Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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4,000 students now
registered to vote
By Tammy Batey
Emerald Associate Editor
The ASUO passed the half
way mark Wednesday in its
goal of getting 8.000 Univer
sity students’*registered to
A b o u t 4,000 students,
nearly 25 percent of the stu
dent body, are now registered
to vote in the Nov. 3 election,
said Bobby Lee. AStJO presi
ASUO Vico President Kar
mon Fore said she was
pleased by the number of reg
istered students.
“It's important that stu
dents have a say in their gov
ernment, period." Font said.
About 15 University and
community groups have vol
unteered their time and ener
gy to helping with the
ASUO's annual voter regis
tration drive.
Thom Alberti, a staff mem
ber with Oregon
PoaceVVorks/Oreon Pac,
which participated in the reg
istration drive, said ho
thought the joint effort of the
groups helped got more poo
plo involved. Voting is an im
portant way for students to
make a change, he said.
"There aro two way* to
change the system," ho sold.
"One is outside the system
by tonring down tho systcrr
Tho othor is to change tho
system within it, and that's
the direction we've taken.”
OS!1 IRC Director Mutt
Aberbach said getting 4,000
students registered is an
'uimuing lent “ Most colleges
have goals of getting 20 per
cent of the student body reg
istered, he said
Student and community
groups working together to
register students is “absolute
ly" a goexi move, said Laura
Hitchcock, field coordinator
for the Lane County Commit
tee to Close Trojan
"It’s a wonderful way to
get people registered to vote
because that's our common
goal," sho said. "This elec
tion could bo made or broken
by University students."
ASUO's voter registration
drive has Included a rally
and visits to dorms and other
student housing. Students
have until 5 p.m on Oct 13
to register to vote. Out-of
state students can vote if they
re-register at their current Or
egon address.
Celebs to be
in Eugene
for vote rally
The ASUO has boon pushing
students for weeks to got regis
tonnl to vote, but push comes
to shove Tuesday when a rally
designed to Inspire students Is
set for 11:30 on the EMU East
In preparation for the rally,
people will moot to watch the
first presidential debate Sunday
and make signs Rally co-coor
dinator Do Adan said anyone is
Invited to attend the "sign-mak
ing party."
The group will !>egin to gath
er at 4 p.m at 1235 Willamette
St., the former site of the Jerry
Brown headquarters
Tuesday’s rally was designed
with the hope of getting more
students registered, Adan said,
and student groups will also
come out and table their politi
cal ideas. The Hollywood
Women’s Political Commlttoe.
which Adan said often aids stu
dent grass-roots groups, do
nated funds to help the rully.
On the bill for the rally Is the
Seattle nx:k bund The Posies.
Actors Dana Delaney (China
Beach). Andrew Shue (Melrose
Place) and Robert Patrick from
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
ant also scheduled to uppnar
The Portland hand Crazy 8’s
and Charles Dutton of TV’s Roc
may also be on hand.
"IliHMirtnii Ditaraily** it lha focus of •
Sunday meeting at 3 30 p m tn lha Temple
Bath Israel's Community Room The
Tempi© Barth Israel la located at 425 W 25th
Ave For more information, call 465-721®
A general internal meeting for Kullure
Pilipinaa and lha Philippine Student Union
it Sunday at 1 p m in Cedar Room C of the
EMI- For mow information call, 0®3-142V
A Student Projects board mawting it
tonight from 5 Ml to ft 30 in EMU (antury
Room E For more information, call
A (athulk mmktmm dinner for fraehmen
and new atudenta ia tonight at 6 30 at the
Newman Center's Dominican llouaa.
totaled on the comer of !®lh Avenue end
Veultud i CUik.
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"Tongues Untied"
Th£ Mek^iw
OJGMjri •DenuMOfcn^MvjSed • 4, SilV
Kmerald Suwet For morn information. call
343 7021
All are invited to the N*wm«» Club s
potluck Saturday night at fl For more
in lor mail on. cell 343-7021
The Fellowship of Kecom ilialuxi will
sponsor e "A Peacemaker » Response to the
l)CA~ Sunday The polite k begins at « p m
The program will follow at 7 p m For more
information, call 344-04*3
The Nights of the Roundtables will have
an hour's worth of discussion on "Values
Relative or Absolute’'" in (jsnturv Room C
today at 12 30 p m For mom information,
call 343 4014
The Weeley Founds I tun's fall retreat will
be Saturday and Sunday The group will
leave Eugene at 10 am Advanced
registration \% required For more
information, rail »4n 4«WH
An ecology colloquium featuring the
prediction* of live dynamic* of a poiygenn
character under directional selection I*
today at 1 Ml p m in 112 Willamette Mali
Headline hr auhmitung ht Ala to th*
Kmorald front dot*. KMU Suite WO. ta noon
the dav before puhlnatlon ht Ala run th*
pi mm bmfotv noon
Notice* of event* with a donation ot
adminion charg* will not he accepted
(jt/npu* event* and thorn m hedu/W noarmat
itia publication dale wtf/ he given priority
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grammar and ctyfe hi A/» run on a tpm m
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