JOS OPPORTUNITIES Fmtmw ioptimion Junior ENGLISH MAJORS imerewad m earning croot wr«M Mom mg otnui requtremant* ond helping other*! Tor moro mlormohon comma mo Engmn ontco w i u plc GRANTS/SCHOLARSFOPS Person*! trod cxxnpuler search Free into woo lin) For College. 285? Wnomono • 111. Fwgano OR. 87405 Or COS 342 8105 Volunteer* needed lor FCV'AIOS Fin toucor Annual Auction Volunteer mooting ThuTOdey. October Bm. 7 p m . 5477 E Amaron Drive For trrtor mWion. 34? 5088. 345 4855 210 HELP WANTED • Aeroblca Inolructor: bench and low impact. • Mocintoeh compulor tutor: Pegemeker and other program* Apply cl Downtown Athletic Club, «M Willematta._ Available now- opportunity lor refiabia. mature undent lo earn room and board m now. first-da** student residence near UolO.i -800 950 0885 CRUISE SHIFTS NOW HIRING Earn 52000 ♦ /month ♦ wortt Iravel (Hawaii Manco. the Canbboan. ole) Holiday. Summer and Career employment avail No exp nee For employment program cal 1 206-545-4153 an C6069 Earn Hundred* or even thousands ol dollar* pan time each month marketing Melaleuca Phrameceutcal and person •I care product* Send name, addresi* and phone number to Melaleuca. 1*0 Box 987, Ontario. OR 97914 Tht* product eels mall, find out why! E»m 51500 WEEKLY mailing our or cubrv Begin NOW< FREE packer SEYS. Dept 249, Box 4000. Cordova. IN 38018-4000 FREE HAIR CUTS. OCT 12-15! Models needed kx training class Li censed ha» stylist Precision Cut*. 484 3143 university Housing at in* University ol Oregon it now accepting applications tor the poblion ot Program Coordinator This a halt ima position ( 5FTE). twelve morth, faculty post ion with tha rank ot Instructor Tha Program Coordinator a responsible tor a broad ranga of Family Housing Community auppon programming and tingle graduate programming lo include a variety oI community programs and mamas that auppon student academic success, lamily growth and development, educational, and recraalionai programming Starting salary tor this position a (10.800 annually and includes as regular tacuty Benefits including heath, ratirement. and reduced tution A Bachelors Degree a required 10 be conaOerad lor this position Pioiaesionaf eipenenca or training m program development. implementing out reach programming tor non tradrtonal students and thaw tamMs m a higher education setting Other quaakcatione nduOe as penance m supervision ol a multi cutu'ai stall, knowledge of student development theory anddr personnel administration, eaeroetng a leadership rota m a community setting, ms atwity to organize work. tha capacity to adapt loan ever Changing eon environment, and to work wad with a> workers, raetdanls. and the general pubic. H hired, the canddata must Be aMa lo obUbn an Oregon drivers kcanea Academic apptcatDn terms and additional mtermation are available Bom Unrversay Housing. Walton Com plea. Umveirwy ol Oregon. Eugane. 