued from Page 1
znn Stadium
Dan Williams, vine president
for administration at the Uni
versity, said he needs more In
formation about the proposal
bcforo making any decision
about It.
The Emerald Empire Rail
road proposal would link Eu
gene and Springfield to outly
ing communities with narrow
gnu gn, steam-powered trains
and streetcars. Streetcars would
also run routes through down
town Eugene and Springfield.
Trolley cars served as Eu
gene's mass transit system dur
ing the early part of the con
tury. The last trolley was re
tired in 1927 after it no longer
made a profit for the Southern
Pacific Railroad.
Kay Robinson, president of
the Emerald Empire Railroad,
said tho nostalgic trains includ
ed in tho 1992 proposal will be
an Irresistiblo lure for tourists.
"It’s something that can
touch the little kid In every
body,” Robinson said. "There’s
something magical about
Neale Hyatt, assistant to
Commissioner Rust, said the
idea behind tho rail system is to
attract enough tourists to subsi
dize the daily costs of running
the streetcars.
"We'll draw people with the
old-fashioned steam engines
and the old-fashioned stroot
cars," Hyatt said. "Wo'll draw a
lot of people in so we can keep
the cost down for local pnoplo
According to the current
plan, steam trains would run
loops that spider out from Eu
gene to nearby towns. During
the past six months the plan
has boon endorsed by Creswoli,
Junction City. Veneta. Cottage
Grove and Springfield.
At its Sept. 30 meeting, the
Lane County Board of Commis
sioners voted 3-1 to endorse the
proposal But before trolley
cars can return, the proposal
must win the endorsement of
the city council.
However, after years of plan
ning, the city may bo sot on a
transportation system that
would ease automobile travel
with on expanded Ferry Street
Bridge Among the build op
tions being looked at are an
eight-lane Forry Street Bridge,
another automobile bridge over
the Willamette River and alter
native transportation systems.
Cost estimates for the Ferry
Street Bridgo proposals range
from S55 to SflO million.
County Commissioner Jack
Roberts, who voter! against en
dorsing tho rail system, said the
plan would divert resources
from other proposals.
"Right now we have have
more immediate concerns,"
Roberts said. "The reality is
that it will take funds away
from other projects."
No cost estimates have been
made for the rail proposal, but
Roberts said a feasibility study
alone could cost S250.000.
Roberts said there is not
enough information about tho
proposed rail system to pro
ceed. He also said other cities
have not had great success with
similar rail systems.
But according to the rail plan
summary, Lugene is particular
ly well-suited to a streetcar sys
tem because the city is still "in
its infancy,” and it will be rela
tively cheap to lay the neces
sary groundwork for streetcars.
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