Bookstore Veterans, youth a solid mix for men’s soccer By Peter Alfrey EmofakJ Coninbi/tof CLUB SPORTS Tho Club Sport* men's soccer loam will bo eager to Imprnvn on last mason's solid per formance with re luming players md a slow of tal onicxi newcomers. P layer-coach Andy Cogniar calls this year's team oven morn talented than last year's "But we have so many new playors that it will ixt a while until wo develop a team chem istry," ho said. Student Interest in the team has risen so sharply that Gagnier has had to make more cuts in tho lineup with each year. "We started with GO guys this season, but unfortunately I had to cut the list down to 19.” Gagnier said Last season. Oregon won nearly every game, with losses only to Portland State and Ore gon Stale. With this year's tal ented group, Cagnler said ho believes the Ducks have a good chance to win every game "Wo have some talented players that were olTered schol arships to Division 1 pro grams.” ho said, ‘'but our main problem is a lack of experience playing with each other." Oregon will play CCentral Ore gon and Boise State in a tourna ment In Bend this Sunday. Tho Ducks return to tho South Bank Field for a game against Port land State Oct. 14 and against Washington Stale Oct. 18. 3 MAJOR NORTHWEST RETAILERS CALL IT QUITS! THEIR GIGANTIC INVENTORIES HAVE ALL BEEN BROUGHT TO EUGENE FOR IMMEDIATE LIQUIDATION! i i PIONEER. SONY, SANYO. CRAIG, ALPINE & more! STARTING AT , SHERWOOD KENWOOD YA#HA BES SHARP & more1 mr JVC, SANYO. HITACHI, MITSUBISHI, YOUR CHOICE HOME STEREO SYSTEM HIGHSPEED ! DUB REG. $129 *79 ALPINE CAR STEREO 1 ONLY — AS IS MOO SHARP AUDIO EQUIPMENT RACK • GLASS DOOR • HE AVY outy CASTtHS Hum sons <$20 UNIOEN RADAR DETECTOR X ft K BAND SUPER HETERODYNE jag* $29" com GTE TOUCH TONE TELEPHONE $Q97 W (REF) PIONEER 1ZU wan CM AMP $12997 TRUCK SPEAKER BOXES • fUti > . OAOtO *A'- H MOO* I1 *S A TVrtt Tf MS • AVUTtONGHAOC * rwct *69 95 IN-DASH CAR CD PLATER • i *- v » V' *• REG 1399 95 $21995 “WALKMAN” j TYPE STEREOf CASSETTE \ WITH HEADPHONES r I STEREO I HEAD PHONES C-60 AUDIO CASSETTE TAPE 10 LIMIT SATELLITE DISH • MESH TYPE • NEW IN BOXES WAS 6 MM ONLY FORCED TO QUIT: • Video Audio Systems of Eugene • TV Stereo Marts of Seattle • A bankrupt chain of stereo stores in Southern Oregon Men hsnan* ot>jfio.e \1eaf#r| 4«tJ fro"’ O/**/ XOiirC-tS o>r*(fvc ta<1 t>y Vxiro Au