87403 Faa 348 4368 An Emptoymant Appkcalion and supptamaniat mlormauon moat be recanrad By Friday October 16. 18SB An Equal Opportunity. At Sr maliva Action (EOrAA) Inatumion to HELP WANTED OTF PotKm Tha Data Servtcaa Lab hae ona poaaton booming tOtS-W Moot have knowledge of UMX, tomaarwy w*h VAXYM6 ant SAS. ■■ penance working am large data Mia and 0 track tapaa Dutwe «n tdai managing and twapoanQ largo data Maa. and trouWashoarig hard warwaoAwara prodamo For torthar into cat CaiNoan Lauo 34*4642 34*;?547 PPLC AA.EOE GTF position. The ARC INFO Lae has ona ooaaon Oagmnmg t AM] Mum hava anowtadga of UNIX. Not work software. TCP. UONE T. X win dowt. and back round m Gwog-spn*: Informetion Syelem* Outaa «wotve maintaining SUN work station and X terminal confgunacn, larving aa con •uaant to lacuity and studenie. and troutiiaahooiing nardwareao&ware problem* For furtnar info can Cam loan laua 346 464? 346 2547. g PIC OVERSEAS JOSS *900 2000-mo Sommer. Year round an countnaa. an Said* f tea mb ante UC. PO Bo« V ORQ3 Corona Oal Mar CA B262S PROCRAMMERS-PC or MAC con tract wont. pervluH tuna work hero or a) noma Wrtta PROGRAMMER, PO Bor 2440. fugana OR, 9740? Soccer referee*. No aipenenc* nac aaaary Can Hal. 4»« 4576_ Tha ASUO Woman'* Canter * hu ing' Woman* Diversity tVador Salarida Co Director Apple a on* availaoia at me Woman* Canter Suita 3 EMU Aooticatton deadline Mon. Oct 12. SPM Work Study Pro toned AAtOf_ 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Houee For Rem large t bedroom, hardwood Haora and targe Font yard, pat* negotiable. 2 block* to campus, wm go taat' *450.-010 MS-4155. 1 Bdm houee 1647 E Peart, *750mio. big yard, doaa to laundry, grocery and icnoo! parking and lotaa window* NICE Cal 342-1710 tor appomtmenf 275 APTS DUPLEXES Campus Apartments Furnished. 112 Bedrooms. Fall rales liriPM 414 7423 J Bdrm apt lor rant Fantasia: Apt Mat than 1 t«t> Irom campus 715Vr E lain, *«96.rro w9 month Wsa 683 2110 large 1441 Ferry 19 1 bedroom in parr Hrepiacs. cabmen. range refrigerator eaparaie ctnrng room or study area, weal nan red and carpeted mira base mart stortge. no dogs *495 on lease through June BO Day* 864 3640 slier 4 and weekends 683 1610 2-alory penthouse. VERY SPECIAL, close 10 campus, am pro on sue para mg Parted lor 48 raaponarbia. renaOre persons $1490. mom h 343 1246 Redwood Park Apt*. • QuUt. Country Using With Clip Convenience Ualeralshed S Bdnll 1114, (al art mg Mov 1) low waaies-On BuaSne Equipped Weight Room, Spa Wood Park 1 Playground Laundry FaclMwa Alee Famished teller Studio. I »2M 140010 *474 Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV lo Linens For Bod. Bath 4 Kachan On Saa Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484 5775 2 bdrm, lumwnad. vary nrce. cov arad parking. *495 1200 Ferry 343 3318 _ Jennings Co FIRTREE APTS 1148 Ferry Street haca 2 bdrm units m coded entry budding close W campus Balcony, laundry lacMy Covered parking available F umrsnedAmtumiehed same pnca. *470 Can lor showing. 