Join Coach Joe Patemo in kicking off National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week. One of the toughest lessons legal age students have to learn isn't taught in a classroom. The lesson? How to become a responsible adult when it comes to drinking. y:*xli£x£ y. /..K.Ji Thar., why Tm so pleased to be associated with National" Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week This important program will take place October 18 through October 24 at over 3,000 colleges and universities. Sponsored in part by Anheuser Busch, NCAAW features activities and presentations that focus on the health and social issues legal age students face when they drink. It also suggests how students tan increase everyone's safety and enjoyment by using just a little common sense when they drink. And to me that's a lesson that should be learned at every college across the country. If you'd like to learn more about National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week and other programs Anheuser Busch supports to encourage responsible drinking, contact: Anheuser Busch, Inc., Department of Con sumer Awareness and Education, One Basch Place, SL Louis, MO 63118, or your local Anheuser Busch Distributor Friends Know When To Say When. <+ if. •