Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued from Page 1
clists and motorists.
"In a lot of communities bike
laws are not enforced,” ho said,
"but here wo enforce them for
safely reasons because there are
so many bikes."
EPL) officers wrote a total of
370 citations in tho campus
area betwoen July 1. 1991 and
Sept. 30. 1992, according to po
lite records. Of those tickets,
238 were failure to stop at a
stop sign — a $50 tickot — and
98 were $40 citations for not
having a hoadlight after dark.
Tho law requires a bicycle to be
visible at 1,000 foot on a clear
The reason bicyclists get tick
ets, Saxon said, is bocauso
when people are on bikes they
do things they would never
think of doing in car. He said
the bike laws in Eugene are al
most exactly tho same os the
vehicle laws.
Saxon and Baker said they
are trying to inform students
about bike laws and safety.
For three day* at the ASUO
Street Faire last week, Saxon,
who sometimes rides a bike
when ho patrols the 13th Ave
nue area, fleldod questions at
an "Ask a Cop” booth. Ho esti
mated that ho answered more
than 1,000 questions dealing
with bike laws and bike theft.
Saxon and Baker said they
hope students understand the
bike laws so thoy don't have to
deal with the students in a neg
ative way.
“We don't want someono
who comes hero from a com
munity where bike laws are not
enforced to be surprised," Sax
on said. "Wo don’t want their
first contact with the police to
bo whon wn issue them a bike
Saxon said he is also trying
to warn students about the bike
theft problem.
The chances of a stolen bike
being returned ure greatly in
creased if the police know the
serial number, Saxon said. OPS
requires all bikes on campus to
be registered and tagged with a
University sticker.
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International Students Enrolled in
ASUO Health Insurance Program
The ASUO Health Insurance Program has
moved to the Student Health Center at 13th and
Agate Street. Please pick up your Student Health
Insurance brochure on the insurance information
table located in the main lobby of the Student
Health Center. This insurance brochure contains
the plan’s benefit information and the student
insurance identification card. You need this
information and the identification card to file
health insurance claims with the insurance
company. For information about health
insurance, please call 346-3702.