883 4219 Jennings • Co. _463-4211 225 APTS DUPLEXES WHAT A DEAL! M unwee prue cMtm large 1 mi loom japerkfeng dean) Bnflm apart mam 3456 Great location at 10VI ferry St Can 4IM ?4«i 314V, E. 14th 2 Cwdroomt Laundry |4S0 mc*uda« ut*M SPRINGFIELD 130 F Street 1 bedroom laundry Panting 1030 133 South Mrd Ootet anted buartmg 3 bedrooma 3300 US C Street t bedroom laundry 3304 Ns pels. Shown by appointment 143 W Idttt 444-11 JO 230 TOWNHOUSES CONDOS 2 bdrm tottnnouae. very moa. 5 mtnuta warn to oampu* Avwiaote ai 2 3 eeeka 3595 343 0037 235 SUBLETS I Bt quad uMittea. laundry covered perking aval. 1 brock kom campus. 3279 Call 484 1650 240 QUADS Private quwt. clove to campus, kirn. UM mci 322* mo. Dap 3'00. parking, laundry avail Tao. 1360 Aider St 47 3442151 -Taurus.™ “ Wa>k lo campua Irom tneee newly re turtkaned quad! • Private f ntranoe * • licanent location * • Snare batMmchen • Dnve by 1750 Muyard Real [ atate Nonnwtwt 343 4’09 Fum loom « dupiat m South Htat. wooday tatting. but ttopa in hunt oI houta. Wt) Qua*. nontmokar (v» larrad <2*>mo ♦ wun 6f» «34« tmarnallonal Studantt tWalcoma Room tor fan avail now mci 2 maaa t laundry. catM. doaa 10 campua 484 1009 Room lot rant m tpacioua noma. Val lay tbvar afaa Eaay aetata to taka palfvDua Hop Non tmoaaf only 8350 md ubl 688-2459 Room I of rant m labuioua old houaa Mata than 1 bw bom cam put, 715 E t«h <240rmo. mdudaa ai uM. mum tool Cat 683 2110 Room wan pnvaw bain, anranoa SE rvUa. quM raaalanuaf 50 rmnmaa morning chOdcafa *i atchanga kb ran -aduclon (230 wMU 687 2129 250 DORM CONTRACTS Don Contract For Salt Obi room wvoommma, Raay Compiaa. Cloaa «o UO. Goad miaad ctattat dorm Con tad Mka Hartford ai 485 7452 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Shaft 2 bdna, 2 ba wun lamala « Chaaa VMaga ft mat bom camput Smoking ok <315 a M, uH 484 5110 Te Shaft 4 badroom nouaa. non tmokar 715 E 22nd. a and an aipanarad carau dmar A grant capacity H» chaot a an «M No »mo*ar» Ftatarancas pwau aw 0707 Nanny Fun. craanva anabatic md> nduai naadM to cara k» 2 Boy» agaa 7 A 10 Aftarnoon* 2 30 3 30 MF.eatptal 6«/ »«33 or 344 6343 Smat Wan lad lor t cnaa 7pm tam toaafn, naad own trantponalon 744 2403____ Fhuraton High School Chad Dml opmam Cantar. agaa 2't-6, opan 7 305 30pm 726-M76 275 ELECTIONS Oregon Democrat# nood your #AUI#! Volunteer to he%> oloct Oomocrata and win bee# I ha Oregon Moum C«M Ann# at ***-4818 WORK m A WINNING CAMPAIGN! TOfflt NATHAN lor SiMn Senate Can Trod 688 6166. 686 Wi 280 MEETINGS Appearing on the U rj O CAMPUS fti tOO WMemetle on Sat Oct TO #t 2 pm, CT'iopty Aixtemeri poet and *u ibor Euei HamphtN f »um wUt be reeding from many wr*>ng*. m we# as dears srng wth fbe autherww the »m pad of Maaaura 9 and the OCA Free of charge! Watc# for cboi to tlw /fo/Joornre f/owwoW f wttMt (k1 ii II It's your ctuim* to win IUUow««a tr««ii gator*1 AZTEC, MAYA and INCA VIEWS of tna Sparaah mvaamn laciura By Or Staphama Wood (l aim Amancan Flatory proFaaaor m LIO) Tun Oct 13. Map* floom 600pm Spunaorad by tha Laim Amancan anci Canooaan Siudara Organdacri (ISA)_ no CAMPUS EVENTS 11 All A^es Welcome 6H7-2746 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson LOOK U0V4 iCWR tml flips ardjno I WONDER WtCK HUSKIES CONTROL TRAT I CAN SORT OF CVEWC.W *< B'JTT, but i oohv twin* \r COULD NtG&LE A TAIL MMM, WON STRANGE. ' m NEVER. KJiXA TWXfcuV ABOUT BUTT HUSClES _BEFORE SOME THIH6S OQHT NfcLD TIC THOUGHT PtOPtt Qvt new Cano* Snack on tna MWraca Ffl, Sal. Sun (noonr» ^ TWfert llujrrrv 'v rw iiiHi*. mU'gm 130 YlH'H ( ('O^Kl'TlOW OrT#nn Omih P.mrtmJd 3 lu* Day) rWEEl ? 00 pm «*h pan* tfttcut **jn lo k>iky* 1 BO MtC A pro««»n \ \R l \\\«.. ■ * 1S llt tL. 2« ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT BAD TRIP loo* t or TD» Nn tuuc Al l ixw iWcomCoo* Statm BAD !Flil> H No) HnponUM For low O) B'«n C«Mt BUNGEE Bridge Jump GroupRmhi am Cmuwmm Coll 1*031 S2Q-Q3a), M-f. HXM X) ART CINEMAS 492 E I3lh • 686-24SB DMK.OUKT SHOW* V Wo U W *Ao *.» «*«•" mm ) ft* 11 Ml lOO« roe 0*M MTV mM C 44.1*04* •* OCT l» WHAT f K4**«»e*G1 *aa * j» koMMie iui *>«.'*r* 1 Wmt.W onuoiet* O* ram Twe 0*WC To* S CUT RIDLEY scorrs BLADE RUNNER 4.44 14 11*4 Wood Mi formerly of J1W* <* now ouiiw) as W4*mene .Stynf*. 1374 W'Hdrnette, 4BS 4009_ Planned Parenthood for Map smear*. infraction checks. 0*rth control. pregnan cy teats and untested counseling 344 tM 11 _ Private help i>om (hands (roe prog nancy teet?ng f arty deled**' Can Btftruyht, MM**!.___ Professor wnhe* 10 house «4 Nov Aug 1993 (d fttatfn* 004 977 1029 f maK Interne* ojb Svf^Vtfgmta edu Need a apace to cat your a*”? Term Mental l ocher* *n ih# ( MU (4 per term. 1*> Key Deposit ( MU Mac Center CROSSWORD By Eugene Shtjft ACROSS 1 Handle c lurnvly 4 Tatet • Cook book aulhot llombauaf 12 Sunk* center DKii parov s coup 14 High lima* 1$ 1981 01rv*4 Newton John ht 17'Mo nopoly' can! 18 Morlat's partner 18 Chtl 21 •— the Irakis at* 22 It am com ponanl 28 Lass 29 Non Centite 30 Aclrass MacGtaw It Laava 32 Kratn dans vatacla 33 Thick kqwd 34 loom* (Oviforhor) 35 W«ol*p 36 Shoxn up 37 Mo>1*' board dangtor 36 Pooad 40 Moray 41 BoIiovm In 43 Coolmu uu» movo mont 40 Mod#!* 50 *Slar Wok* character 51 Mah pogg preco S3 Bran ooutco S3 Oata m tom# togr puj/lat 54 I adga 55 ! on lha DOWN 1 NYC Itiaatai V»» Joaaph 2 North Carolina counly 3 IMtmh 4 Oteyt lha photog $ Indiana 41 Mala • Artratt Hagan 7 "latuna* i ompoaai ■ I’ointar ■ Caviar 10 Larry's pa 11 Ado 16 Dark ala 20 Inlimidala 23 Tranquil Solution tlmo: 29 mint. 3S3 24 Sunburn isntndy 25 S*i tonal •mbai rlfimmih 24 Succumb. • la ths W*>*d Wach? Corn My Puich«« Moon shin* contain*! 32 High «p*xl p*ts*ng*i If amt 33 Hot* 35 Spaldown 34 Town n**f Mont*f*y 34 Mat* and lamala 34 Play tof lim* 42 T*nd th* hungry hogs 43 lacnmal drag 44 Fasl tty sis. lo» short 45 Panmsula Si 46 Schl*pp 47 Guitar's cousin 44 Sm 14 Across